• Palco
23.04.2024 | 2h30pm | Carlos Borrego Amphitheater | Departamento do Ambiente e Ordenamento Universidade de Aveiro


On April 23rd, 2024, at 2h30pm, the defense of the doctoral thesis in Music, by Éric Vinícius de Aguiar Lana, will be held at the Carlos Borrego Amphitheatre, Departamento do Ambiente e Ordenamento Universidade de Aveiro, with the theme: "Práticas de Direção em Coros Infanto Juvenis: Abordagens Pedagógicas e Recursos M-Learning".
The jury for the PhD Thesis of Éric Lana
  • Prof. Dr. António José Vassalo Neves Lourenço, Associate Professor at the Universidade de Aveiro and researcher at INET-md (Advisor)
  • Prof. Dr. António Ferreira Martins Dias Carlos,  Full Professor at the Universidade de Aveiro
  • Prof. Dr. Rui Luís Nogueira Penha, Coordinating Professsor at the Instituto Politécnico do Porto
  • Prof. Dr. Aoife Hiney, Visiting Assistant Professor at the Universidade de Aveiro and researcher at INET-md
  • Prof. Dr.Janete da Conceição Soares da Costa Ruiz, Visiting Professor with the rank of Assistant Professor at the Universidade do Minho
  • Prof. Dr. Ricardi Manuel dos Santos Teixeira Matosinhos, Collaborator at CESEM- Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musica


Práticas de Direção em coros Infanto juvenis: Abordagens Pedagógicas e Recursos M-Learning
The connections established by adolescents with music, namely, their Music Learning Ecologies (MLE) are increasingly linked to internet-connected mobile devices. However, many choir directors in this choral context teach based on their own experiences, following a "traditional" rehearsal style specifically structured for vocal training and repertoire. A pilot study associated with a systematic literature mapping indicated potentialities in the use of smartphones and conduced to the objective of developing new forms of choral practices based on Music Learning Ecologies and mobile learning as core elements of pedagogical approaches applied to adolescents' choral performance. This longitudinal and qualitative action research was organized in four cycles together with the Associação Cultural Coral Os Canarinhos de Itabirito/Brazil, educational affordances that gave rise to a consolidated set of pedagogical practices, development in 3 different moments: the before, during, and after the main historical and original impacts of the Sars Covid-19 pandemic. The work included a mapping of a Virtual learning environment, a longitudinal survey of digital applications aimed at choral singing in virtual communities, and collaboration with the construction and testing of an application denominated Practice As You Walk, developed in collaboration with the Department of Electronics and Informatics of the University from Aveiro. The results of the investigation show situated, collaborative, ubiquitous, and contextual, with a strong plurilateral dialogue characteristic in pedagogical approaches that make use of m-learning plots based on the MLE of the choristers, allowing the achievement of the Desired Artistic Outcomes in Music consolidation in the performance, helping to quality of the experience of the choristers and the consequent improvement of the children's choir practice
Advisor: José Vassalo Neves Lourenço (orientador); Co-advisor: Clarissa Foletto, Guilherme Campos