• Batuque


Organization: Event Date: Title
INET-md 22/01/2025 GIEHCM Seminar | Pliegos de Villancicos Portugueses: Genesis and development of a transdisciplinary research project
INET-md 16/01/2025 GIEEMP Seminar | “Partir a loiça”: jazz, gender and performance in a Conservatory
INET-md 19/12/2024 GIEHCM Seminar | Music, ceremonial and politics in the Church of Loreto: The troubled relations between Lisbon and Rome in the Pombaline era
INET-md 26/11/2024 GIEHCM Seminar | Presentation of COST Action Print Culture and Public Spheres in Central Europe 1500–1800 (PCPSce)
INET-md 22/11/2024 GIED Seminar | Expanded Sound Body: (In)corporation of sound in movement
INET-md 20/11/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | Contributions to the Analysis and Development of Ecomusicological Activism in the Iberian Peninsula
INET-md 18/11/2024 GIAMES Seminar | Acoustic topographies: preservation as a creative act - Explorations of Argentina's acoustic and sound heritage through listening and technology
INET-md 24/10/2024 GIEHCM Seminar | Listening to the Empire: the sonification of otherness in the Portuguese African colonies, 1870-1910
INET-md 22/10/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | Sentinel Musicians of the Ethiopian American Diaspora
INET-md 22/10/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | The phonographic trade in São Paulo, Brazil, at the beginning of the 20th century
INET-md 04/10/2024 GIEMTC Seminar | A population-level analysis of associations between school music participation and academic achievement
INET-md 25/09/2024 GIEMTC Seminar | The roles of self-determination and self-regulation in novice to expert musicians
INET-md 24/09/2024 GIEHCM Seminar | Modern editions of Portuguese music from the 17th and 18th centuries: History, methodologies and problems
INET-md 24/09/2024 GIEMTC Seminar | “Recriar-se” Project – To Have a Voice and Dream: Artistic practices with homeless people
INET-md 22/09/2024 CPIA Seminar | Concert by Duo Sofia Leandro and Bruno Santos
INET-md 13/09/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | Autonomy, negotiation and recreation: folk musicians and the case of their participation in “medieval fairs”
INET-md 10/09/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | Vigo capital Lisboa: the decentralization of the Galician popular music as an example of dissensus
INET-md 20/08/2024 GIED Seminar | Exploring Performing Arts through life stories: elements of a pedagogical method
INET-md 27/06/2024 Seminar | WeNature: What does it mean to play music in the wilderness?
INET-md 20/06/2024 CPIA Seminar | Musical Composition and Performance with New Technologies
INET-md 24/05/2024 GIEHCM Seminar | Mapping emotions in eighteenth-century Italian opera
INET-md 21/05/2024 GIED Seminar | Dances with tradition: Fieldwork on traditional dance teaching
INET-md 13/05/2024 Seminar CPIA | Concert and communication with Michael Edwards
INET-md 08/05/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | The Berlin and Vienna Phonogram Archives: Changing Approaches and Perspectives
INET-md 26/04/2024 GIEHCM Seminar | Music and exile: the case of Fernando Lopes-Graça’s ballet La fièvre du temps (1938)
INET-md 26/04/2024 GIED Seminar | Participatory Dance and Art: From Community Intervention to Research – Opportunities and Challenges
INET-md 19/04/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | Co-existing in-between, co-operating across: learning/teaching music while seeking asylum
INET-md 08/04/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | Trends and Developments in Chinese Music After the Revolution, 1949-2000
INET-md 16/04/2024 Permanent Seminar CPIA | Sound as Matter: Computation in Music Creation and Performance
INET-md 11/04/2024 Events |"Vamos Falar de Voz!" seminar
INET-md 03/04/2024 Permanent Seminar CPIA | IRIN: composition tool
INET-md 27/03/2024 Permanent Seminar CPIA | Sound: choreographies of perception
INET-md 26/03/2024 GIED Seminar | GhostDance: Exploring the Relationship of the Body with a Virtual Reality Avatar
INET-md 25/03/2024 GIEHCM Seminar | Musica poetica within the scope of the Portuguese polyphonic repertoire
INET-md 22/03/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | Cesária Évora: Documentation of routes and discourses (CISE)
INET-md 26/02/2024 GIED Seminar | Dance and Inclusion
INET-md 26/02/2024 GIEHCM Seminar | Fado in 19th century Brazil: A reassessment of a forgotten practice in light of new historical evidence
INET-md 22/02/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | "We're not fans just to wave flags": the audience as gatekeeper of the RTP Song Festival
20/02/2024 CPIA Seminar | Paramorfologia dos motivos
INET-md 07/02/2024 CPIA Seminar | Sobre pontos, linhas e planos
INET-md 29/01/2024 GIEHCM Seminar | From manuscript to recording: Research, performance and phonographic edition of Portuguese baroque repertory
INET-md 26/01/2024 GIED Seminar | Characterization of professional profiles and competences in dance: European perspectives raised by the Up2Dance program
INET-md 22/01/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | The music ecosystem versus the music doughnut: a comparison of two concepts for envisioning the future of music during the climate crisis
INET-md 16/01/2024 GIEEMP Seminar | Creative Industries in the 21st century
INET-md 13/12/2023 GIEEMP Seminar | The resonances of the Other: Social interactions during musical education in disadvantaged contexts from Latin America and Europe
INET-md 15/12/2023 GIEHCM Seminar | The Boehm flute in Portugal and Brazil in the 19th century
INET-md 30/11/2023 GIEHCM Seminar | Musical practices in Lisbon in the 20th century: Itineraries, genres and spaces
INET-md 30/11/2023 GIEEMP Seminar | Africanness in Action: Essentialism and Musical Imaginations in Brazil
INET-md 06/11/2023 GIEHCM Seminar | Between the ancient and the modern: Theory and musical practice in the 17th and 18th centuries
INET-md 29/10/2023 GIEEMP Seminar | Songbooks in Goa: Cultural representations from colonial to digital
INET-md 09/10/2023 GIEHCM Seminar | Arts of image, sound and movement: Dance in period films and music in the Portuguese and French "new cinemas"
INET-md 25/09/2023 Course Unit | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe
INET-md 04/10/2023 GIEEMP Seminar | Expressive culture on the Portuguese-Spanish border: sociocultural transformation processes, musical agents, and practices of identity construction
INET-md 15/06/2023 GIEHCM Seminar | CD Launch: "Concerti Grossi - António Pereira da Costa".
INET-md 21/06/2023 Internacional Seminar | Postcolonial Airliners as Cultural Mediators | Corporate Branding and Cultural Governance in Transnational Contexts
INET-md 05/06/2023 GIEHCM Seminar | The Musical Direction of the Royal Chamber of Fernando VII (1814-1833)
INET-md 05/06/2023 GIEHCM Seminar | Erik Satie and the "Six"
INET-md 30/05/2023 Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Martim Sousa Tavares - The challenges of programming a Music Festival
INET-md 02/06/2023 Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Ana Filipa Carvalho - Production and programming of Music Festivals and large-scale events
INET-md 26/05/2023 Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Luís Ferreira - Living the Village and creating a Music Festival with the community
INET-md 16/05/2023 GIEHCM Seminar | Safeguard, Organization and Dissemination of Musical Heritage
INET-md 15/05/2023 MIMC Seminar | Professor CHEN Jen-yen - The Sounds of Western Others and Their Chinese Listeners in the Guangdong Province Region
INET-md 19/05/2023 Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Filipa Cardoso - Music Festivals, Tourism and Economy
INET-md 27/04/2023 GIEHCM Seminar | Music Collectors: From the 18th Century Court to the Private Salons of the 20th century
INET-md 14/04/2023 Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Gonçalo Madaíl - The Eurovision Song Contest and the Song Festival. Concept, Production and Results
INET-md 28/04/2023 Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Ricardo Bramão - The reality of Music Festivals in Portugal
INET-md 21/04/2023 Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Nuno Galopim - How to make the Media Coverage of a Music Festival
INET-md 09/02/2023 Specialized Seminar | Creation and interactive performance with new media | Jônatas Manzolli
INET-md 18/03/2022 Seminário | Músicos Profissionais Na 1ª República: Dos Conservatório e Dos Teatros aos Clubes e Animatógrafos
INET-md 15/12/2021 Seminar | From Colonial War to Independence: Being a Musician in the Portuguese State of India, Angola and Mozambique
INET-md 30/11/2021 Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression freeing the self through EDM festivals
INET-md 23/11/2021 Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression in dance
INET-md 16/11/2021 Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression through metal studies
INET-md 09/11/2021 Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression in Ibero-American symbolic imagery
INET-md 02/11/2021 Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression in gender and queer conditions
INET-md 26/10/2021 Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression in postcolonial and local epistemology
INET-md 19/10/2021 Seminar | Introduction to Music and Body: tradition and transgression in subject centered studies
INET-md 19/10/2021 Seminar | Music and Body: Tradition and Transgression
INET-md 06/12/2021 Seminar | 4th SIMM-seminar
INET-md 28/04/2021 Seminar | Women and music: from precursors to professionals
INET-md 24/03/2021 Seminar | Social status and professional paths in performing arts (18th-19th centuries): actors, dancers and musicians
INET-md 24/02/2021 Seminar | Models and training paths of professional musicians active in Lisbon between the second half of the 18th century and the beginning of the 20th century
INET-md 26/01/2021 Seminar | The socio-professional condition of Portuguese musicians during the Estado Novo period
INET-md 20/02/2020 Seminar | Archival principles applied to the collection and organization of documentary sources
INET-md 10/11/2019 International Seminar | Music in the Iberian Courts (18th-19th centuries): Performance Arts and Representation of Power
INET-md 30/05/2019 Entender a Marcação do Movimento a Partir da Dança e da Música
INET-md 07/03/2019 O Ruído Urbano: Aspetos Legais e Princípios Conceptuais
INET-md 24/01/2019 Métodos de análise qualitativa "Representações do Corpo e da Dança"
INET-md 29/11/2018 Aspetos de construção dos instrumentos do quatuor
INET-md 16/11/2018 Aspetos matemáticos em Debussy, Bartók e Xenakis
INET-md 13/10/2018 Seminário "CIPEM - 20 anos de Investigação e Prática"
INET-md 18/05/2018 Filming the music: the collaboration between a filmmaker and an ethnomusicologist
INET-md 11/05/2018 Research Seminar - Edición crítica de música: estrategias para la recuperación del patrimonio musical histórico del Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales (ICCMU)
INET-md 11/04/2018 Seminar - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (5)
INET-md 26/04/2017 Seminar - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (3)
INET-md 15/11/2017 Seminário - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (4)
INET-md 15/11/2017 Seminário - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (6)
INET-md 15/11/2017 Seminário - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (7)
INET-md 25/01/2017 Seminar - Corpo e imaginário na Cena Contemporânea
INET-md 26/10/2016 Seminar - Culture, Science and Politics in Portugal in the XXth century (2)
INET-md 30/06/2016 I FMH Study Days - Práticas Performativas em Torno do Corpo-Arquivo
INET-md 13/04/2016 Seminar - Culture, Science and Politics in Portugal in the XXth century
INET-md 05/11/2015 Colloquium Gretchen Horlacher
INET-md 16/10/2015 Seminário - Birds, Bells, Toads, Car Horns: Listening to Histories of Listening in Papua New Guinea, Europe, & West Africa, 1975-2015
INET-md 13/10/2015 Seminar - Geography beyond Geography
INET-md 06/04/2015 Doctoral Seminar - The Music and Influence of Franz Liszt
INET-md 10/11/2011 International Seminar - SIDD 2011 - Discover Dance / Discovering Through Dance
INET-md 07/11/2011 Seminar - Seminar of Ethnomusicology
INET-md 18/05/2011 Seminar - Sound and Music in the Work of João César Monteiro
INET-md 02/03/2011 Seminar - Amália and Cinema
INET-md 16/03/2010 Seminar - Listening to the Moving Images
INET-md 11/11/2009 Research Seminar - Expressões Musicais Populares de Aquém e de Além-Mar