• Caretos
On November 20 and 21, the inaugural edition of the Sound in Museums conference will take place at the College of Sound in Denmark. Organized by INET-md in partnership with the College of Sound, the conference is part of the prestigious Sonic Days event, which the College of Sound organizes annually and which serves as a space for discussion of the latest professional practices in the sector. This year, the event features the participation of award-winning sound designer Lora Hirschberg, known for her work on the soundtracks of films such as Inception (2010), The Dark Knight (2008), and Iron Man (2008).

As part of the thematic line Heritage(s), Archives and Museums, the conference Sound in Museums  aims to contribute to the discussion of the heritagistion of music and sound practices in museums through the exhibition of sound artifacts, ambiances, soundscapes, sound art installations, etc. The inaugural edition marks the beginning of a planned biennial initiative, with its second edition scheduled for November 2025 at the National Museum of Music.

Chair: Alcina Cortez

Co-chair: Birgitte Folmann

Keynotes: Marion Leonard, Christian Hviid Mortensen, Vitus Vestergaard, David Kamp.

For more information, please visit the link: https://sonicdays.com/