• Disco
22.07.2024 | 2:30 pm | Online
The Defense of the Doctoral Thesis in Music for Adriano de Brito Pinheiro will be held via videoconference (Isabel Maria de Oliveira Alcobia) on July 22nd, 2024, at 2:30 pm. The topic is "Definition, Urtext Edition and Performance of A Noiva Do Condutor (Arnold Gluckmann And Noel Rosa) A Transdisciplinary Approach."

jury for the PhD thesis of Adriano de Brito Pinheiro:

  • Prof. Dr. Isabel Maria de Oliveira Alcobia, Assistant Professor at the Universidade de Aveiro and researcher at INET-md (Advisor)
  • Prof. Dr. José Luís Guimarães de Oliveira,  Full Professor at the Universidade de Aveiro;
  • Prof. Dr. Carlos Henrique Coutinho Rodrigues Costa, Associate Professor at the  Universidade de Federal de Goiás;
  • Prof. Dr Maria do Rosário Correira Pereira Pestana, Associate Professor at the Universidade de Aveiro researcher at INET-md;
  • Prof. Dr. Liliana Margareta Bizineche, Assitante Professor at the Universidade de Évora;
  • Prof. Dor. Alexandre Muratore Gonçalves, Adjunct Professor at the Universidade Federal de Goiás.


Definition, Urtext Edition and Performance of A Noiva Do Condutor (Arnold Gluckmann And Noel Rosa) A Transdisciplinary Approach
This project aims to problematize the notion of the "musical work" in Brazilian urban popular music, using a transdisciplinary approach encompassing performance studies, ethnomusicology, and popular music studies. Its primary focus is on the work A noiva do condutor, composed in 1935 by the conductor and orchestrator Arnold Glückmann and the samba musician Noel Rosa. Originally written as a sketch for a radio program, the work premiered only in 1985 in an LP recording featuring prominent Brazilian actors such as Marília Pêra and Grande Othelo. Since then, this work has been presented and reconstructed in various occasions and formats, resulting in new orchestrations, narrative versions, and reinterpretations. The thesis is grounded in three primary areas of reflection. The first seeks to problematize the notion of a musical work, drawing on authors such as Goehr (1992) Middleton (1985, 1990, 1993, 2000, 2001), Ulhôa (2000), Cook (1985, 1990, 1993, 2001), Moore (2002, 2003), De Nora (2001) and Hennion (2003).
In contrast to the romantic view that a work is essentially expressed in a manuscript in which the composer indicates all intentions, these authors conceive the notion of a work in the context of popular music as a script, an open-ended script with multiple layers of mediators (interpreters, arrangers, copyists, and record labels) contributing to its construction. The second area of focus is on singing in Brazilian popular music. The quest for a paradigm of "national singing" was a constant throughout different historical period. Particularly during the golden age of radio in Brazil (1930-1950), the fusion of elements from concert tradition music and urban popular music was a constant in the pursuit of a desired "national identity." Thus, the work A noiva do condutor can be understood as an example of this process. Finally, the third area consists of three practical components related to musical performance: the creation of an unpublished edition of the work " A noiva do condutor" based on the original manuscripts that were missing until September 2022, the creation of an unpublished score for this work including phonetic transcription based on the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) (2002), with a corresponding free translation of the text into English and Spanish, and the performance of this work as part of the unique performance O sonho de Edgard - A criação da rádio brasileira (Adriano Pinheiro) premiered at the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro on September 13, 2023.