INET-md |
23/12/2024 |
Call | 8th Lisbon Conference: Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
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26/09/2024 |
Call for Papers | Journal of Festive Studies - Issue 8: Border Festivals
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09/07/2024 |
Call for papers | TransVariations_Music Beyond the Limits of Time and Technology International Colloquium
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24/06/2024 |
Call for papers | IV International Conference: Rethinking Soundscapes
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01/04/2024 |
Call for Papers | TECNIACÚSTICA 2024: Musical Acoustics
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21/11/2022 |
Call for Papers | Jornada SIBE - 2022 | Eurovisión. Fandom, Artificios Y Transmedialidad
INET-md |
04/05/2022 |
Call for Papers | EnIM 22 | XI Meeting on Music Research
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15/03/2022 |
Call for Proposals | International Meeting on the City, Body and Sound
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08/03/2022 |
Call for papers | 24th Meeting of the Study Group on Historical Sources
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02/03/2022 |
International Summer School | Music, humanities, and science: instrument making (MuHAS)
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18/02/2022 |
Call for Papers | Music as a Profession: Status, Careers and Organizations (18th- 20th centuries)
INET-md |
08/02/2022 |
Call for Proposals | Independence and digital technologies: music making in the 21st century beyond Anglo-America
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07/02/2022 |
Call for Papers | 37th European Seminar in Ethnomusicology (ESEM)
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13/10/2021 |
Call for Proposals | Festival Activism
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19/04/2021 |
Call for Papers | IC CIPEM 2021: Perspectives in Psychology of Music and Music Education
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11/02/2021 |
Call for Papers | Symposium on the Music of Carnival
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17/12/2020 |
Call for Papers | Women and Music in Early Modern Age
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27/11/2020 |
Call for Papers | One-day symposium on music, dance, healing and emotion
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19/11/2020 |
Call for Papers | ENIM 2020
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10/03/2020 |
Call for Papers | SIBE+20
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09/03/2020 |
Call for Papers | Independent Music Labels: Histories, Practices and Values
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17/10/2019 |
Call for Papers - Baroque Festivals between the Sacred and the Profane: Europe and the Atlantic
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08/10/2019 |
Call for Applications | IMSODA
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07/10/2019 |
Call for Papers | ICTM-IE/SMI Annual Postgraduate Conference
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04/10/2019 |
Call for Papers | Anthropocene Campus Lisboa: Parallax
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04/10/2019 |
Call for Papers | Culture and Sustainability Symposium
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25/07/2019 |
Call for Proposals | Artistic Research School
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16/07/2019 |
Call for Papers | Expressa
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16/06/2019 |
Call for Proposals - Hands-On Research Symposium: from artistic practice to artistic research
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14/05/2019 |
Call for Papers - 9th Conference on Musical Research
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10/01/2019 |
Call for Papers - Rome and Lisbon in the 18th century: music, visual arts and cultural transfers
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18/09/2018 |
Call for Proposals - CIPEM "20 anos de Investigação e Prática"
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12/05/2018 |
Call for Papers - ENIM 2018
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12/05/2018 |
Call for Papers - Radio Con:vida
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30/04/2018 |
Call for Proposals - Research Hands on Flute
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19/10/2017 |
Call for Papers - Music for and by Children: Perspectives from Children, Composers, Performers and Educators
INET-md |
18/05/2017 |
Call for Papers - International Congress "La prensa como fuente para la historia de la interpretación musical"
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18/05/2017 |
Call for Papers - Research Hands on Flute
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09/11/2016 |
Call for Articles for the Portuguese Journal of Musicology
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12/04/2016 |
Call for Papers - Journées d’Analyse Musicale de la Sfam
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25/05/2015 |
Call for Articles to the Portuguese Journal of Musicology
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24/05/2012 |
Call for Papers - Ópera e Cinema: Opera and Cinema: the Politics of an Encounter
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03/01/2012 |
Call for Papers - Musical Insularity: How it Favours Conservation, How it Triggers Innovation
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28/10/2011 |
Call for Papers - EASA 2012 Paris | Workshop: Saying the Unspeakable: the uses of voice in the narration of traumatic events
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21/01/2011 |
Call for Papers - Music and Media: 3rd International Meeting
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18/05/2010 |
Call for Papers: International Council for Traditional Music, 41st World Conference