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17/06/2024 |
Podcast | Pod-ip #10 | Ecomusicology with Mili Vizcaíno
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27/05/2024 |
Podcast | Pod-ip #9 | Performative practices: a conversation with Ana Barros, Mónica Chambel, and Gustavo Afonso
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16/05/2024 |
Podcast | Pod-ip #8 | ArtYoga with Carla Moreira
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05/04/2024 |
Podcast | Pod-ip #6 | Exploring the Dancing Body in Vodum, Benin: A Conversation with Eva Azevedo
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27/03/2024 |
News | Women's month celebrated by the Post-ip group
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25/03/2024 |
Podcast | Pod-ip #5 | Women in Music: Inês Lamares
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08/03/2024 |
Podcast | Pod-ip #4 | Round table: Women and Music
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08/02/2024 |
Podcast | Pod-ip #3: The Challenges of a Doctorate with Olga Cunha
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26/01/2024 |
Podcast | Pod-ip #2: the impact of technological innovations in music with Nery Borges
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12/01/2024 |
Podcast | Pod-ip #1: Performance Anxiety with Samuel Barros
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08/01/2024 |
News | New podcast: Pod-ip, a peek into the academic world of music and dance
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17/11/2023 |
International Forum | Post-ip'23: 7th International Post-graduate Forum in Studies in Music and Dance
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04/03/2020 |
Talk-ip | Archivo 8 Bajos: accordion and bandoneon traditional music collection from the North of Uruguai
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31/10/2020 |
Talk-ip | When the drum has a voice. The sounds and language of the Yoruba drums of Nigeria
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02/11/2020 |
Talk-ip | Socio-educational and emotional implications in components of Children Choirs and Music Bands: A Case Study
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24/05/2019 |
Talk-ip!: Traditional music revival in Georgia on example of folk-fusion music
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15/02/2019 |
Talk-ip!: Choro contemporâneo: recursos e ferramentas para o processo criativo e performático
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08/02/2019 |
Talk-ip!: Malta do Norte: Um estudo etnográfico sobre a cena do Jazz portuense
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25/01/2019 |
Talk-ip!: A inclusão da performance na análise musical: uma perspectiva a partir da construção da sonoridade em peças para piano
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05/12/2017 |
Post-ip: Call for Papers
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15/11/2017 |
Masterclass - Improvisação para estudantes e músicos de formação erudita
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28/04/2017 |
Post-ip Workshops: Como desenhar e defender uma tese com o software Idea Puzzle
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05/01/2017 |
Post-ip Workshops: 10 mitos sobre a cultura livre e o acesso aberto ao conhecimento
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01/04/2016 |
Post-ip Workshops: CV's Académicos: Dora Maria Ribeiro
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09/12/2015 |
Post-ip'15 - 3rd International Forum for Postgraduate Studies in Music and Dance
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05/12/2017 |
Post-ip'17 - 4th International Forum for Postgraduate Studies in Music and Dance
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01/12/2022 |
International Forum | Post-ip'22 - 6th International Forum for Postgraduate Studies in Music and Dance
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21/11/2019 |
International Forum | Post-ip'19
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12/12/2014 |
Post-ip Dialogues: Roberto Gerhardt
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14/11/2014 |
Post-ip Conferences in Music and Dance: João de Athayde
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05/12/2013 |
Post-ip'13 - 2nd International Forum for Postgraduate Studies in Music and Dance
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04/12/2009 |
Post-ip'09 - 1st International Forum for Postgraduate Studies in Music and Dance