• Bombos2

SPEHCM - Permanent Seminar in Historical and Cultural Studies in Music

The Permanent Seminar of the research group Historical and Cultural Studies in Music of INET-md intends to be a forum where all its members (integrated and collaborators), as well as other invited researchers from the academic, cultural and artistic circles, may present their work and discuss ongoing projects and research.
Organization: Event Date: Title
INET-md 19/12/2024 GIEHCM Seminar | Music, ceremonial and politics in the Church of Loreto: The troubled relations between Lisbon and Rome in the Pombaline era
INET-md 29/01/2024 GIEHCM Seminar | From manuscript to recording: Research, performance and phonographic edition of Portuguese baroque repertory
INET-md 30/11/2023 GIEHCM Seminar | Musical practices in Lisbon in the 20th century: Itineraries, genres and spaces
INET-md 06/11/2023 GIEHCM Seminar | Between the ancient and the modern: Theory and musical practice in the 17th and 18th centuries
INET-md 09/10/2023 GIEHCM Seminar | Arts of image, sound and movement: Dance in period films and music in the Portuguese and French "new cinemas"
INET-md 15/06/2023 GIEHCM Seminar | CD Launch: "Concerti Grossi - António Pereira da Costa".
INET-md 05/06/2023 GIEHCM Seminar | The Musical Direction of the Royal Chamber of Fernando VII (1814-1833)
INET-md 05/06/2023 GIEHCM Seminar | Erik Satie and the "Six"
INET-md 16/05/2023 GIEHCM Seminar | Safeguard, Organization and Dissemination of Musical Heritage
INET-md 27/04/2023 GIEHCM Seminar | Music Collectors: From the 18th Century Court to the Private Salons of the 20th century