• Dança 1
13.12.2021 | 16:30-18:30 | Aveiro | DeCA | Room 21.2.20
Scholars have extensively discussed the political effectiveness of carnival traditions using various interpretive theories. Based on his upcoming book, Critical Brass: Street Carnival and Musical Activism in Olympic Rio de Janeiro (Wesleyan University Press, 2022), this lecture by Andrew Snyder is intended to show that carnivalesque can best be understood as a performative discourse and a creative practice of activism used by the carnival actors themselves - in the case of the alternative fanfare movement in Rio de Janeiro, in a period of tremendous political crisis in Brazil. This activity is organized by the project EcoMusic - Sustainable practices: a study of the pos-folklorism in Portugal in the 21st century, underway at the University of Aveiro under the coordination of Maria do Rosário Pestana, and is part of the CEEMP - cycle of conferences on Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies. It will also be broadcast through the Zoom platform.