• Dança7
Gamelan Group
June 4th, 2011 | 18:00 | Museu do Oriente
On Saturday, 4 June 2011, Lisbon's Museu do Oriente hosted a concert resulting from one year of practical and theoretical studies on the Gamelan and Indonesian cultures - an initiative of the Gamelan Group of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH) of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL). 
The repertoire included pieces of the sultanates of Surakarta and Yogyakarta. The Gamelan Group is part of the Department of Musicology at FCSH and is directed by Estelle Amy de la Bretèque (INET-md).
 The use of Gamelan as a currical academic activity is the first of its kind in Portugal.
copyright Filipe de la Fuente