• Bombos2





About this Group

This research group is grounded in a multidisciplinary approach, combining historical musicology with the input of cultural history, ethnomusicology and music sociology. Between 2015 and 2017, some activities of the group have been planned in close articulation with two thematic strands “Music and Media” and “Historical Approaches to Musical Performance”. More recently, the group expanded its research scope to the social and professional status of musicians in Portugal since the Ancien Régime to the late 20th century.




  • To develop a Cultural Studies perspective in the research on "art music" in Portugal and Brazil from the 16th century up to the present;

  • To study musical ideas, genres and practices from an interdisciplinary perspective, including a wide range of approaches, such as Cultural History, Sociology, Anthropology and Musical Analysis;

  • To carry out field and archival research on the music heritage and contemporary processes in Portugal and Brazil, focusing on a wide range of resources: historical and contemporary documents, scores, theoretical treatises, literary sources, iconography, recordings and audiovisual materials;

  • To develop outreach activities aimed at the general public.




  • The main Portuguese musical institutions and its repertoires from the 16th century up to the present;

  • History of musical ideas in Portugal and Brazil from the Old Regime to modernity;

  • Music in Portugal during the Old Regime, with a special focus on the royal and private patronage, the ceremonial models and the production and circulation of repertoires;

  • Musical sociabilities in public and domestic spaces and the interaction between art, traditional and urban popular music,

  • “Music and State”, focusing on the relations between Portuguese musical life and the creation and evolution of the State’s cultural policies, with two main areas: Music and the representation of royal power during the Old Regime and Music and politics during the Estado Novo;

  • The social and professional status of musicians and its transformations;

  • The history of musical genres in correlation with their contexts and performance practices;

  • The impact of the introduction and dissemination of technological mediation in Portuguese music (theatre, phonography, radio, cinema).




Principal Investigator

Regular Events
Culture, Science and Politics in Portugal in the XXth Century
In collaboration with CICS.NOVA (FCSH) and CEIS20 (University of Coimbra)
Colloquia Historical Approaches to Musical Performance
International Seminars Music in the Iberian Courts (XVIII-XIX centuries)
In collaboration with the Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales (ICCMU), Madrid




Scientific Production (2013 - 2018)

 2019-07-24 grupos de investigacao estudos historicos e culturais em musica-en



Ongoing Competitive Projects

PTDC/ART-PER/31380/2017 (as participant)
PTDC/ART-OUT/32320/2017 (as participant)
PerformArt – Promoting, Patronising and Practising the Arts in Roman Aristocratic Families (1644-1740). The Contribution of Roman Family Archives to the History of Performing
Arts (ERC-CoG 2015 –Consolidator Grant; Grant agreement ID: 681415; IP: Anne-Madeleine Goulet; Host Institutions: CNRS; École Française de Rome) (as participant)
The Portuguese colonial empire and urban popular culture: comparative visions of the metropolis and the colonies (1945-1974). ICS
PTDC / CPC-CMP / 2661/2014 (as participant)



Concluded Competitive Projects

Musicology applied to classical concert in Spain (XVIII-XXI centuries). Historical, productive, interpretative and ideological aspects
I+D HAR2014-53143-P, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain
University of La Rioja (2015-2017) (as participant)
Chamber music in 18th-century Spain: genres, performance and recuperation
I+D HAR2011-22712, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain
University of La Rioja (2012-2014) (as participant)

Images from Land and Sea: Frederico de Freitas and music in 20th Century Portuguese Culture

Post-doctoral project funded by FCT: SFRH/BPD/75201/2010
Music, ideology and politics in the art culture during Franco’s regime (1938-1975)
I+D HAR2010-17968, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain
University of Granada (2010-2013) (as participant)
The sound and the screen: cinema, television and music industries in twentieth century Portugal
Post-doctoral project funded by FCT: BPD/UI72/6958/2014 | BPD/UI72/6958/2017

Knowledge Transfer Projects

National Library of Portugal – Agreement for outreach activities (exhibitions, conferences, concerts, publications) related to the music collections of the institution
Portuguese Music Museum (Casa-Museu Verdade de Faria) – Agreement for outreach activities (exhibitions, conferences, concerts, publications) related to the archives of the
Portuguese Musician’s Union and composer Fernando Lopes-Graça
Music National Museum – Collaborations with the concert cycle “Um Músico, Um Mecenas”, with historical instruments
National Palace of Ajuda - Agreement for research facilities and dissemination activities (lectures, conferences, concerts) regarding the musical patrimony of the Library of Ajuda
CEMSP - 18th Century Musical Studies Centre in Portugal (National Palace of Queluz) – Participation in the Scientific Committee


