• Dança 6
09.07.2021 | 18:00 | Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
The book A imprensa como fonte para a história da interpretação musical, coordinated by Cristina Fernandes in a co-edition by Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal and INET-md (NOVA FCSH), is presented by Teresa Cascudo and Manuel Deniz Silva. The session was also attended by João Soeiro de Carvalho, interim president of INET-md and Cristina Fernandes.
The use of the written press, specialized or general, as a primary source has proved to be a fundamental resource for musicological studies, either as a vehicle of information on different domains of musical life of multiple communities in different chronological and geographical areas, or as an element key to be taken into account in the analysis of social and cultural representations of music and in the mediation between the elements that interact in musical practice.
The book that is now being published consists of a selection of articles by Portuguese and Spanish musicologists, written in their respective languages and resulting from communications presented at the international congress "A Imprensa como Fonte para a História da Interpretação Musical", organized by the working group "Música y Prensa" from Sedem – Sociedade Espanhola de Musicologia and by the research group Historical and Cultural Studies in Music from INET-md and hosted by BNP. The work also has collaborations within the scope of research projects PROFMUS - To be a musician in Portugal: the social and professional condition of musicians in Lisbon (1750-1985) (NOVA FCSH, FCT) and La Música como Interpretación en España: História y Recepción (Universidad de La Rioja).
With a privileged focus on discourses on musical interpretation, without prejudice to other complementary approaches, the studies published depart from a wide variety of material provided by the periodical press of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century (critiques, news, advertisements, programs concerts, rehearsals, photographs, caricatures, scores) to deal with themes as diverse as the figure of the virtuoso, the musician as a celebrity, the performer's body and gender issues, programming, repertoires and interpretive currents, the relationships between professionals and dilettantes, critical profiles and the press as a broadcaster of material intended for musical practice itself.