• Palco
LAbEAMUS - Laboratory for the Teaching and Learning of Musics at the University of Aveiro aims to provide a space for experimentation, meeting and sharing for researchers from INET-md and other institutions to develop research projects relating to the teaching and learning of music. LAbEAMUS also aims to facilitate the articulation of empirical projects through the establishment of a network of schools, other institutions (such as the European Association of String Teachers with whom a protocol has been established) and individuals from the local community that may participate in these research projects through a system of mutual collaboration. The main activities of LAbEAMUS include: 
  • Developing pedagogical projects through meetings between students, researchers and faculty members to share and discuss their experiences relating to the teaching and learning of music;
  • Hosting pedagogical projects proposed by individuals interested in developing new strategies associated with the teaching and learning of music;
  • Providing further professional development through workshops, seminars, conferences and training courses;
  • Promoting outreach programmes offered freely to the Aveiro community in general in a mutual research - action paradigm;
  • Producing educational materials and disseminating projects developed in the laboratory through scientific meetings, performances, digital media and publications.


 More info: https://www.facebook.com/labeamus/

Mais informação: https://www.facebook.com/labeamus/