Workshop | Spanish Baroque Dance Course and Castanets

December 14th and 15th, 2019 | 11:00-13:00 and 14:30-17:30 | Lisbon | Palácio Nacional da Ajuda
Dance was one of the most widespread artistic practices in Iberian societies of the 17th and the 18th centuries; in theater, court, assemblies, taverns, family celebrations and even religious processions, all sectors of society participated in it. This course proposes a practical approach to 17th century Spanish school dance, taken from Juan de Esquivel's treatise, Discourses on the Art of Dance (Seville, 1642), and other period documents. It is aimed at people interested in getting to know 17th century Spanish dance at the initiation and intermediate levels. The sessions are organized in two parts, the first intended to study the basic steps and arm movements, and the second to introduce the repertoire of the de bailes and danzas of the time, such as the folias, the pavana, the villano and the paradetas. One hour daily will be devoted to the practice of castanets. Information and registration: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Organization: Portingaloise - Cultural and Artistic Association | INET-md
Coordination: Diana Campóo
Graduated by the Conservatorio Superior de Danza de Madrid "María de Ávila". Historical dance training with Françoise Deniau, Bruna Gondoni, Barbara Sparti and María José Ruiz, among others. She danced in the companies Esquivel, Ana Yepes Company, Les Plaisirs, Xuriach. Historical dance teacher at the Centro Superior de Música do País Basco (MUSIKENE) and at the Universidad Europea de Madrid. She collaborated as guest teacher with the Real Conservatorio Profesional de Danza de Madrid "Mariemma", the Conservatorio Superior de Danza de Madrid "María de Ávila", the Escuela Superior de Canto de Madrid, and the Aula de Música de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, among others, besides teaching Spanish Baroque dance courses in England and Portugal.