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On november 25th, having the chance of Ana Lidia Domínguez Ruiz's visit in Lisbon, INET-md and Livraria Tigre de Papel organize a presentation session of her book Una Historia Cultural del Grito. The author will be joined by Alix Didier Sarrouy and Filippo Bonini Baralid, INET-md researchers, commenting on the book. Free entrance, subject to the capacity of the bookstore.
25-11-2024 | 6 pm-7.45 pm | Livraria Tigre de Papel, Rua de Arroios nº25, 1150-053 Lisboa | Free admission

Una historia cultural del grito (Taurus, 2022) is a set of essays that probes ideas regarding and practices of screaming in the human world. Based on thorough archival investigation, the sources of which came from diverse historical contexts and cultural traditions, her aim was to provide an account of the multiple manners in which cultures have managed - directed, used, repressed, and controlled - the energy of the screaming voice. To recount this history it was necessary to engage with many others of from music to language, pedagogy, law, medicine, emotions, religions, architecture, urbanism, metrology, technology, war and political systems, among others, gatherin and reassembling our knowledge about the scream. 


Ana Lidia Domínguez Ruiz | Completed her doctorate in Anthropology at the Universidad Autonomia Metropolitana-Iztapalapa in México, and she is currently the director for the promotion and diffusion of sound at the Fonoteca Nacional de México. She is also the coordinator of the diploma program in "De lo audible a lo aural: el giro sonoro en las ciencias sociales". She has published widely and presented in Mexico and internationally conferences on the anthropology of sound, noise and urban culture, acoustic violence, and socioanthropology of the senses. She is the author of the book La sonoridade de la cultura. Cholula: una experiencia sonora de la ciudad (Miguel Ángel Porrúa/UDLAP, 2007), one of the pioneering works on sound studies in Latin America. Her last book, Una historia cultural del grito, was published by Taurus a label of Penguin Random House in November 2022.

Alix Didier Sarrouy | Musician and sociologist of the arts. Senior Researcher at the Instituto de Etnomusicologia - Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança (at NOVA FCSH). Coordinator of the thematic line Power, Politics and Activism. Principal researcher of the project "YouSound  Musical education as an inclusion tool for underage refugees in Europe", funded by FCT. Coeditor of A arte de construir cidadania: juventude, práticas criativas e ativismo (Tinta da China), and is author of Atores da educação musical: etnografia nos programas socioculturais El Sistema, Neojiba, Orquestra Geração (Húmus-CICS.NOVA).
Filippo Bonini Baraldi | Senior Researcher at the Instituto de Etnomusicologia - Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança (INET-md) at NOVA University, Lisbon (Portugal), where he leads the research group “Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies”, and associate member of the Centre de Recherche en Ethnomusicologie (Crem-LESC) of Université Paris Nanterre (France). His research on music, emotion, and health, based on long term fieldworks in Romania, Italy, and Brazil, are strongly interdisciplinary and combine methods of ethnomusicology, music computing, and cognitive sciences. His book  Roma Music and Emotion (Oxford UP, 2021) has been awarded the ICTMD book prize (honorable mention) and the William A. Douglas Prize in Europeanist Anthropology (Society for the Anthropology of Europe, a section of the American Anthropological Association).