• Disco2
Sounds of Vacation: Political Economies of Caribbean Tourism
December 6th, 2018 | 16:30 - 18:00 | Room TA 105 | Torre A | FCSH - NOVA
Many journals on hospitality, leisure, and tourism management have drawn attention to touristic experience and local histories of encounter. Far fewer have addressed the political economy of commercial hospitality throuht music and sound. This study focuses on what informs the tourits experience, specifically the music and sound policies dictated by hotel managers, and the labor musicians perform under different regimes of value. These regimes are informed as much by economic and political forces at a macro level, as by the management and informed as much by economic and political forces at macro level,as by the management and musicians’ distinct personal style and understandings of hospitality. Through the lens of labor, the moral force of long-held traditions and their economic implications for gender politics are revealed. It is in these conjunctions that this paper locates the shaping of experience as affecting and affective dimensionsofthe political economy of tourism.