INET-md |
10/09/2024 |
GIEEMP Seminar | Vigo capital Lisboa: the decentralization of the Galician popular music as an example of dissensus
INET-md |
10/09/2024 |
Events | INET-md presents thematic line “Performatividades Digitais e Tecnológicas
INET-md |
27/08/2024 |
Events | International Colloquium "TransVariations" Explores Music Beyond the Limits of Time and Technology
INET-md |
26/08/2024 |
Defense of Doctoral Thesis | Maria Rosa Pampillo Retana
INET-md |
20/08/2024 |
GIED Seminar | Exploring Performing Arts through life stories: elements of a pedagogical method
INET-md |
09/07/2024 |
Events | 'Medeia' returns to the stage in July at the Paulo Quintela Theatre.
INET-md |
27/06/2024 |
Seminar | WeNature: What does it mean to play music in the wilderness?
INET-md |
27/06/2024 |
Book/CD Launch | Sonoro Mar – Diálogos Fonográficos entre Brasil e Portugal
INET-md |
27/06/2024 |
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | Adriano de Brito Pinheiro
INET-md |
20/06/2024 |
CPIA Seminar | Musical Composition and Performance with New Technologies
INET-md |
13/06/2024 |
Events | Sononautas: Criação comunitária para todas as infâncias
INET-md |
11/06/2024 |
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | António José de Carvalho Pereira
INET-md |
05/06/2024 |
Encounter | 5th Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
Andreia Parente |
05/06/2024 |
Concert | Momentum: Gestos e Estase
INET-md |
04/06/2024 |
Events | Música para ver
INET-md |
27/05/2024 |
Open lecture | Ethics in Ethnomusicology: Continuing the Conversation
INET-md |
27/05/2024 |
Event | 3rd Meeting on Music, Technology, and Research
INET-md |
24/05/2024 |
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | Marisa Alejandra Ponce de León Hernández
INET-md |
23/05/2024 |
Events | Falando sobre: Prática Instrumental no Ensino Superior
INET-md |
21/05/2024 |
Conference | Vargas, Salazar and the Fate of the Violas
INET-md |
17/05/2024 |
International Conference | NoiseFloor
INET-md |
13/05/2024 |
Seminar CPIA | Concert and communication with Michael Edwards
INET-md |
08/05/2024 |
GIEEMP Seminar | The Berlin and Vienna Phonogram Archives: Changing Approaches and Perspectives
INET-md |
30/04/2024 |
Festival | Causa Efeito'24: New Jazz at NOVA
INET-md |
30/04/2024 |
Festival | Campus Jazz 2024
INET-md |
29/04/2024 |
Workshop | Audio recording and editing: a practical approach
INET-md |
29/04/2024 |
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | Guerassim Voronkov
INET-md |
29/04/2024 |
Defense of Doctoral Thesis | Fernando Miguel Jalôto
INET-md |
17/04/2024 |
Events | Falando sobre: Dialogia e Corpomusicalidades
INET-md |
16/04/2024 |
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | Éric Lana
INET-md |
16/04/2024 |
Permanent Seminar CPIA | Sound as Matter: Computation in Music Creation and Performance
INET-md |
11/04/2024 |
Events |"Vamos Falar de Voz!" seminar
INET-md |
04/04/2024 |
Events | Falando sobre: Inmersión, exploración de métodos y proyectos de investigación centrados en el patrimonio musical regional valenciano
INET-md |
03/04/2024 |
Permanent Seminar CPIA | IRIN: composition tool
INET-md |
27/03/2024 |
Permanent Seminar CPIA | Sound: choreographies of perception
INET-md |
26/03/2024 |
Events | Traces of Listening: Field Listening & Recording workshop
INET-md |
19/03/2024 |
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | Cristina Ioan
INET-md |
11/03/2024 |
LA:b Workshop | Rhythm and Body with Michael Siefke
INET-md |
08/03/2024 |
Events | Henrique Portovedo on tour in the UK
INET-md |
05/03/2024 |
News | Gustavo Afonso is part of the Medeia collective
INET-md |
03/01/2024 |
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | Fausto Lessa Fernandes Pizzol
INET-md |
20/12/2023 |
Specialized seminar | Creation and performance practices II
INET-md |
18/12/2023 |
Concert | Momentum: OpenSpace 5m2
INET-md |
12/12/2023 |
Concert | Live premiere of the album "Massaiá" Vol. I
INET-md |
11/12/2023 |
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | Lucas André Wink
INET-md |
07/12/2023 |
Roundtable | The living voice of music archives
INET-md |
30/11/2023 |
GIEEMP Seminar | Africanness in Action: Essentialism and Musical Imaginations in Brazil
INET-md |
29/11/2023 |
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | Camilla dos Santos Silva
INET-md |
22/11/2023 |
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | Samuel de Freitas Barros Neto
INET-md |
17/11/2023 |
CPIA Permanent Symposium | “Guitarra inédita: novas obras e arranjos para guitarra” concert
INET-md |
17/11/2023 |
Exhibition | Zés P´reiras Nacionais de Fragoso: sounds of relationships and affection
INET-md |
12/11/2023 |
Talk | Understanding the body discourse in the context of dance in India
Andreia Parente |
10/11/2023 |
Events | Workshop and Seminar on music and academic writing
Andreia Parente |
09/11/2023 |
CPIA Permanent Symposium | november events
INET-md |
08/11/2023 |
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | Ana Margarida Brito Cardoso
INET-md |
05/11/2023 |
International Congress | SIBE 2023 "A la escucha de nuestro presente: una cartografía de las culturas musicales en el siglo XXI"
INET-md |
02/11/2023 |
Training session | Data protection and research | Fernando Batista
INET-md |
29/10/2023 |
GIEEMP Seminar | Songbooks in Goa: Cultural representations from colonial to digital
INET-md |
18/10/2023 |
Autumn School 2023 | Cartographies of the Present: Exploring music education in a changing society
INET-md |
17/10/2023 |
LA:b Workshop | A phenomenological approach to musicians body self-awareness
INET-md |
17/10/2023 |
Online Symposium | TradiMus 2023 "Music traditions in the 21st century: new practices, contexts and challenges"
INET-md |
11/10/2023 |
International Conference | Encontro Português: Conference on Music and the State
INET-md |
04/10/2023 |
GIEEMP Seminar | Expressive culture on the Portuguese-Spanish border: sociocultural transformation processes, musical agents, and practices of identity construction
INET-md |
20/09/2023 |
CEEMP | Fado from Goa
INET-md |
08/07/2023 |
V FMH Study Days - Dança & Complexidade
INET-md |
21/06/2023 |
Internacional Seminar | Postcolonial Airliners as Cultural Mediators | Corporate Branding and Cultural Governance in Transnational Contexts
INET-md |
19/06/2023 |
Workshop | Inclusive Music Education: technologies for access to music learning
INET-md |
15/06/2023 |
GIEHCM Seminar | CD Launch: "Concerti Grossi - António Pereira da Costa".
INET-md |
09/06/2023 |
Encounter | 4th Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
INET-md |
09/06/2023 |
Conference | Práticas artísticas e a inclusão de refugiados e migrantes na Europa
INET-md |
09/06/2023 |
Conference | Protest Song Meeting - Protest Song in Ibero-America
INET-md |
07/06/2023 |
Concert | “Des/encontros” by Borealis Ensemble
INET-md |
05/06/2023 |
GIEHCM Seminar | The Musical Direction of the Royal Chamber of Fernando VII (1814-1833)
INET-md |
05/06/2023 |
GIEHCM Seminar | Erik Satie and the "Six"
INET-md |
27/05/2023 |
V INET-md Forum - INET-md: Present and Future
INET-md |
16/05/2023 |
GIEHCM Seminar | Safeguard, Organization and Dissemination of Musical Heritage
INET-md |
15/05/2023 |
MIMC Seminar | Professor CHEN Jen-yen - The Sounds of Western Others and Their Chinese Listeners in the Guangdong Province Region
INET-md |
09/05/2023 |
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 6th edition
INET-md |
06/05/2023 |
6th Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
INET-md |
27/04/2023 |
GIEHCM Seminar | Music Collectors: From the 18th Century Court to the Private Salons of the 20th century
INET-md |
28/02/2023 |
Workshop | Lisbon's Fado
INET-md |
01/12/2022 |
International Forum | Post-ip'22 - 6th International Forum for Postgraduate Studies in Music and Dance
INET-md |
10/11/2022 |
EnIM 22 | XI Meeting on Music Research
INET-md |
31/10/2022 |
Call for Works - Flute Ensambles Across Europe
INET-md |
20/10/2022 |
Colloquium | Ouvir de olhos abertos: Música e Política em Portugal no Século XX
INET-md |
12/10/2022 |
Acácio Piedade - Composição Transcultural
INET-md |
01/10/2022 |
Radio Show | Giro 78: viagens sonoras em goma-laca
INET-md |
21/09/2022 |
International Symposium | REACT Symposium: Reflective and Critical Approaches to Teaching and Learning of Music Performance
INET-md |
16/09/2022 |
Conference | Encontro da Canção de Protesto
INET-md |
22/07/2022 |
Conference | 46th ICTM World Conference
INET-md |
09/06/2022 |
Conference | Music as a profession: status, careers and organizations (18th-20th centuries)
INET-md |
19/05/2022 |
Aula Aberta | Processos motivacionais e autorregulação na prática musical instrumental
INET-md |
12/05/2022 |
Eurovisions Series | Back from Eurovision
INET-md |
10/05/2022 |
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 5th edition
INET-md |
06/05/2022 |
5th Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
INET-md |
29/04/2022 |
Conferência | The Eight Sounds: Material, Colour, and Repertoire of the Chinese Instruments
INET-md |
18/03/2022 |
Seminário | Músicos Profissionais Na 1ª República: Dos Conservatório e Dos Teatros aos Clubes e Animatógrafos
INET-md |
23/01/2022 |
Encounter | 3rd Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
INET-md |
20/01/2022 |
Aula Aberta | Música, História da Música, ou Musicologia? Uma Mudança de Paradigma para os Professores do Séc. XXI
INET-md |
17/01/2022 |
New Year's Course | Music Culture
INET-md |
13/01/2022 |
Aula Aberta | A Invenção da Tonalidade: Além do dualismo entre Natureza e Cultura
INET-md |
13/01/2022 |
Open Class | The Invention of Tonality: Beyond the Nature/Culture dualism
INET-md |
16/12/2021 |
Conference | Rethinking the historical development of Haitian culture and religion from an Afro-Iberian perspective: The case of the Rara
INET-md |
15/12/2021 |
Seminar | From Colonial War to Independence: Being a Musician in the Portuguese State of India, Angola and Mozambique
INET-md |
13/12/2021 |
CEEMP | Carnival as the Theory and Practice of Activism in the Alternative Fanfare Movement in Rio de Janeiro
INET-md |
09/12/2021 |
Palestra / Conference | Cultivating Compassion: Practices and Processes of Music-Making for Personal and Social Growth Inside and Outside Prisons
INET-md |
06/12/2021 |
Seminar | 4th SIMM-seminar
INET-md |
30/11/2021 |
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression freeing the self through EDM festivals
INET-md |
23/11/2021 |
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression in dance
INET-md |
18/11/2021 |
Encounter | 2nd National University and Culture Meeting
INET-md |
16/11/2021 |
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression through metal studies
INET-md |
15/11/2021 |
Symposium | Listening to the tourist city: Tourism, sound environments and urban transformation
INET-md |
11/11/2021 |
Concert | Persian Music
INET-md |
11/11/2021 |
Concert | Quinteto de Sopros do Vale in Antena 2
INET-md |
09/11/2021 |
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression in Ibero-American symbolic imagery
INET-md |
02/11/2021 |
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression in gender and queer conditions
INET-md |
02/11/2021 |
Symposium | 6th SIMM-posium: The social and cultural commitment of the musician
INET-md |
26/10/2021 |
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression in postcolonial and local epistemology
INET-md |
23/10/2021 |
Release | Funaná, Raça e Masculinidade: uma Trajetória Colonial e Pós-colonial
INET-md |
21/10/2021 |
Talk | The role of the press in the construction of the voice of Amália Rodrigues (1939-1945)
INET-md |
20/10/2021 |
Congress | SIBE+21
INET-md |
19/10/2021 |
Seminar | Introduction to Music and Body: tradition and transgression in subject centered studies
INET-md |
19/10/2021 |
Seminar | Music and Body: Tradition and Transgression
INET-md |
16/10/2021 |
Concert | 100 years of OS FIDALGOS DA CASA MOURISCA
INET-md |
09/10/2021 |
Colloquium | Prevention, Access and Uses: crossed views on sounds and popular musical instruments in a museological context
INET-md |
02/10/2021 |
Meeting | IV ÀCORDA
INET-md |
02/10/2021 |
Symposium | On the Music of Carnival
INET-md |
18/09/2021 |
Palestra / Conference | Relações entre a música e aspetos não musicais da experiência humana: Audição, aulas, capacidade e desempenho
INET-md |
16/09/2021 |
International Conference | IC CIPEM 2021: Perspectives in Psychology of Music and Music Education
INET-md |
10/07/2021 |
Concert | Heroic songs and poetry of neo-realism
INET-md |
10/07/2021 |
Concert | Something is about to happen
INET-md |
09/07/2021 |
Release | A imprensa como fonte para a história da interpretação musical
INET-md |
25/06/2021 |
Conference | Gilles Deleuze and Music
INET-md |
22/06/2021 |
Colloquium | Independent Music Labels: Histories, Practices and Values
INET-md |
16/06/2021 |
Follow up Sessions | #1
INET-md |
29/05/2021 |
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 4th edition
INET-md |
20/05/2021 |
International Symposium | HELP-MD: The Healing and Emotional Power of Music and Dance
INET-md |
13/05/2021 |
Aula Aberta | Aprendizagem musical e desenvolvimento infantil: uma conversa sobre os estudos de transferência cognitiva
INET-md |
07/05/2021 |
Cycle of Conversations | To the sound of the viola: Dialogues on collaboration dynamics between viola players and builders in the construction of Portuguese wire violas
INET-md |
06/05/2021 |
International Symposium | ISMA'21: The media in the construction of the Portuguese Empire and Modern Nations
INET-md |
28/04/2021 |
Seminar | Women and music: from precursors to professionals
INET-md |
19/04/2021 |
IC CIPEM 2021: Perspectives in Psychology of Music and Music Education
INET-md |
17/04/2021 |
Talking about | the place of experimentation and creation in Specialized Artistic Education in Music
INET-md |
10/04/2021 |
Roundtable | Wire violas and violists: certification, protection of intellectual property and innovation
INET-md |
24/03/2021 |
Seminar | Social status and professional paths in performing arts (18th-19th centuries): actors, dancers and musicians
INET-md |
13/03/2021 |
Colloquium | Ecosonorities of popular music in Portugal in the 21st century
INET-md |
06/03/2021 |
Workshop | PureData + Loop Station
INET-md |
24/02/2021 |
Seminar | Models and training paths of professional musicians active in Lisbon between the second half of the 18th century and the beginning of the 20th century
INET-md |
20/02/2021 |
YouTube channel | +Q Intérpretes
INET-md |
20/02/2021 |
Roundtable | A Latin American Dialogue for Social Inclusion: Community Musics, Ethnicities, and Identities
INET-md |
28/01/2021 |
Roundtable | Recorded traditional music: talking to independent publishers
INET-md |
26/01/2021 |
Seminar | The socio-professional condition of Portuguese musicians during the Estado Novo period
INET-md |
23/01/2021 |
Encounter | 2nd Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
INET-md |
12/01/2021 |
Symposium | 5th SIMM-posium
INET-md |
19/11/2020 |
EnIM 21 | X Meeting on Music Research
INET-md |
19/11/2020 |
Premiere | "Paluí está aqui?" a journey through sound stories that the Portuguese language tell
INET-md |
02/11/2020 |
Talk-ip | Socio-educational and emotional implications in components of Children Choirs and Music Bands: A Case Study
INET-md |
31/10/2020 |
Talk-ip | When the drum has a voice. The sounds and language of the Yoruba drums of Nigeria
INET-md |
22/10/2020 |
Aula Aberta | La Creación Musical como Base del Aprendizage Musical: Um Enfoque Creativo y Multidisciplinar
INET-md |
12/09/2020 |
Concerts | Finding Music and History in the Santa Maria da Feira's "coretos"
INET-md |
08/07/2020 |
Summer School | Memory, Music and Resistance
INET-md |
07/07/2020 |
Summer School | 18th Century Lisbon Musical Itineraries
INET-md |
26/05/2020 |
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 3rd edition
INET-md |
11/03/2020 |
Concert | Assim devera eu ser
INET-md |
05/03/2020 |
Seminar | Music, healing and emotion among the Wana people: a brief introduction
INET-md |
04/03/2020 |
Exhibition | Voices by Leonel Moura
INET-md |
04/03/2020 |
Talk-ip | Archivo 8 Bajos: accordion and bandoneon traditional music collection from the North of Uruguai
INET-md |
02/03/2020 |
Falando sobre | What We Can Learn from Listening to the Voices of Adolescent Musicians
INET-md |
28/02/2020 |
Colloquium | The Brazilian Choro: History, Development and Revival
INET-md |
26/02/2020 |
Conference | Music and liberalism: a musical life in Lisbon between 1820 and 1853
INET-md |
20/02/2020 |
Seminar | Archival principles applied to the collection and organization of documentary sources
INET-md |
19/02/2020 |
Workshop | Performative Reverberations in Portuguese-Brazilian Contemporary Dance - Lygia Clark and Helena Almeida
INET-md |
19/02/2020 |
Workshop | Urban Sound Mapping Practices. Analysing the city through cartographic listening
INET-md |
13/02/2020 |
Exhibition | Pharmácia Amália
INET-md |
13/02/2020 |
Concert | MOMENTUM: "dois rios", for cello and prepared piano
INET-md |
06/02/2020 |
Workshop | How to Stay Alive?
INET-md |
23/01/2020 |
Aula Aberta | Música e comunidade. Uma experiência de educação musical brasileira
INET-md |
21/01/2020 |
Release | Performative Practices Around the Animal
INET-md |
22/12/2019 |
Encounter | 1st Dance with Tradition Encounter: from the yard to the stage
INET-md |
17/12/2019 |
Concert | MOMENTUM: Perspectives in Sound Art
INET-md |
12/12/2019 |
International Seminar | Music in the Iberian Courts (18th-19th centuries): Performance Arts and Representation of Power
INET-md |
09/12/2019 |
Workshop | Body and Ritual
INET-md |
09/12/2019 |
Roundtable | Body and Ritual
INET-md |
07/12/2019 |
Colloquium | The Mardi Gras Indians of New Orleans: an Afro-Iberian tradition?
INET-md |
05/12/2019 |
Exhibition | Vergílio Pereira: Itineraries of an ethnographer
INET-md |
04/12/2019 |
Concert | Xperimus Ensemble presents Double
INET-md |
02/12/2019 |
Conference | MOMENTUM: Illusiones III, for clarinet and accordion
INET-md |
02/12/2019 |
International Symposium | Musics in Africa: Listening to Mozambique
INET-md |
29/11/2019 |
Roundtable | Echoes: Technology, Sound and Public Performance in the City
INET-md |
28/11/2019 |
Colloquium | 1st International Colloquium on Percussion Research
INET-md |
27/11/2019 |
Workshop | Xperimus Open Lab workshop on improvisation
INET-md |
27/11/2019 |
Group reading | 'Sonic Agency' by Brandon LaBelle
INET-md |
26/11/2019 |
Colloquium | Caetano Veloso and the Asa da Palavra: censorship, exile and song
INET-md |
25/11/2019 |
Workshop | MEYES: Audio Storytelling Practices
INET-md |
21/11/2019 |
International Forum | Post-ip'19
INET-md |
18/11/2019 |
Roundtable | Pernambucan popular traditions as a form of resistance
INET-md |
18/11/2019 |
Roundtable | Fight for the neighborhood, protect the community. Maracatu “Leão de Ouro” and Mouraria Peoples’s March in dialogue
INET-md |
18/11/2019 |
Workshop | Loose Thud Maracatu "Leão de Ouro"
INET-md |
15/11/2019 |
Workshop | Spanish Baroque Dance Course and Castanets
INET-md |
15/11/2019 |
EnIM 19 | IX
INET-md |
15/11/2019 |
Colloquium | Listening to the Islamic Sublime between Morocco and France
INET-md |
10/11/2019 |
International Seminar | Music in the Iberian Courts (18th-19th centuries): Performance Arts and Representation of Power
INET-md |
04/11/2019 |
Conference | José Afonso and his work: a relevant cultural interest
INET-md |
31/10/2019 |
Aula Aberta | Music moves us: Tracing adaptations in the professional practice of musicians with chronic illness and injury
INET-md |
21/10/2019 |
Premiere | Original accompaniment composed for the movie A Rosa do Adro (1919)
INET-md |
17/10/2019 |
Baroque Festivals between the sacred and the profane: Europe and the Atlantic
INET-md |
10/10/2019 |
Conferência Internacional "Our music, our world: wind bands and local social life"
INET-md |
08/10/2019 |
Workshop | Audio Storytelling Practices. Recording, Preserving and Composing Stories
INET-md |
04/10/2019 |
Symposium | Culture and Sustainability
INET-md |
03/10/2019 |
International Conference | TCPM 2019
INET-md |
27/09/2019 |
Encontro da Canção de Protesto
INET-md |
12/07/2019 |
Dances and bodies in education... in Brazil?
INET-md |
01/07/2019 |
Exhibition | Rádio Con:vida
INET-md |
28/06/2019 |
International Conference "Hidden Archives, Hidden Practices: Debates about music-making"
INET-md |
22/06/2019 |
De não saber o que me espera: nos 90 anos de José Afonso
INET-md |
12/06/2019 |
IC CIPEM 2019 Challenges in Music Education
INET-md |
08/06/2019 |
IV FMH Study Days - Soundscape/ Bodyscape
INET-md |
06/06/2019 |
INET-md |
06/06/2019 |
International Workshop - Performing “New” Music: Ethnographies of Musical Creativities
INET-md |
30/05/2019 |
Entender a Marcação do Movimento a Partir da Dança e da Música
INET-md |
23/05/2019 |
Aula Aberta | Processos de aprendizagem em práticas musicais – notas para o trabalho docente
INET-md |
23/05/2019 |
Seminário Interdisciplinar - Geografias do Som. Audição, Soundmaking, Ressonância
INET-md |
20/05/2019 |
Music and Nationalism Today: Armenian Diaspora, ethnic conflict and nationalism
INET-md |
17/05/2019 |
Music and Nationalism Today: Symbolic Contestation
INET-md |
14/05/2019 |
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 2nd edition
INET-md |
08/05/2019 |
Music & Dance Education under the influences of cross-culture in Macau (2)
INET-md |
06/05/2019 |
Music and Nationalism Today: Norse mythology in popular music and culture
INET-md |
16/04/2019 |
Paluí está aqui? Histórias sonoras para cantos interiores
INET-md |
12/04/2019 |
Talk-ip!: Para uma compreensão do lugar da música nos eventos de recriação histórica em Portugal
INET-md |
11/04/2019 |
CEEMP Conference | Sri Lankan Baila: the Composer’s Musical Journeys
INET-md |
10/04/2019 |
22nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group Musical Instruments
INET-md |
04/04/2019 |
Music and Nationalism: popular culture and globalisation
INET-md |
22/03/2019 |
Finissage - Exposição "Orgulho Bairrista"
INET-md |
21/03/2019 |
Music and Nationalism: ethno-symbolism and heritage
INET-md |
19/03/2019 |
Call for Articles - IC CIPEM 2019
INET-md |
15/03/2019 |
Musical Interpretation as Hermeneutics of Music
INET-md |
15/03/2019 |
Modernisation of Musical Traditions: Global Perspectives
INET-md |
11/03/2019 |
Music and Nationalism:post-colonialism and emergent new states
INET-md |
07/03/2019 |
O Ruído Urbano: Aspetos Legais e Princípios Conceptuais
INET-md |
01/03/2019 |
Workshop | Musicoterapia e Necessidades Educativas Especiais
INET-md |
28/02/2019 |
Do Tejo ao Tibre: músicos e artistas portugueses em Roma no século XVIII
INET-md |
22/02/2019 |
Music and Nationalism: transition, historical remarks and popular culture
INET-md |
21/02/2019 |
Ciclo de Conferências - Escutar Lisboa
INET-md |
20/02/2019 |
International Conference Rome and Lisbon in the 18th century: music, visual arts and cultural transfers
INET-md |
15/02/2019 |
Talk-ip!: Choro contemporâneo: recursos e ferramentas para o processo criativo e performático
INET-md |
11/02/2019 |
Exposição "Orgulho bairrista"
INET-md |
08/02/2019 |
Talk-ip!: Malta do Norte: Um estudo etnográfico sobre a cena do Jazz portuense
INET-md |
30/01/2019 |
International Symposium | SOUNDS OF TOURISM
INET-md |
25/01/2019 |
Talk-ip!: A inclusão da performance na análise musical: uma perspectiva a partir da construção da sonoridade em peças para piano
INET-md |
24/01/2019 |
Métodos de análise qualitativa "Representações do Corpo e da Dança"
INET-md |
16/01/2019 |
Lançamento da Terpsicore - base de dados de Dança e Artes Performativas
INET-md |
07/01/2019 |
Dramaturgia e(m) Dança
INET-md |
06/12/2018 |
Sounds of Vacation: Political Economies of Caribbean Tourism
INET-md |
03/12/2018 |
Were palaeolithic cave paintings placed because of acoustic response?
INET-md |
30/11/2018 |
An overview of empirical research on planning instrumental execution
INET-md |
29/11/2018 |
Aspetos de construção dos instrumentos do quatuor
INET-md |
23/11/2018 |
Falando sobre: Práticas Artísticas e Inclusão Social
INET-md |
19/11/2018 |
Songs from Ceylon: collection of Portuguese Creole musics from South Asia
INET-md |
16/11/2018 |
Aspetos matemáticos em Debussy, Bartók e Xenakis
INET-md |
15/11/2018 |
International Conference | Rádio Con:vida
INET-md |
12/11/2018 |
1st LiveLoopists Meeting – The use of Live Looping in musical performance
INET-md |
07/11/2018 |
Music & Art: Teaching Together
INET-md |
26/10/2018 |
CIRC_ Ciclo de Recitais Conferência em Investigação Artística - Classic Guitar: de Villa-Lobos a Leo Brouwer
INET-md |
25/10/2018 |
Knowing what difference we are making: practical approaches to assessment in dance movement therapy (DMT)
INET-md |
22/10/2018 |
Domenico Scarlatti: Missed meetings of an illustrious contemporary of Nasoni
INET-md |
19/10/2018 |
Curso "Dança, Movimento e Terapia"
INET-md |
17/10/2018 |
Vamos xperimentar? | Opening party of the research project Xperimus
INET-md |
13/10/2018 |
Seminário "CIPEM - 20 anos de Investigação e Prática"
INET-md |
12/10/2018 |
Lição inaugural do Programa Doutoral em Música
INET-md |
10/10/2018 |
Ripe for Shredding: Interpreting popular meanings of cyber music practices
INET-md |
04/10/2018 |
Seminário Internacional Música nas Cortes Ibéricas (séculos XVIII-XIX): mecenato, repertórios, performance
INET-md |
27/08/2018 |
A Música nas Capelas Reais europeias setecentistas: da corte para a cidade
INET-md |
28/07/2018 |
'Hands on' Flute
INET-md |
30/06/2018 |
III FMH Study Days - Práticas Performativas em Torno d'O Animal
INET-md |
27/06/2018 |
2nd Symposium | ICTM Study Group "Audiovisual Ethnomusicology"
INET-md |
18/06/2018 |
Fórum Bragança em Música de Fundo
INET-md |
11/06/2018 |
Las canciones e himnos patrióticos en el mundo hispánico durante el siglo XIX. ¿Género revolucionario o gubernamental? Intercambio de textos entre los bandos en disputa
INET-md |
08/06/2018 |
Falando sobre: mentoring
INET-md |
29/05/2018 |
A interpretação do Brasil na composição para violão de 7 cordas
INET-md |
25/05/2018 |
Oficina Intensiva de Etnografia Audiovisual
INET-md |
24/05/2018 |
Narrative Videos by MA Students
INET-md |
24/05/2018 |
MELODRAMA: da interpretação à composição
INET-md |
23/05/2018 |
INET-md |
22/05/2018 |
MOMENTUM - Sons do Imaginário'18
INET-md |
20/05/2018 |
Conferência - Disrupting the Status Quo: Young musicians that create change
INET-md |
19/05/2018 |
3rd Research Symposium on Social Impact of Making Music (SIMM) 2018
INET-md |
18/05/2018 |
INET-md |
18/05/2018 |
Filming the music: the collaboration between a filmmaker and an ethnomusicologist
INET-md |
18/05/2018 |
Meyes - Music to our Eyes
INET-md |
18/05/2018 |
Addressing Human Rights Deficits of Urban Poverty through Music
INET-md |
17/05/2018 |
Aula Aberta | Understanding the concert experience: implications for research and artistic practice
INET-md |
14/05/2018 |
Understanding the concert experience: Implications for research and artistic practice
INET-md |
11/05/2018 |
Research Seminar - Edición crítica de música: estrategias para la recuperación del patrimonio musical histórico del Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales (ICCMU)
INET-md |
10/05/2018 |
Conferência Internacional Memória, Cultura e Devir - Estudos Aprofundados em Ciências Sociais
INET-md |
09/05/2018 |
Judith Ortega Rodríguez - Baile y música en la corte de Carlos III: el espectáculo hípico de “Las Parejas”
INET-md |
09/05/2018 |
3rd Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
INET-md |
09/05/2018 |
Chinese Music as Cross-Culture: Call for Papers
INET-md |
08/05/2018 |
Oficinas de Música | Chinese Musical Instruments
INET-md |
07/05/2018 |
Red Chamber Ensemble in Concert
INET-md |
07/05/2018 |
Red Chamber Ensemble
INET-md |
07/05/2018 |
Carnival Brass Bands in New Orleans and Rio de Janeiro: Disinheritance, Alternative Whiteness, and Musical Eclecticism
INET-md |
07/05/2018 |
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 1st edition | 2nd session
INET-md |
06/05/2018 |
4th Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
INET-md |
05/05/2018 |
A Presença do Texto na Dança e no Teatro Contemporâneos - Call For Papers
INET-md |
30/04/2018 |
Zofia Neugebauer - Oficina para Flautistas
INET-md |
24/04/2018 |
José Alberto Salgado - Para estudar o Trabalho Musical
INET-md |
19/04/2018 |
Colóquio Internacional de Estudos sobre Memórias, Sons e Textos: festas e representações, entre a subversão e a patrimonialização
INET-md |
13/04/2018 |
Antifascist legacies: musical memorializations of the WWII Resistenza in contemporary Italian popular music.
INET-md |
12/04/2018 |
Film "Il Nemico: un breviario partigiano"
INET-md |
12/04/2018 |
Seminar - O Som como meio e como forma de representação cultural: Reflexões a partir da Antropologia
INET-md |
11/04/2018 |
Seminar - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (5)
INET-md |
04/04/2018 |
Seminar - EAVOCZ: Escala de Apreciação da Voz Cantada
INET-md |
29/03/2018 |
Rupesh Gawas - Hindustani Music Workshops
INET-md |
19/03/2018 |
Work Session "Collaborative Knowledge and Dynamic Representation Networks"
INET-md |
15/03/2018 |
Falando sobre: o ensino de música popular
INET-md |
15/03/2018 |
Falando sobre Musicoterapia
INET-md |
15/03/2018 |
Seminar - Overview in Parametric Loudspeaker Array Technology and its Applications in Spacialisation in Electronic Music
INET-md |
15/03/2018 |
Fronteiras e Topografias do Poder
INET-md |
08/03/2018 |
Film "Strange Fish"
INET-md |
08/03/2018 |
Seminar - A gravação e reprodução em disco de Goma-Laca
INET-md |
01/03/2018 |
Seminar - Problemas de ressonância: alguns resultados matemáticos com aplicações em acústica
INET-md |
28/02/2018 |
Aula Aberta | Music, social class and elitism in the Oxford collegiate choral context
INET-md |
21/02/2018 |
Gathering Cycle - Música Pimba com Rosinha
INET-md |
20/02/2018 |
Seminar - Designing the Sonic Environment of a Film
INET-md |
19/02/2018 |
Técnicas de Captação e Gravação Sonora para Ciências Sociais
INET-md |
17/02/2018 |
International Conference | EUROVISIONS - 1st Edition | 1st Session
INET-md |
15/02/2018 |
Music and Nationalism
INET-md |
08/01/2018 |
Performance Musical como Investigação Artística
INET-md |
27/12/2017 |
Festival Dias de Música Electroacústica 56
INET-md |
15/12/2017 |
Workshop "Ethnographies of Musical Creativities"
INET-md |
14/12/2017 |
Documentary - Lopes Graça - 111.º aniversário - o compositor e o documentário
INET-md |
05/12/2017 |
Post-ip'17 - 4th International Forum for Postgraduate Studies in Music and Dance
INET-md |
05/12/2017 |
Post-ip: Call for Papers
INET-md |
16/11/2017 |
Workshop EAW'17 | "The Bucket System – a Computer Mediated Improvisation System"
INET-md |
15/11/2017 |
Workshop EAW'17 | "Observation of the Environment and Construction of the Landscape"
INET-md |
15/11/2017 |
Seminário - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (4)
INET-md |
15/11/2017 |
Seminário - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (6)
INET-md |
15/11/2017 |
Seminário - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (7)
INET-md |
15/11/2017 |
Masterclass - Improvisação para estudantes e músicos de formação erudita
INET-md |
14/11/2017 |
Workshop EAW'17 | "Audio Post-Production for Cinema"
INET-md |
13/11/2017 |
EAW 2017 - II International Conference Electroacoustic Winds
INET-md |
13/11/2017 |
Workshop EAW'17 | "Sound Particles: Presentation and Experimentation by the Author of the Software"
INET-md |
13/11/2017 |
Workshop EAW'17 | "Sing and Speak 4 Kids"
INET-md |
13/11/2017 |
Workshop EAW'17 | "MUSIDESIGN: Patterns in live performance"
INET-md |
13/11/2017 |
Márcia Ramos Oliveira - As cinebiografias musicais de Carmen Miranda e Amália Rodrigues: um projeto compartilhado
INET-md |
09/11/2017 |
Martin Clayton - Does Musical Entertainment vary with Culture?
INET-md |
06/11/2017 |
Luís Costa Vázquez - O Coralismo Galego como Proxección das Estratexias Nacionalitarias do Galeguismo
INET-md |
02/11/2017 |
Seminar - The Art of Memorizing Music
INET-md |
30/10/2017 |
Seminar - The Mafra Carillons
INET-md |
27/10/2017 |
'Hands on' Guitar
INET-md |
25/10/2017 |
Festival Dias de Música Electroacústica | The Soundscape We Live In
INET-md |
25/10/2017 |
Call for Papers - Invisible Republic: Music, Lettrism, Avant-Gardes | International Conference on Music, Avant-Gardes and Counterculture
INET-md |
16/10/2017 |
Seminar - The Influence of Piano Technician on the Aesthetic of Piano Sounds Through Practical Application
INET-md |
12/10/2017 |
Ciclo de Cinema - Music as Power 2017
INET-md |
12/10/2017 |
Study Days Maestro Manuel Ivo Cruz 2017
INET-md |
06/10/2017 |
Canções de Ida e Volta
INET-md |
29/09/2017 |
Event - Quinzena de Dança em Almada - International Dance Festival
INET-md |
30/08/2017 |
Summer Course - Fundamentais de acústica para a prática e a performance musical
INET-md |
28/08/2017 |
Summer Course - A Música nas Capelas Reais Europeias Setecentistas: da Corte para a Cidade
INET-md |
10/07/2017 |
Summer Course - História Oral, Usos da Memória e Práticas do Património
INET-md |
29/06/2017 |
Raúl Zurita - Violeta Parra: Doblada de Amor
INET-md |
09/06/2017 |
Barley Norton - Film Presentation: Hanoi Eclipse: The Music of Dai Lam Linh
INET-md |
08/06/2017 |
Aurélie Helmlinger - Cognitive Ethnomusicology of Trinidad and Tobago Steelbands: from the Study of Memory to the Musical Ergonomy
INET-md |
08/06/2017 |
Workshop "Filming as Musical Heritage"
INET-md |
07/06/2017 |
Judith Ortega Rodríguez - La música de Corte en España durante los reinados de Carlos III, Carlos IV y Fernando VII (1759 y 1833): instituciones, prácticas y repertorios
INET-md |
07/06/2017 |
Film "Hanoi Eclipse: The Music of Dai Lam Linh"
INET-md |
03/06/2017 |
II FMH Study Days - O Mestre Nu
INET-md |
19/05/2017 |
Giorgio Adamo - Some experiences of using video for documentation and analysis methodological and technical issues
INET-md |
18/05/2017 |
International Congress - A Imprensa como Fonte para a História da Interpretação Musical
INET-md |
10/05/2017 |
Roundtable | Research on Chinese Music
INET-md |
08/05/2017 |
2nd Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
INET-md |
05/05/2017 |
Meeting - Trés Claveles: Violeta Parra, Juan Manuel Serrat e Victor Jara
INET-md |
28/04/2017 |
Post-ip Workshops: Como desenhar e defender uma tese com o software Idea Puzzle
INET-md |
27/04/2017 |
Singing the Past - Music and the Politics of Memory
INET-md |
26/04/2017 |
Seminar - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (3)
INET-md |
20/04/2017 |
Study Day - Memória, Património e Devir: entre Futuros Passados e Tempos Inéditos
INET-md |
20/04/2017 |
Livia Jímenez Sedano - Reflexões sobre baile, cultura e emoção a partir dos desencontros na pista de kizomba
INET-md |
07/04/2017 |
Márcia Ramos de Oliveira - Breve esboço sobra a história do tempo presente: aproximações com a pesquisa em música
INET-md |
06/04/2017 |
Filippo Bonini Baraldi - O "corpo fechado" : dança, emoção e espiritualidade no Maracatu de baque solto
INET-md |
06/04/2017 |
Isabel Campelo - Within the recording studio | Alcina Cortez - Sound epistemologies in museums | Samuel Mund - Ethnomusicological Sound Archives
INET-md |
05/04/2017 |
Study Sessions and Colloquia - Music and Emotions
INET-md |
02/03/2017 |
Susana Belchior - Gramophone Acoustic Records: a Material Approach | Miguel Carvalho - Bell Design and Tuning Techniques Through the Ages | Pedro Castro - The Court Serenata in the Time of Queen Maria I
INET-md |
02/03/2017 |
Doctoral Forum 2017 | Program
INET-md |
15/02/2017 |
José Alberto Salgado - Para estudar o Trabalho Musical
INET-md |
09/02/2017 |
Educação Artística: Desafios para o século XXI
INET-md |
25/01/2017 |
Seminar - Corpo e imaginário na Cena Contemporânea
INET-md |
05/01/2017 |
Post-ip Workshops: 10 mitos sobre a cultura livre e o acesso aberto ao conhecimento
INET-md |
15/12/2016 |
Film Series - Music as Power
INET-md |
09/12/2016 |
IV INET-md Forum - Música, dança e humanidades digitais
INET-md |
09/12/2016 |
Beatriz Helena Furlanetto | Ana Paula Peters - Tradições que cruzam o Atlântico: Boi-de-mamão e Rodas e choro paranenses
INET-md |
06/12/2016 |
Samuel Araújo - Música e Justiça Social
INET-md |
26/11/2016 |
Alex Duarte - Explorando a loop station: o uso do live looping em performance musical
INET-md |
25/11/2016 |
Novas grandezas que já pareciam impossíveis à imaginação”: a música e as artes visuais na Patriarcal de Lisboa (1716-1834)
INET-md |
24/11/2016 |
A assinatura sonora de um corpo em movimento: cruzamentos entre dança e tecnologia
INET-md |
19/11/2016 |
30 anos de formação em Educação Musical na Escola Superior de Educação | PP
INET-md |
17/11/2016 |
Pedro Rebelo - Composing [In] Context
INET-md |
27/10/2016 |
Da Real Barraca ao Paço da Ajuda: a música em torno da Família Real
INET-md |
26/10/2016 |
Seminar - Culture, Science and Politics in Portugal in the XXth century (2)
INET-md |
25/10/2016 |
Pedro Rebelo - Participatory Sonic Arts
INET-md |
20/10/2016 |
Annamaria Bonsante - The Sound of Cloisters in the Mediterranean: Women and Devotion in Modern Southern Europe
INET-md |
08/10/2016 |
Memórias da Guerra de Espanha na Fronteira do Baixo Alentejo
INET-md |
06/10/2016 |
Bart Vanspauwen - From feira to festival: Musidanças in the Feira de São Mateus (2013) | Sofia Lopes - “A Luta é Alegria”: music and politics in the RTP song contest
INET-md |
06/10/2016 |
Técnicas de Captação e Gravação Sonora para Ciências Sociais
INET-md |
22/08/2016 |
Jaime Reis. European Tour
INET-md |
20/07/2016 |
Exposition - Carrega Mouraria, an Ethno-photographic project of Iñigo Sánchez
Gonçalo Antunes de Oliveira |
12/07/2016 |
INET-md - Introduction
INET-md |
07/07/2016 |
Mariana Portas - Listening to Music Theory: Experiencing Sound in the 18th Century | Tiago Hora - Record Production of Early Century Portugal
INET-md |
07/07/2016 |
ML78 - Music and Lusophony in 78 rpm collections
INET-md |
02/07/2016 |
III INET-md Forum - Music and Dance Archives
INET-md |
30/06/2016 |
I FMH Study Days - Práticas Performativas em Torno do Corpo-Arquivo
INET-md |
15/06/2016 |
ICPSONG´16 - Protest Song and Social Change
INET-md |
14/06/2016 |
Workshop "Descrever a experiência corportal pelas técnicas de elicitação - Ferramenta para investigação, transmissão e criação"
INET-md |
07/06/2016 |
ICMHM´16 - Music and Human Mobility: Redefining Community in Intercultural Context
INET-md |
02/06/2016 |
Layla Dari - Multi-ethnic Orchestras and Music Hybridity | Helena Milheiro - The Filarmónica Portuguesa de Paris and “cultural interface”
INET-md |
30/05/2016 |
Memória, Cultura e Devir - Teoria e Caminhos para as Ciências Sociais
INET-md |
25/05/2016 |
François Picard, Nelen Rees and Frank Keuwenhoven - Ethnomusicology in China: Fieldwork Experiences
INET-md |
23/05/2016 |
1st Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
INET-md |
17/05/2016 |
Tiago Morin - Software gratuito de notação musical: Musescore e Lilypond
INET-md |
05/05/2016 |
Diana Vinagre - João Baptista André Avondano (d. 1800): An European Journey Under the Royal Wing and its Repercussion in the Violoncello Performance Practice in Portugal | Fernando Jalôto - Admirable Commercium: D. Antonio Tedeschi and the Artistic
INET-md |
03/05/2016 |
Jorge Correia | Helena Marinho - Compositoras Portuguesas Séc. XX-XXI
INET-md |
21/04/2016 |
Bernard Lortat-Jacob - Ethnomusicology and Congnition: an Already Long Story
INET-md |
15/04/2016 |
Paulo Maria Rodrigues - Música, Educação e Comunidade: crónicas de uma vida breve e morte (mal) anunciada
INET-md |
13/04/2016 |
Seminar - Culture, Science and Politics in Portugal in the XXth century
INET-md |
07/04/2016 |
Hugo Castro - Music, Politics and Revolution: Protest Song and the Carnation Revolution in Portugal | Ricardo Andrade - País relativo: Rock Sinfónico and Sociopolitical Critique in the Work of Petrus Castrus
INET-md |
01/04/2016 |
Post-ip Workshops: CV's Académicos: Dora Maria Ribeiro
INET-md |
30/03/2016 |
Curso - Supervisão em Musicoterapia
INET-md |
30/03/2016 |
Curso - Musicoterapia e Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE)
INET-md |
17/03/2016 |
Tony Whyton - CHIME Time: Towards a Participatory Musicology
INET-md |
16/03/2016 |
Marc Leman - Embodied (ethno)musicology
INET-md |
15/03/2016 |
Colloquia and Masterclasses - Tony Whyton and Haftor Medbøe
INET-md |
09/03/2016 |
Stefan Östersjö - Métodos em investigação artística
INET-md |
03/03/2016 |
Bart Vanspauwen - Protest Songs and lusofonia: past and present | Pedro Boléo Rodrigues - The past and the present: music, memory and avant-garde in the Portuguese Cinema Novo
INET-md |
24/02/2016 |
Propaganda, Cultura e Entretenimento em Portugal na primeira metade do século XX
INET-md |
12/02/2016 |
A crueldade, o cosmos, o corpo que dança: considerações ético-estéticas sobre Artaud
INET-md |
11/02/2016 |
Daniel Gough - Music Geographies in Inequality: Music and Public Policy in Contemporary Brazil
INET-md |
04/02/2016 |
Sofia Lopes - Music Production and display of identities in the RTP Song Contest | João Ricardo Pinto - Musical Production in the beggining of Radiotelevisão Portuguesa (RTP)
INET-md |
09/12/2015 |
Post-ip'15 - 3rd International Forum for Postgraduate Studies in Music and Dance
INET-md |
07/12/2015 |
Gregory Melchor-Barz - Music, Advocacy, and Activism in Ethnomusicology: Responsabilities in the Academy
INET-md |
03/12/2015 |
José Nelson Cordeniz - Methodology and the Study of Bells | Miguel Carvalho - New Methods for the Tuning of Idiophones
INET-md |
12/11/2015 |
EnIM 15 | V Meeting on Music Research
INET-md |
05/11/2015 |
Gretchen Horlacher - Movement in Music and Dance: a Neoclassical Collaboration for Orpheus
INET-md |
05/11/2015 |
Colloquium Gretchen Horlacher
INET-md |
31/10/2015 |
II INET-md Forum - INET-md 20 years | Lusophony and Expressive Culture
INET-md |
20/10/2015 |
TEDance | Innovate, Connect, Transform 2015 (ICT 2015)
INET-md |
16/10/2015 |
Seminário - Birds, Bells, Toads, Car Horns: Listening to Histories of Listening in Papua New Guinea, Europe, & West Africa, 1975-2015
INET-md |
15/10/2015 |
Jocelyne Guilbault - Roy Cape's Labor of Love: Theorizing Work Ethics Through Musical Biography
INET-md |
14/10/2015 |
Steven Feld - J. C. Abbey, Ghana's Puppeteer
INET-md |
13/10/2015 |
Seminar - Geography beyond Geography
INET-md |
12/10/2015 |
Michel Thiollent - Participatory Action Research in Cultural Areas
INET-md |
09/10/2015 |
Sons&Saberes - Encontros de Etnomusicologia Dialógica - Pesquisa-Ação Participativa
INET-md |
02/10/2015 |
Study Day - Historical Approaches to Musical Performance
INET-md |
21/09/2015 |
Anthony Seeger - Applied anthropology in the USA and Brazil and the lessons that might be learnt from it
INET-md |
16/09/2015 |
EAW2015 - I International Congress of Electracoustic Music of Aveiro
INET-md |
16/09/2015 |
Performigrations: People are the Territory
INET-md |
27/06/2015 |
Jazz Metting - 25th IASJ
19/06/2015 |
Convite - Ciclo de Conferências
INET-md |
18/06/2015 |
Debora Baldelli - H@re Krishn@'s in Movement: Interaction, Devotion and Musical Practice Online
INET-md |
18/06/2015 |
H@re Krishn@s in movement: interaction, devotion and musical practice online
INET-md |
16/06/2015 |
José Alberto Salgado - Para estudar o trabalho musical
INET-md |
13/06/2015 |
Performa´15 - Encontros de Investigação em Performance
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11/06/2015 |
PERFORMA’15 - Encontros de Investigação em Performance Musical
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06/06/2015 |
I INET-md Forum - Education and Music in the Community
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03/06/2015 |
Richard Wolf - Music and Moral Being in Central Asia
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27/05/2015 |
Fernando Souza - Pernambucan Coco Beats & Identity
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27/05/2015 |
Doctoral Forum
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27/05/2015 |
Pernambucan coco beats & identity
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21/05/2015 |
Ivan Vilela - Canonizações e esquecimentos na música popular brasileira
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29/04/2015 |
Luca Della Libera - The Sacred Music of Alessandro Scarlatti. Between Passion and Devotion
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22/04/2015 |
Carlos Cavallini - New MPB in Brazil, alternative music in Portugal: the MPB in the 21st century
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22/04/2015 |
New MPB in Brazil, alternative music in Portugal: the MPB in the 21st century
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17/04/2015 |
16. internationaler Diskgrafentag
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06/04/2015 |
Doctoral Seminar - The Music and Influence of Franz Liszt
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25/03/2015 |
Jorge Correia Carvalho - Kora, Povo que canta os seus antepassados não morrerá
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18/03/2015 |
Approaching World Music through Intertextuality: an Analytical and Methodological Proposal
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13/03/2015 |
Workshop “Music and Television”
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04/03/2015 |
José Dias - Jazz in Europe: negotiating sounds, narratives and identity
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25/02/2015 |
Pedro Nunes - Diversidade e sinergias na indústria fonográfica em Portugal,1988-2008
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24/02/2015 |
14.ª Festa do Jazz do São Luís | Researchers in Residence
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11/02/2015 |
Miguel Moniz - Fanfarra and brass walking bands in modern Portugal. The evolution of traditional cultural forms in local responses to political and economic transformations.
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28/01/2015 |
Silvestru Dorel Petac - Calus and Pauliteiros: Proximity and Distance
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28/01/2015 |
Patrícia Opondo - Indigenous music and dance traditions of the migrant experience in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa
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12/12/2014 |
Post-ip Dialogues: Roberto Gerhardt
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12/12/2014 |
Conference Pamela Mia Paul | Maria Leonor Sweetmore
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04/12/2014 |
João Ricardo Pinto - Produção Musical nos Primórdios da Radiotelevisão Portuguesa (1956-1964) | Tiago Videira - Estatísticas num Corpus de Fados
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28/11/2014 |
Mari Korpela - Searching for a better life in the incredible Índia - Lifestyle migrants constructing "real Índias" in Varanasi and Goa
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20/11/2014 |
EnIM 14 | IV Meeting on Music Research
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20/11/2014 |
EnIM 14 | IV Meeting on Music Research
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14/11/2014 |
Post-ip Conferences in Music and Dance: João de Athayde
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06/11/2014 |
Cecília de Lima Teixeira - TransMeaning - uma prática de sentido pelo sentir: incorporar o sentido de resistência | Ricardo Andrade - Os cantos mágicos dos peregrinos do som: "Symphonic/Progressive" Rock in Portugal during the 1970s
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30/10/2014 |
Music and shared imaginaries: nationalisms, communities, and choral singing
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07/10/2014 |
Study Day - Roma, Nápoles, Paris, Lisboa: artistas, estilos e repertórios em trânsito ao longo do século XVII
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03/10/2014 |
Andrew Woolley - Facsimiles, editions, and historically-informed performance: a guide for performers and musicologists
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02/10/2014 |
Ana Flávia Miguel - Kola San Jon, património cultural imaterial em Portugal: Etnomusicologia aplicada e experiências de trabalho de campo na Cova da Moura | Bart Vanspauwen - Música descolonizando Lusofonia?
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19/06/2014 |
Cristina Cruces Roldán - La escultura de una hoguera. El flamenco, entre el objeto patrimonial y la expresión intangible
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16/06/2014 |
Workshop "Documentary Film"
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27/05/2014 |
Kimberly DaCosta Holton - Fado in diaspora. Online internships and self display among YouTube generation performers in the US
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20/05/2014 |
Tala Jarjour - Shared chants, shared lives. The power of encounter in the religious soundscapes of pre-war Syria
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13/05/2014 |
Film Series - 25 de Abril e depois
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12/05/2014 |
20th Meeting of the Study Group on Historical Sources of Traditional Music (ICTM)
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08/05/2014 |
Nicolas Prévôt - Music and alcohol, possession or drunkenness in Bastar (Middle India)
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10/04/2014 |
International Concert Cycle and Piano Masterclass
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03/04/2014 |
H. L. Gomes de Araújo - A sociedade Orpheon Portuense (1881-2008): tradição e inovação. A questão metodológica
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14/03/2014 |
Dias de Música Electroacústica Festival
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13/03/2014 |
Carla Minelli - O desafio da tradição na Festa
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09/02/2014 |
Concert Cycle 2014
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30/01/2014 |
Bernd Brabec de Mori - Healing Sounds: The Problem of Musical Therapies’ Efficacy from an Anthropological Perspective
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10/12/2013 |
Samuel Araújo - Diálogos entre Saberes; Dimensões Político-Epistemológicas da Produção de Conhecimento em Música
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05/12/2013 |
Post-ip'13 - 2nd International Forum for Postgraduate Studies in Music and Dance
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30/11/2013 |
Símbolos de Bronze: representação e tecnologia nos Carrilhões de Mafra
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28/11/2013 |
Maria José Fazenda - A dimensão reflexiva do corpo em ação: Contributos da antropologia para o estudo da dança teatral
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08/11/2013 |
Jazz Talks: 1st International Jazz Conference of the University of Aveiro
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24/10/2013 |
Victor A. Stoichiță - You think it's funny? Pride and irony amongst manele lovers in Bucharest
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20/06/2013 |
Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, Dulce Simões and Ana M. Alarcón - “Building Bridges”: Celtic Music Festivals in Galicia and Northern Portugal
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31/05/2013 |
Performa´13 - Encontros de Investigação em Performance
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30/05/2013 |
Dulce Simões - A cultura expressiva na fronteira luso-espanhola: continuidade histórica e processos de transformação socioculturais, agentes e repertórios na construção de identidades
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07/05/2013 |
Leonor Losa - Diferença na economia cultural global
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11/04/2013 |
Filippo Bonini Baraldi - An ethnomusicological study of musical emotions in a Romanian Gypsy village
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18/03/2013 |
Bart Vanspauwen - Advocacy and ethnomusicology: practical examples and questions
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15/03/2013 |
Pedro Félix - Algumas questões da sua tese de doutoramento titulada "Ai se ele caí". Uma etnografia dá prática do grupo Xutos & Pontapés
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07/03/2013 |
Björn Schmelzer - "Fields of resonance". Time and space experience between performance and historicity
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05/03/2013 |
Anne K. Rasmussen - Performing Islam around the Indian Ocean Basin: From Ritual to Recreation in Indonesia and the Arabian Gulf
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01/03/2013 |
Maria Elizabeth Lucas e Rui Vieira Nery - As Músicas Luso-Brasileiras no Final do Antigo Regime. Repertorios, Práticas e Representa |