• Palco
On June 19th INET-md hosted at its headquarters (NOVA | FCSH) the Evaluation Panel of Arts and Humanities - Arts, Design, Artistic and Musical Development - from Aalto University (Finland), Technical University Delft (Netherlands) and Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp (Belgium).
The international scientific and artistic production, the consolidation of social responsibility policies, the considerable involvement in national and international networks and partnerships, as well as the evident sustained growth since the Institute's inception in 1995, were clear arguments for the achivement of yet another Excellent rating in its history.
INET-md will continue to develop its activities aware of the challenges that the next quadrennium will bring, enhancing a practice of excellence in scientific and artistic research.


2017/2018 R&D Unit Evaluation Results

2013 R&D Unit Evaluation Resultsnidades I&D