International Seminar | Music in the Iberian Courts (18th-19th centuries): Performance Arts and Representation of Power

This scientific seminar aims to be a forum for researchers interested in studying the music of the Iberian courts in the 18th and 19th centuries. Music is a fundamental aspect of court culture not only in the Old Regime but also in the contemporary era. The relationship between music and constitutional monarchies is a field hitherto unexplored that we also propose to deepen. Performing arts and the representation of power will be the core subject of this year's meeting, but issues related to private practice and the enjoyment of music and dance by members of the royal families, as well as the dissemination of these practices outside the court will also be addressed. Organized by the research group “Historical and Cultural Studies in Music” of the INET-md and the Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales (ICCMU) of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, this research seminar intends to be a space for the exchange, discussion and critical review of court music from an interdisciplinary perspective that allows to frame it in a broad cultural, artistic, social and political context. After a first edition in Madrid, in October 2018, this second edition is hosted by the Ajuda National Palace.
Free admission subject to prior registration through the following form.
As a complement to the seminar and taking advantage of the presence in Lisbon of the teacher and researcher Diana Campóo, will be held on December 14th and 15th, also in the Ajuda National Palace, a Spanish and Castanholas Dance and Baroque Course, organized by the cultural association and artistic Portingaloise, in collaboration with INET-md. Contact and informations: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Historical and Cultural Studies in Music Reserach Group - INET-md NOVA FCSH
Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales (ICCMU) da Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Cristina Fernandes (INET-md, NOVA FCSH)
Judith Rodríguez (ICCMU, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Keynote Speakers:
Juan José Carreras (Univesidade de Saragoça)
David Cranmer (CESEM | NOVA FCSH)
Poster | Programme | Registration