• Bombos2
The thematic line Studies on Women, Gender and Sexuality aims to advance scholarship on the dynamics of gender and sexuality across a broad spectrum of musical practices spanning different historical periods and geographies. This involves examining the historical processes that have led to the traditional exclusion of women and individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+ from historical narratives. The thematic line advocates for the re-evaluation of the seminal contribution of people of marginalized genders and sexualities to expressive culture, particularly music and dance, and promotes interdisciplinary research and collaboration between INET-md’s research groups. Specifically, this thematic line aims to:
  • Analyse critically the processes that contribute to the formation and perpetuation of discourses and behaviours that articulate gendered power dynamics in expressive culture, taking into account theoretical perspectives from women’s studies, gender studies, sexuality studies, and queer theory, among others.
  • Promote intersectional and transnational reflection on these processes, critically evaluating the articulation between gender, sexuality and other social dimensions such as ethnicity, race, generation, and class, among others.
  • Examine the processes that have shaped performative models – musical, choreographic, theatrical, audiovisual, among others – in different contexts and historical periods, as well as their reception.
  • Reflect on gender and its representativity, visibility, and canon formation in musical practices.
  • Promote collaboration with relevant institutions and societies that focus on these themes at national and international levels.
  • Organize scholarly meetings and promote publications on the aforementioned themes.


This thematic line integrates INET-md’s objectives by consolidating a growing research area across several research groups. For instance, there is already considerable research focusing on the role of women in musical practices within three research groups (Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies, Historical and Cultural Studies in Music, and Creation, Performance and Artistic Research). Several MA and PhD dissertations on LGBTQIA+ musical genres/categories/groups, music videos, and nightlife activities (such as drag queen performances and hookup practices) will benefit from the research environment provided by this thematic line. Finally, INET-md will host a six-year contract for a project titled “Female Music Practice in 18th Century Portugal: Spaces and Profiles of Women Making Music", which won a highly competitive international call (CEECind, funded by FCT) and will be integrated into this thematic line.
By fostering communication and networking between INET-md researchers and students working on these themes, this thematic line strengthens INET-md's mission of promoting innovative and inclusive research agendas and aligns with UNESCO's Sustainable Development Goal No. 5 - Gender Equality, and No. 10 - Reduced Inequalities.
Collaborating research groups: