• KovaM

LoopLab is a space promoted by INET-md (UA | DeCA branch), which aims to promote the meeting of performers who use Live Looping technology in their musical performances. The activities are developed in weekly meetings at the Department of Communication and Art at the University of Aveiro. The meetings take place on Mondays and Wednesdays, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, at CIME / DeCA (Room 21.3.34).




Live Looping
The feature called loops - repeating short audio sessions - in compositions and musical performances dates back to the experimental works developed with magnetic tape since the 1950s and 1960s. The term Live Looping is commonly used to refer to a technology applied in musical performances, using loops recorded in real time. This technology - which can be explored from hardware or software installed on laptops or devices such as tablets or smartphones - has spread since the early 2000s with the advent of a pedal called Loop Station.


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