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In numbers
Headquarters | Main Management Institution >
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH, UNL)
Management Institutions >
Departamento de Comunicação e Arte, Universidade de Aveiro (DeCA, UA)
Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Universidade de Lisboa (FMH, UL)
Instituto Politécnico do Porto - Escola Superior de Educação (IPP, ESE)
Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (IPL)
Participant Institutions
Laboratories >
CIME - Research Center for Electroacoustic Music (UA | DeCA)
CIPEM - Music Psychology and Music Education (PPorto | ESE)
CEJ - Research Center for Jazz Studies (UA | DeCA)
LA - Audio Laboratory (NOVA | FCSH)
LV - Video Laboratory (NOVA | FCSH)
CEAP - Performative Arts Laboratory (UL | FMH)
LoopLab - Live Looping Laboratory (UA | DeCA)
LAbEAMUS - Learning and Teaching of Musics Laboratory (UA | DeCA)
LAM - Music Acoustics Laboratory (NOVA | FCSH)
Performa – Composition and Performance Lab
Integrated with PhD >
Contracted Researchers
Integrated without PhD >
PhD Students
Science Management Team
Research Groups >
Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies
Historical and Cultural Studies in Music
Dance Studies
Creation, Performance and Artistic Research
Musical Acoustics and Sound Studies
Education, Music and Theatre in the Community
Thematic Lines >
Heritage(s), Archives and Museums
Studies on Women, Gender and Sexuality
Power, Politics and Activism
Digital and Technological Performativities
Strategic Project
Doctoral Programs >
Doctoral Program in Musical Sciences
Doctoral Program in Music
Doctoral Program in Human Kinetics
Postgraduate programs >
Post-Graduate Program in Acoustics and Sound Studies
INETBase - INET-md's Data Bank
Terpsicore - Dance and Performative Arts Database
INETMoz - Data Bank of Music in Mozambique
SINBAD - Digital Collection on Jazz
UA's Collection of Shellac Records and Musical Instruments
Digital Sound Archive - Historical Recordings of Fado and Other Popular Musics
Partnerships and Networks
National Networks
Internacional Networks
Ongoing Partnerships >
Nacional Ongoing Partnerships
Internacional Ongoing Partnerships
Concluded Partnerships >
National Concluded Partnerships
International Concluded Partnerships
Journal Articles
Conference Proceedings
Book Chapters
Encyclopedias Entries
Conferences and Colloquia
Other Events
A&S - Interdisciplinar Seminars in Acoustics and Sound Studies
ARW - Advanced Research Workshops
CCEEP - Ciclo de Conferências em Etnomusicologia e Estudos em Performance
CEEMP - Conferências em Etnomusicologia e Estudos de Música Popular
CIRC - Ciclo de Recitais Conferência em Investigação Artística
Inet-md | CESEM Colloquia
Electroacoustic Music Days
ENIM - Sociedade Portuguesa de Investigação em Música
EDcT - Dances with Tradition Encounter: from the Yard to the Stage
Doctoral Forums
INET-md's Forums
JCFMH - FMH Study Days
GIEEMP - Permanent Seminar in Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies
OM - Oficinas de Música
Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
Performa >
Momentum - Ciclo de Concertos pelo Grupo Performa
Encontros de Investigação em Performance Musical
REC - Recitais Conferência
SPEHCM - Permanent Seminar in Historical and Cultural Studies in Music
R&D Library
Event Promotion
News Reporting
Scientific Production
Data Submission
FCSH | Travel Form
Portuguese Journal of Musicology
RED - Revista de Estudos(i)os de Dança
Position Statement
Encounter | Digital Transformation in Specialized Artistic Music Education: Reflections and Future Perspectives
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CD | Beethoven (Re)Created: 32 Variations in C minor WoO 80
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Events | Falando sobre: Pedagogia do Piano em Portugal
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Workshop | Soundscape Composition as Context-Based Creation with Barry Truax
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News | Gilvano Dalagna joins ISME's Commission for the Education of the Professional Musician
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CD | Adestro Vol. II: new album explores the Portuguese repertoire for solo piano with the left hand
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Statement | INET-md's positioning on harassment
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GIAMES Seminar | Acoustic topographies: preservation as a creative act - Explorations of Argentina's acoustic and sound heritage through listening and technology
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Book presentation | Una historia cultural del grito
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Workshop | The vocal gesture: notes for an affective semantics of the scream
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Events | Maria de Buenos Aires Revisited offers a new approach to the renowned work of Astor Piazzolla
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GIEHCM Seminar | Listening to the Empire: the sonification of otherness in the Portuguese African colonies, 1870-1910
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GIEEMP Seminar | Sentinel Musicians of the Ethiopian American Diaspora
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GIEEMP Seminar | The phonographic trade in São Paulo, Brazil, at the beginning of the 20th century
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GIEHCM Seminar | Modern editions of Portuguese music from the 17th and 18th centuries: History, methodologies and problems
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News | INET-md gets approval for six positions in FCT Tenure - 1st Edition
The final results of the 1st edition of the FCT Tenure program, published on 13 December, indicate that six of the nine positions submitted by INET-md
Call for papers | IV International Conference: Rethinking Soundscapes
IV International ConferenceRethinking Soundscapes: Communities, Heritage and Traditions +4th Meeting of the ICTMD National Committee - Portuga
News | À Redescoberta da Coleção PortugalSom: Olhares sobre o património discográfico da música portuguesa
INET-md researcher, Cristina Fernandes, is the curator of a new weekly program, "À Redescoberta da Coleção PortugalSom: Olhares sobre o património
News | Quis saber quem sou
Quis Saber Quem Sou is a new programme from Antena 1, by Sofia Vieira Lopes (INET-md researcher), Nuno Galopim (RTP) and João Carlos C
News | Documentary: Festival da Canção 60 Years (1964-2024)
2024 will mark the 60th anniversary of the RTP Song Contest (Festival RTP da Canção), one of the most iconic television shows in Portugal. Over the
News | Herdeiros de Orfeu: Uma história da música antiga em Portugal
INET-md researcher Tiago Manuel da Hora is the author and host of the radio series Herdeiros de Orfeu: Uma história da música antiga em Portugal (He
News | New podcast: Pod-ip, a peek into the academic world of music and dance
The Post-ip Group announces the launch of the podcast Pod-ip: a peek into the academic world of music and dance In the wake of the 7th P
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Prize | Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco awarded with Prémio Imaterial
Prize | Marco Roque de Freitas and João Soeiro de Carvalho distinguished by NOVA within award of Pedagogical Innovation
Prize | Luís Carvalho awarded at the International Wind Composition Competition
Encounter | Digital Transformation in Specialized Artistic Music Education: Reflections and Future Perspectives
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