GIEMTC Seminar | “Recriar-se” Project – To Have a Voice and Dream: Artistic practices with homeless people
The “Recriar-se” Project, started in 2014, was developed at the Centro Social de S. Francisco Xavier of Cáritas Diocesana de Setúbal. It is a unique training project that aims to create, through weekly sessions of artistic practices (music, photography and visual arts) an opportunity for homeless adults to be subjects of transformation and positive changes in their lives.
Based on a study and on a documentary, this conference seeks to highlight the main participatory strategies that contribute to the processes of empowerment, social insertion and well-being of people living on the streets. It also aims to discuss some of the implications and challenges that are faced by musicians, teachers and music educators involved in this type of artistic and socio-musical intervention projects, problematizing the ways in which artistic and musical practices can be configured as instruments of transformation and identity, social, educational and cultural reconfiguration.
Keywords: artistic practices, homeless people, well-being, inclusion, change