• Dança 5




About this Group

The Music Acoustics and Sound Studies group is devoted to research in the generic field of Music Acoustics with the objective of exploring new and comprehensive ways to investigate musical sounds, including not only the physical principles underlying their production by musical instruments, but also accounting for cultural factors which strongly influence their perception. The scientific approach intersects science and technology, ethnomusicology, media studies and organology, and is transversal in relation to activities of other groups of INET-md. Other important activities of the group include academic training, in particular through the Postgraduate Degree "Acoustics and Sound Studies" offered at NOVA | FCSH.


  • To produce new research in the field of Music Acoustics that is of social value;
  • To break new ground in musicology and ethnomusicology, by proposing new transdisciplinary approaches;
  • To explore new and comprehensive ways of investigating musical sounds, in particular by exploiting the power of analytical techniques stemming from the exact sciences, while taking into account cultural factors;
  • To enhance the acoustical and cultural value of musical instruments and promote musical heritage in all forms, tangible and intangible;
  • To disseminate research results through open-access research articles, the organization of workshops and exhibitions, as well public concerts. 
  • To establish close relations with research institutions, universities and institutional partners, in order to actively participate in scientific actions and develop new research projects;
  • To consolidate teaching activities in the advanced training course “Acoustics and Sound Studies” offered by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, and provide research-informed teaching targeted at the general public.



  • To develop new instrumental techniques and computational models for the characterization and simulation of musical instruments;

  • To provide techniques and tools for optimizing the sound qualities of musical instrument and create new musical instruments;
  • To compliment academic research with technology transfer by developing close links with musical instrument making companies;
  • To reinforce teaching activities in the advanced training course “Acoustics and Sound Studies” offered by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences.



Principal Investigator




Associated Laboratories
Scientific Production (2013 - 2018)
2019-07-24 grupos de investigacao acustica musical e estudos de sons-en

Concluded Competitive Projects


Singing bronze: material sciences and acoustic engineering advanced techniques toward the preservation of the Mafra carillon bells
Collaborative Research Award Santander/NOVA 2015/2016. Partnership with NOVA | FCT
Post-doctoral project funded by FCT and by INET-md: SFRH/BDP/25452/2005 | UID/EAT/00472/2013
PTDC/EAT-MMU/104255/2008. Partnership with ULisboa | IST and P.Porto | ESMAE

Knowledge Transfer Projects

Heritage4All, LDA | Startup launched by group members to expand knowledge on cultural heritage

Direção Geral do Património Cultural | Consulting for the restoration of the Mafra carillons

TitaniumSound (France) | Study and conception of a musical instrument prototype in Titanium (Pass Innov joint project)

Royal Eijsbouts bell foundry (Holland) | Design, optimization and tuning of bells

Coruche Municipal Museum | Virtual resurrection of the sound of the bell from São Pedro de Coruche

Seixal Municipality | Cassette transcription

Alcobaça Municipality | Acoustic technologies for investigating historical acoustic-era sound reproducers



Principal Investigator
Integrated Researchers with PhD
PhD Students