CPIA Seminar | Musical Composition and Performance with New Technologies
The Permanent Seminar of INET-md's Creation, Performance and Artistic Research research group is a forum where all its members (integrated and collaborators) and other academic, cultural, and artistic researchers can present their work.
1-5.07.2024 | Auditorium of the Departamento de Comunicação e Arte da Universidade de Aveiro and GrETUA (Grupo Experimental de Teatro da Universidade de Aveiro)
Free access and in-person
Musical Composition and Performance with New Technologies: lecture-concert and open rehearsal
The Permanent Seminar of the INET-md research group on Creation, Performance, and Artistic Research (SemPer) invites the composer, percussionist, researcher, and university professor Cesar Traldi to present the project “Musical Composition and Performance with New Technologies” at DeCA, as well as an open rehearsal at GrETUA. The project, funded by the Minas Gerais State Research Support Foundation – Fapemig and developed at the Federal University of Uberlândia, involves the composition of percussion works that explore new relationships between the musicians' performance, sound, and the audience. The sounds of the instruments are combined with recorded and studio-manipulated sounds, creating sound dialogues and an expansion of instrumental sonority. The physical gestures of the instrumentalists are used to generate visual information that creates new connections between the sonic and visual realms.
The open rehearsal for the UA community will feature a brief performative and commented presentation on the processes of elaboration and construction of the concert "XilogravuraSonoras", with the participation of the composer.
July 1st, 2024 | 4:00 pm | DeCA Auditorium
Lecture-concert with Cesar Traldi
July 4, 2024 | 5:00 pm | GrETUA
Open rehearsal of the concert "XilogravuraSonoras" by Helvio Mendes with Jônatas Manzolli and Cesar Traldi
July 5, 2024 | 6:30 pm | GrETUA
Concert "XilogravuraSonoras" by Helvio Mendes with Jônatas Manzolli and Cesar Traldi
About Cesar Traldi
Percussionist and composer, he holds a degree in percussion from the State University of Campinas, where he studied with Prof. Dr. Fernando Hashimoto. Later, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Jônatas Manzolli at the same institution, he conducted his master's research focused on the interactive process of the performer with technological means and his doctoral research on contemporary language for percussion and real-time electronic devices. As a soloist, he has distinguished himself nationally through performances with some of the country's leading orchestras, as well as solo performances and recitals in various Brazilian states. Internationally, he has performed in Croatia, Slovenia, Denmark, the United States, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, and Cuba. He has won important competitions such as Furnas Geração Musical, V Concurso Petrobras Pró Música para Jovens Solistas, CCLA de Música Instrumental para Jovens, was a finalist in the Prelúdio program (TV Cultura), and was highlighted at the I International Music Festival of Unicamp. He has authored over 100 compositions performed in Brazil and abroad. His works have been selected for presentation at the XXIII (2019) and XXV (2023) Biennials of Contemporary Brazilian Music of the National Arts Foundation FUNARTE. He has also been involved in creating and directing soundtracks for films and short films and participated as a guest musician in artistic residencies, notably the VI Temporal edition Goyaz, under the provocation of Dudude Herrmann. As a researcher, he has participated as a speaker in round tables at some of Brazil's main scientific meetings. His publications include works on new interpretative approaches in performing pieces for percussion instruments with real-time interaction with technological devices, which have been presented and published in France, Spain, Portugal, and numerous national events. Currently, he forms the Duo Paticumpá with percussionist Cleber Campos. He is a professor in the Music Course, a researcher at the Center for Music and Technology, and a supervisor in the Postgraduate Program (Master's) at the Federal University of Uberlândia, where he coordinates the research project Musical Composition and Performance with New Technologies, funded by Fapemig. He also collaborates with the Doctoral Program in Music at the Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) and is the current president of the Brazilian Association of Musical Performance - ABRAPEM.