• Caretos
Internacional Conference
Rome and Lisbon in the 18th century: music, visual arts and cultural transfers
March 28th and 29th, 2019 | 9:30 - 18:30 | Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal

Political, diplomatic, cultural and artistic relations (including music and the visual arts) between Rome and Lisbon in the 18th century have, at different times, aroused the interest of several scholars. However, these research fields have often been approached in parallel paths within the traditions of each of the disciplines, without establishing in most cases a true dialogue between the different areas of knowledge and disregarding cross-cutting issues. On the other hand, the study of artistic relations and cultural transfers presupposes an in-depth and up-to-date view of the historical and social context of each city in their own peculiarities. This international conference intends to promote new approaches to the history of music and the arts through multidisciplinary dialogue that involves different points of view. The meeting will gather researchers at different stages of their careers, with backgrounds ranging from various fields (namely political, cultural and arts history and musicology, among others). The program will address topics such as arts, music and diplomacy; royal, aristocratic and cardinalic patronage; circulation of people between Rome and Lisbon (in the political, religious, scientific, intellectual and artistic spheres); circulation of musical repertoires and works of art; the training of musicians and artists and their professional careers; artistic, intellectual and sociability networks; spaces and institutions linked to music and the arts; stylistic issues and performance practices. Parallel with the symposium, the National Library of Lisbon will host the exhibition From the Tagus to the Tiber: Portuguese musicians and artists in 18th century Rome, curated by Pilar Diez del Corral and Cristina Fernandes.

Scientific Committee
Manuel Carlos de Brito (NOVA FCSH)
Elisa Camboni (Accademia Nazionale di San Luca)
Pilar Diez del Corral Corredoira 
Cristina Fernandes (NOVA FCSH | INET-md)
Anne-Madeleine Goulet (CNRS )
Teresa Leonor M. Vale (ARTIS)
Rui Vieira Nery (NOVA FCSH | INET-md | Fundação Gulbenkian)
Grupo de Investigação Estudos Históricos e Culturais em Música (INET-md)
Departamento de História de Arte (UNED)
Cristina Fernandes
Pilar Diez del Corral Corredoira