INET-md |
05/03/2024 |
7th Forum INET-md | Challenges, Logics and (In)coherences in Research in Music, Dance and Theatre
03/11/2023 |
INET-md VI Forum | 2030: Challenges and Possibilities
INET-md |
27/05/2023 |
V INET-md Forum - INET-md: Present and Future
INET-md |
09/12/2016 |
IV INET-md Forum - Música, dança e humanidades digitais
INET-md |
02/07/2016 |
III INET-md Forum - Music and Dance Archives
INET-md |
31/10/2015 |
II INET-md Forum - INET-md 20 years | Lusophony and Expressive Culture
INET-md |
06/06/2015 |
I INET-md Forum - Education and Music in the Community