• citara
11.11.2021 | 19:00 | Lisbon | ISEG | Caixa Geral de Depósitos Auditorium
The project which joins the Quinteto de Sopros do Vale (which belongs to the Banda Marcial do Vale) and the Ana Margarida Cardoso's research (from INET-md | UA) will be present in the Antena 2 studios. The works written by the National Woodwind Quintet will come back to the national radiostation, as it happened in the past. The programme includes works of Ângelo Pestana, Adácio Pestana, Joly Braga Santos, José dos Santos Pinto and Filipe de Sousa and it will be commented by the PhD student Margarida Cardoso.
Quinteto de Sopros do Vale
INET-md | UA
Antena 2
Sara Silva started her musical studies at 11 years old in Terras de Santa Maria's Conservatoire. She presented herself as a flautist with Banda Sinfónica Portuguesa (BSP), Associação Recreativa e Musical Amigos da Branca (ARMAB), Orquestra e Banda Sinfónica de Jovens de Santa Maria da Feira, Banda Sinfónica da Bairrada, Orquestra de Sopros do DeCA (Universidade de Aveiro), Orquestra Filarmonia das Beiras (OFB), Orquestra Filarmonia de Gaia, Orquestra da ESART (Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas de Castelo Branco), Camerata Nov'Arte and Orquestra Filarmónica Portuguesa (OFP). She participated in masterclasses conducted by Ory Schneor, Jerica Pavli, Emily Beynon, Kate Hill, Juliet Edwards, Julie Wright, William Bennett, Nuno Inácio, Ana Maria Ribeiro, Philippe Bernold, Adriana Ferreira, Christine Herlander Beard and Sophie Cherrier. Between 2015 and 2016 she had lessons with the singular Trevor Wye, inserted in his study "The Flute Studio" in England, where she developed the theme "the flute and nothing but the flute". Sara integrated Daniels' Satyre's Duo (flute and percussion), playing at Autumn festivals (Aveiro) and Högskolan för Scen och Musik in Gothenburg, Sweden. In 2015, she became a Master in Music Teaching at the University of Aveiro, where she was a teacher. She integrates the Organizing and Executive Committee of the "Flute: 'Hands on' Research" congress and in the present year, became a member of the International Community FlutePlay with her studio, FLUTURE Music Studio. Nowadays, she teaches in Academia de Música de Costa de Cabral, Oporto.
Andreia Pereira was born in Vila Nova de Gaia in 1986. She started her musical studies at 7 years old in Escola de Música da Associação Recreativa e Cultural of Serzedo. In 2001 she started to study oboe in Escola Profissional de Música de Espinho in Aldo Salvetti and prof. Nelson Alves's classes, obtainning the 12th grade in orchestral practice in 2004. In the same school, she won the young soloists prize, playing with the Orquestra Clássica da Escola Profissional de Musica de Espinho. She participated in several masterclasses with Emmanuel Abhull, Alex Klein, Ricardo Lopes, Aldo Salvetti, Sally Dean, Kevin Vigneau, Paul Keiser, Thomas Indermuehle and so on. As invited musician she played with Orquestra Clássica de Espinho, Orquestra Académica Metropolitana, Orquestra e Banda Sinfónica de Jovens de Santa Maria da Feira, Banda Sinfónica Portuguesa, Banda Sinfónica ARMAB, Orquestra Filarmonía das Beiras, Orquestra Sinfónica da Povoa de Varzim, Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa, Orquestra Gulbenkian, Orquestra Sinfónica do Porto – Casa da Música, and so on. She is founder of the Oboéfagote ensemble and participated in a lot of festivals in Espinho, Vila Nova de Gaia, Estoril, Aberdeen (Escócia) and Belém do Pará and made tours by Brasil, Escócia, Espanha, França and Bélgica. In 2007 she obtained the 3rd prize at Prémio Jovens Músicos (superior level) promoted by Antena 2 and the same prize at "Terras de La Sallete" – Oliveira Azemeis in 2008. On that year she entered in Hohcshule der Musik und Theater em Zurique - Suíça on Prof.Thomas Indermuehle's class. She also concluded the master in Music Teaching at the University of Aveiro. Nowadays, she teaches oboe at Conservatório de Música da Maia, Conservatório de Música e Artes do Dão, Conservatório de Música Terras de Santa Maria and Curso de Música Silva Monteiro. She also works as freelancer on some orchestras.
Mariana de Brito Cardoso was born in Seia and began her musical studies in clarinet at the Conservatório de Música de Seia. In 2009, she entered the Degree in Music, at Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (ESART), in the class of Professor Carlos Piçarra Alves. Completed a Masters in Music Teaching - instrument variant and ensemble class in 2015, at the same institution. She participated in Masterclass with teachers Bruno Graça, Paulo Matias, Isabel Tavares, João Pedro Santos, António Saiote, Cândida Oliveira, Jesus Villa Rojo, Juan Ferrer, Alfonso Pineda, Antonio Parejo, Alexandro Parejo, among others. He was part of several orchestras, such as the Castelo Branco School of Applied Arts Orchestra, Young Portuguese Orchestra – OCPzero, Beiras Philharmonic Orchestra, Santa Maria da Feira Youth Symphony Band, Templar National Wind Orchestra, Piaget Wind Orchestra, Covilhã symphony band, in which he worked with several conductors, such as Erik Janssen, Luís Cardoso, Francisco Ferreira, Paulo Martins, Daniel Ferrero Silvage, Carlos Amarelinho, Pedro Neves, Reinaldo Guerreiro, João Paulo Santos, Maurizio Dini Ciacci, Ernest Schelle, Luís Carvalho and Pedro Carneiro, among others. He is currently a professor at the Terras de Santa Maria Conservatory of Music, FUSA – Academy of Music, Action Performing Arts Center and at the Banda do Vale Music School.
Beatriz Cunha was born at 30th August 1997 in Lamego, Viseu. She startd her musical studies in Escola de Música de Perosinho (V. N.Gaia) in 2009/10 academic year, in the bassoon class of Cláudia Torres, where she concluded the 8th year. In the same year, she integrated the bassoon class of Professor Pedro Silva and concluded the Degree with Professor José Pedro Figueiredo, at the University of Aveiro. Today, she is finishing the Master in Music Teaching (Bassoon subfield) at the same university. Beatriz collaborated with wind and symphonic orchestras of the University of Aveiro, symphonic orchestra of ESMAE, Classical Orchestra of FEUP, Young Orchestra of Santa Maria da Feira, Orquestra Clássica de Espinho, Orquestra Clássica do Centro, Orquestra Filarmonia das Beiras e Orquestra Filarmónica Portuguesa. She worked with a lot of conductors such as Cesário Costa, Andreas Weiss, Rui Pinheiro, Luís Carvalho, Ernst Schelle, António Roque, Fernando Marinho, Diogo Costa, José Eduardo Gomes, Martin André, Jan Wierzba, Osvaldo Ferreira, António Saiote and Jean-Marc Burfin. In various improvement courses, she had the opportunity to work with bassoonists such as Paulo Martins, Ricardo Ramos, Virgílio Oliveira, José Pedro Figueiredo, Roberto Erculiani, Hugues Kesteman, Giorgio Versiglia, Carlo Colombo, Patrick de Ritis, Axel Benoit and Giorgio Mandolesi.
Cristiano Pinho was born in 1995 and is form Vale, Santa Maria da Feira. He started his musical studied in Banda Marcial do Vale at 9 years old, as student of Alcides Paiva. In 2005, he studied in Conservatório de Música de Fornos until the 8th year, with the professor Martha Oliveira and in 2013 in Escola Profissional de Música de Espinho, with Bernardo Silva. In the class of this professor, he concluded the Degree in Music at the University of Aveiro. He integrated a lot of orchestras such as Estágio Gulbenkian para Orquestra, Neue Philharmonie München, Orquestra Filarmónica das Beiras, Jovem Orquestra Portuguesa, Orquestra Clássica de Espinho, Art'ensemble, working with famous conductors such as Jean Sébastien Béreau, Pedro Neves, Jean-Marc Burfin, Joana Carneiro, Fuad Ibrahimov, and so on. Cristiano worked with well-knonwn horn players as Marie-Luise Neunecker, Javier Bonet, Soren Hermansson, Froidys Ree Wekre, Vicent Zarzo and Will Sanders.
Ana Margarida Cardoso started her musical studies in philharmonic bands in Portugal. She concluded the professional school of music in Escola Profissional da Serra da Estrela (EPSE) and after that, she wrote the book O oboísta e a plalhea dupla. She is graduated in Musical Sciences by FCSH (New University of Lisbon) and master in Music History Teaching by University of Aveiro. She was teacher of that discipline in Seia and Coimbra. Today, she is a PhD student of Ethnomusicology at University of Aveiro, with a scholarship by FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) (SFRH/BD/129767/2017) and a member of INET-md, at the same university. She is researcher of the projects "Our music, our world: philharmonic bands, musical associations and local communities (1880-2018)" (PTDC/CPC-MMU/5720/2014) and "To be a musician in Portugal: the social and professional condition of musicians in Lisbon (1750-1985)" ((PTDC/ART-PER/32624/2017), supported by FCT. She organizes, with other colleagues, the Post-ip (International Post-Graduate Forum for Studies in Music and Dance) since 2017, in the context of INET-md and the Department of Communication and Arts at the University of Aveiro. She is correspondent of Notícias da Beira Journal and DaCapo – Portuguese Music Magazine and a member of Arts and Imagem Association, in Seia (Portugal).