• Piano
20.02.2021 | 17:00-19:00 | online
INET-md reminds all its members of the roundtable series entitled ICTM Dialogues 2021: Towards Decolonization of Music and Dance Studies, promoted by ICTM and which will take place monthly between February 20 and December 11, 2021, 5–7 pm GMT. The program and abstracts can be found on the ICTM website. Remember that participation is free but requires prior registration.
We highlight the first roundtable of this series that will take place next Saturday, February 20th: A Latin American Dialogue for Social Inclusion: Community Musics, Ethnicities, and Identities.
Juan Sebastián Rojas E. (Fundación Universitaria Juan N. Corpas, Colombia)
Julio Mendivil (Universität Wien)
Agenor Cavalcanti de Vasconcelos Neto (Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Brasil)
Jessie Vallejo (Cal Poly Pomona, USA)
Juan Sebastián Rojas E. (Fundación Universitaria Juan N. Corpas, Colombia)