• Dança 4
Knowing what difference we are making: practical approaches to assessment in dance movement therapy (DMT)
October 25th, 2018 | 17:00 - 21:00 | Faculdade de Motricidade Humana
Responsible health practitioners are increasingly expected to undertake evidence-based practice. This includes the need for effective assessment of change that occurs in the therapeutic process. Dance movement therapists are often challenged to consider how to measure outcomes of their work. Dance movement therapy training and practice often focusses on activities and processes rather than outcomes for the client. As yet, few tools exist to support assessment and evaluation in DMT.
This workshop assists participants to develop skills in thinking about outcomes for clients, utilising theory, research evidence and practice knowledge. It introduces a Framework for Dance Movement Assessment that supports professionals to think holistically about how their practice contributes. This tool is supported by iPad app MARA (Movement Assessment and Reporting App), created by the presenter to utilise technology to address these issues. The app is introduced and its features, including quantitative assessment, note taking photo, video and voice recording, and drawing are shared.
Workshop activities will include introduction to basic dance movement therapy activities, independent reflection and small group discussion about outcomes that might be expected for clients through these, and experience in assessing outcomes using the tools introduced.
INET-md | Polo FMH Faculdade de Motricidade Humana
Universidde de Melbourne
Keynote Speaker
Kim Dunphy
Investigadora no Creative Arts Therapies Research Unit, University of Melbourne, Australia, tem vindo a desenvolver a sua investigação na avaliação em dança movimento terapia. Autora de várias publicações nesta área, recentemente no jornal Arts in Psychotherapy "Developing an iPad app for assessment in dance movement therapy". Presidente da Dance Movement Therapy Association of Australasia e promotora da International Network for Dance Movement Therapy. Vasta experiência profissional como progfessora de dança e terapeuta, especializada na Intervenção com crianças e adultos com deficiência intelectual.