• Caretos
In the form of a round table,LabeamusLaboratory for the Teaching and Learning of Musics, INET-md, and the Núcleo de Estudantes de Música da Associação Académica da Universidade de Aveiro (NEMu (NEMu), is promoting the meeting "Falando Sobre: Prática Instrumental no Ensino Superior". The event will occur on May 29 at 3 p.m in room 40.2.15 of the Departamento de Comunicação e Arte da Universidade de Aveiro (DeCA).
This special edition commemorates NEMu's 10th anniversary with the proposed theme of "instrumental practice in higher education". Throughout learning an instrument, music students encounter some problems related to individual practice. It is considered that by adopting efficient techniques it is possible to optimize study time and achieve better results. It is essential to vary strategies, seeking challenges and new approaches to the instrument. This round table aims to promote a dialog and exchange of experiences between DeCA teachers and music students. 
The session will be moderated by students Matilde Cardoso and Sara Fernandes (NEMu) and will be attended by invited INET-md lecturers and researchers: Helena MarinhoJean-Michel GarettiNuno ArosoPedro Rodrigues and Vasco Negreiros
More information available on the Laboratory's social media.