Music Acoustics and Sound Studies
About this Group
- To produce new research in the field of Music Acoustics that is of social value;
- To break new ground in musicology and ethnomusicology, by proposing new transdisciplinary approaches;
- To explore new and comprehensive ways of investigating musical sounds, in particular by exploiting the power of analytical techniques stemming from the exact sciences, while taking into account cultural factors;
- To enhance the acoustical and cultural value of musical instruments and promote musical heritage in all forms, tangible and intangible;
- To disseminate research results through open-access research articles, the organization of workshops and exhibitions, as well public concerts.
- To establish close relations with research institutions, universities and institutional partners, in order to actively participate in scientific actions and develop new research projects;
- To consolidate teaching activities in the advanced training course “Acoustics and Sound Studies” offered by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, and provide research-informed teaching targeted at the general public.
To develop new instrumental techniques and computational models for the characterization and simulation of musical instruments;
- To provide techniques and tools for optimizing the sound qualities of musical instrument and create new musical instruments;
- To compliment academic research with technology transfer by developing close links with musical instrument making companies;
- To reinforce teaching activities in the advanced training course “Acoustics and Sound Studies” offered by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences.

Concluded Competitive Projects
Knowledge Transfer Projects
Heritage4All, LDA | Startup launched by group members to expand knowledge on cultural heritage
Direção Geral do Património Cultural | Consulting for the restoration of the Mafra carillons
TitaniumSound (France) | Study and conception of a musical instrument prototype in Titanium (Pass Innov joint project)
Royal Eijsbouts bell foundry (Holland) | Design, optimization and tuning of bells
Coruche Municipal Museum | Virtual resurrection of the sound of the bell from São Pedro de Coruche
Seixal Municipality | Cassette transcription
Alcobaça Municipality | Acoustic technologies for investigating historical acoustic-era sound reproducers