Digital and Technological Performativities
This thematic line aims to develop prospective research into the fields of digital and technological innovation, while at the same time exploring and analyzing the role these fields play in the construction of identities, realities, and meanings. Researchers with different backgrounds in music and dance are invited to reflect on the growing presence and impact of technologies in contemporary societies, and to critically explore how digital and technological tools actively participate in the development of artistic practices in diverse educational, social and cultural contexts.
This thematic line seeks to generate new knowledge, methodologies, artistic works, and actions reflecting the dynamic interplay between technology and performativity and offering valuable insights for artists, educators, researchers, and the broader community.
Specifically, the main objectives of this thematic line are to:
- Foster the creation and performance of new artistic works that integrate advanced technological and digital tools, using artistic practice as a critical research methodology.
- Examine how new technologies and digital tools are influencing artistic performances and cultural practices, transforming traditional art forms, and creating new modes of expression.
- Explore how practice-led methodologies can inform different educational contexts in integrating new technological and digital tools into curricula that reflect the contemporary landscape of artistic performance and creation and foster creativity and inclusivity.
- Examine how new technologies and digital tools are shaping the production, distribution, and consumption of music and serving as platforms for expressing and negotiating cultural identities.
This thematic line aligns with INET-md’s primary goals by providing a forum for the work that is being developed by different research groups in exploring and analyzing the transformative potential of digital and technological innovations in music and dance. This is particularly visible in the work of a - Creation, Performance and artistic Research through their activity in developing labs such as CIME, Xperimus lab, or the nuclei NIPMA and NCI; b - Education, Music and Theatre in the Community, namely through their interdisciplinary approach to the recent technological advancements made by the introduction of the concept of sound-based music; c - Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies through research within popular music, media and entertainment industries, as well as through the ethnographic study of musical practices that strongly rely on new technologies; and d - Dance Studies through their activity in the nuclei on performativity, choreography and multimedia.
The coordinators of this thematic line will disseminate related findings related through artistic labs, collaborative workshops, artistic creations, and publications, fostering dialogue among researchers, practitioners, educators, and the broader public.

Photography by Andreia Parente.
Collaborating research groups: