• Guitarra
O Instituto de Etnomusicologia - Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança (INET-md) is launching a new thematic line, "Performatividades Digitais e Tecnológicas” which will be officially presented on October 8th, from 2 pm to 5 pm, at the Universidade de Aveiro campus. This initiative results from a collaboration among various research groups within INET-md and reflects the growing importance of digital technologies in contemporary artistic and performative practices.
The new thematic line aims to investigate the interactions between digital and technological tools and the performing arts, addressing the implications of these technologies in the various fields of music, dance, and theatre that comprise the center. Moreover, it seeks to promote new approaches that respond to the transformations brought about by digital and technological innovations in music, dance, and theatre. The launch event will feature various activities, including a soundwalk, a discussion panel, and a performative moment, involving several researchers from the center.
This date marks a significant milestone for INET-md, reinforcing its role in promoting innovation and research in the performing arts. With this new thematic line, it is expected that new avenues of study—both theoretical and practical—will be explored, potentially making a decisive contribution to advancing research in music, dance, and theatre.
8.10.2024 |  2pm-5 pm |  CCCI Auditorium, Departamento de Comunicação e Arte da Universidade de Aveiro
Free event and open to all audiences.
2 pmReception (Outdoor area of the Rectorate)
             Meeting point where the event starts.


2:10 pmSoundwalk
A performance centered on listening, based on an evocation of the sounds of the UA campus that are inaudible in the day-to-day life of the University of Aveiro.
                       Led by Ana Luísa Veloso (INET-md, DeCA.UA)



2:40 pm Performative Moment and Video Presentation
             A moment will emerge in response to the Soundwalk, followed by the screening of a short video about the work already carried out at INET-md in the areas focused on the thematic line "Digital and Technological Performativities."

                        Led and presented by Filipe Lopes (INET-md, ESE-IPP), Alfonso Benetti, and Ana Luísa Veloso (INET-md. UA)
                        With the collaboration of Nery Borges, Jorge Sousa, and Marisa Ponce de León (INET-md. UA)


3h10 pm Coffee Break
3h40 pm Performatividades Digitais e Tecnológicas – Presentation

A formal presentation moment for the thematic line, in which a brief contextualization will be provided, creating a connection to the Discussion Panel that will follow.

          With the presence of the Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation, and Third Cycle Education of the University of Aveiro, Professor Artur Silva.

4 pm Discussion Panel

A session dedicated to discussing some of the fundamental concepts underlying the thematic line, as well as exploring points of intersection with the research conducted by various research groups within INET-md

        Ana Luísa Veloso and Alfonso Benetti (INET-md, DeCA.UA) moderators
                    Helena Marinho (INET-md, DeCA.UA)
                    Henrique Portovedo (INET-md, DeCA.UA)
                 Felipe Lopes (INET-md, ESE-IPP)
                    Filippo Bonini Baraldi (INET-md, NOVA FCSH)
5 pm - Closure
More information on the thematic line page.