GIED Seminar | Exploring Performing Arts through life stories: elements of a pedagogical method
The Permanent Seminars of the INET-md Dance Studies Research Group (GIED) are intended to be a forum where all its members (integrated and collaborators), as well as other researchers from the academic, cultural and artistic world, can present their work and discuss ongoing projects and research. The enormous challenges that await us are like a compliment to the insistence and persistence (some would say resilience) that any scientific research represents, with greater evidence in artistic areas, and one of the simple but representative reasons why the Permanent Seminars organized by the Dance Studies Research Group have salmon as their chromatic option, illustrating a continuum against the current, always moving forward in a resilient dynamic of strength and will.
2024-09-24 | 6 pm-7.30 pm | Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Universidade de Lisboa | Esteiros Building - Room 8E
Exploring Performing Arts through life stories: elements of a pedagogical method
Vera Lúcia Bertoni dos Santos | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) / CAPES (Brasil)
The intention of this Seminar is to share an original pedagogical proposal developed together with students in the process of obtaining their doctorate in the Graduate Program in Performing Arts at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). The considerations brought up by the proposal unfold through the presentation of the methodological principles and procedures of the course entitled The Seminar in Performing Arts, focusing on a narrative development activity aimed at understanding the origins, motivations, and theoretical-methodological perspectives of investigations still in the project phase. Through examples of textual and video productions resulting from the work developed in the course and in dialogue with the professor's investigations, the intimacy of the relationships between life stories and the artistic, academic, and investigative interests of the researchers in training is highlighted.

Personal collection of researcher Gustavo Conrad.
Vera Lúcia Bertoni dos Santos | Full Professor in the Theatre Department and at the Graduate Program in Performing Arts at the UFRGS' Art Institute. CAPES/PRINT/UFRGS Fellow for the completion of a Visiting Professor Internship at the Faculdade de Motricidade Humana da Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal). PhD in Education, Bachelor's and Licentiate degrees in Performing Arts from UFRGS. Leader of the Theatre and Education Study Group (CMPq) and coordinator of the research "Teaching in Performing Arts: experiential training, self-narratives, and knowledge construcution." Author of publications related to the pedagogical aspects of Theatre and Dance. Supervising Professor of the thesis that won the CAPES (BR) Thesis Award in the Arts Area, 2022 Edition, and the thesis awarded with an Honorable Mention in the CAPES (BR) Thesis Award, 2019 Edition.