• citara
INET-md is organizing two events on music and academic writing. The events are open to the public but require prior registration and will take place on November 27th, 2023, at the UA's Department of Communication and Art (DeCA).




The first event, a workshop as part of the LA:b Workshop section of LABEAMUS, will take place on November 27, at 10 am, and will focus on "Collaborative sound creation using digital tools: Aglaya Play". This session will take place in room 21.2.12 of the DeCA and feature guest speaker Adolf Murillo, from the University of Valencia.

In the afternoon, at 3pm, the second event will take place, a seminar under the heading "Specialized Seminar", titled "Academic Writing: writing research reports and articles". The seminar will take place in room 40.2.16, also at the DeCA, and the guest speaker is Jesús Tejada, a lecturer at the University of Valencia.
Those interested should register by e-mailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
About the first workshop
The vibrant world of sound creation opens up as a space full of possibilities in primary and secondary school education or other informal contexts, serving as an effective vehicle for interdisciplinary learning and creative expression for students.
Digital tools such as "Aglaya Play" can represent a bridge between technology and creativity, allowing young people to explore the art of sound creation in a collaborative, intuitive, and accessible way. In the classroom, these technological platforms become not only a means for musical exploration and collective creation, but also a facilitator for developing crucial skills such as teamwork, communication, and critical thinking. In this environment, students can immerse themselves in the universe of sound in a playful and pedagogical way, where learning becomes a lively, dynamic, and interactive experience based on exploration and experimentation through sound.
Biography of Adolf Murillo
He has a doctorate in Music Teaching from the Universitat Jaume I. He has a degree in Music from the Conservatorio Superior de Barcelona and a university specialist in electronic music and video creation from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. He was a secondary school music teacher and teacher training advisor at the Conselleria de Educación de la Generalitat Valenciana. He is currently a lecturer in Music Didactics in the Department of Physical Education, Artistic Education, and Music Didactics at the Universitat de València. He has received important national awards in music didactics, such as the 1st Didactics Award from the University of Vic (Barcelona) in 2002. In 2004 and 2006, he received the Generalitat Valenciana Award for Educational Innovation, the Baldiri Reixac Award for Teachers, and, in 2017, the Bankia Talento Musical Award for the best educational project in the Valencian Community. Co-director of the ArtsLab Educación Artística Contemporánea collection at the Instituto de Creatividad e Innovaciones Educativas.
He has published articles in journals specializing in music pedagogy and didactics in important national and international journals such as the British Journal of Music Education, Musica Scientae, Organized Sound, RECIEM, Electronic Journal of Music in Education, Journal of Music Technology & Education. He is a member of the Institute of Creativity and Educational Innovations at the University of Valencia.
About the second workshop
This seminar aims to introduce the particularities of academic writing and the structure of a research article. The content will be presented and discussed using the concepts of "Paradigm", "Research projects" and "Academic writing". Various issues relating to the process of writing an article and the choice of journal for publication will be discussed, to waste as little time as possible in a process that can often become extremely time-consuming and complex.   
Biography of Jesús Tejada
Jesús Tejada has a doctorate in Humanities, a doctorate in Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education, and is a professor of Music. He is a professor at the University Institute of Creativity and Educational Innovations at the University of Valencia. He has been a professor at the universities of Seville and La Rioja, as well as a visiting professor and associate professor at various Spanish and American universities.
He has carried out research into the design, implementation, and evaluation of training software - rhythm assessment, vocal intonation training, and intonation on non-fixed tuning musical instruments. He has published scientific articles and books on music technology and has given courses and lectures on scientific publishing and music technology. He is currently editor-in-chief of the Electronic Journal of Music in Education.