• KovaM
From November 19 to 11, 2023, the INET-md branch at Polytechnic Institute of Porto (CIPEM), hosts the Autumn School 2023.
2023.11.09-11 | Edifício de Música e Drama e Auditório da Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico do Porto

The Autumn School is a space for gathering, for the presentation of training practices, and for critical reflection on Education and Music in the Community, with a specific focus on the discipline of music education (or auditory perception, aural training, or musical training) in formal and non-formal contexts.

In the present year, the Autumn School, centered on the theme Cartographies of the Present: exploring music education in a changing society, has the following formats:
Conferences | To be delivered by a young researcher, Ana Luísa Veloso, from the Department of Communiaction and Art, University of Aveiro (INET-md), and by an invited speaker, Miguel Carvalhais, from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Oporto.

Pratical Class on Stage | Led by four professors from different European music education institutions: Christopher Atkinson from the Royal Academy of Music London, Eduardo Pedro Díaz Lobatón from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Madrid, Monika Andrianopoulou from the University of Macedonia - Thessaloniki, Greece, and Fabio Ferrucci from the Conservatorio di Musica Arrigo Boito in Parma.

Communications by Invitation|Conducted by researchers from our research gruop – Education, Music and Theatre in the Community –  who are responsible for the current ongoing projects at the INET-md branches of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (CIPEM) and the University of Aveiro (DeCA). 
Full programme |  More information at CIPEM/INET-md's website.
ACCREDITATION | The Autumn School 2023 is certified by the Pedagocial and Scientific Council for Continuous Education, with a duration of 25h/1 credit. 
TARGET AUDIENCE  | The Autumn School 2023 is intended, preferably, for: teachers of this disciplinary domain; undergraduate and master's students in music; and other interested public in music.
LOCATION AND DINNER | A Escola de Outono decorrerá no edifício de Música e Drama e no Auditório da Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico do Porto, nos dias 9 e 10 de novembro, das 09.30 às 18.00, e dia 11 de novembro, das 09.30 às 13.00. Na noite de 10 de novembro terá lugar um jantar no Restaurante Torreão. O Torreão é um projeto de economia social desenvolvido pelo SAOM – Serviço de Assistência Organização de Maria, uma instituição privada de solidariedade social, criado em 1976. Este projeto visa colmatar as dificuldades financeiras frequentemente sentidas por este tipo de instituições e criar autonomia financeira.
REGISTRATION | The Autumn School 2023 is free of any fee, although it requires online registration, filling in a form.
CONTACT | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Adelina Correia  |  Filipe Lopes  |  Graça Mota  |  Graça Palheiros  |  Jorge Alexandre Costa  |  José António Neves  |  Klênio Barros  |  Maria José Araújo  |  Rosa Barros  |  Rui Bessa  |  Rui Ferreira
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Filipe Lopes  |  Graça Mota  |  Jorge Alexandre Costa