• Dança 2


EUROVISIONS consists of a regular activity at INET-md since 2018, coordinated by researcher Sofia Vieira Lopes, in which academic and non-academic thinking, within the scope of the Eurovision Song Contest is discussed, on topics stemming from her PhD thesis. This thematic activity brings together researchers, professionals and fans, yearly, attending an international conference organized at the venue where the Eurovision Song Contest takes place, and several seminars promoted at INET-md headquarters (EUROVISION Series and Research Seminar "Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe").
Organization: Event Date: Title
INET-md 18/04/2024 International Conference | EUROVISIONS - 7th Edition
INET-md 25/09/2023 Course Unit | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe
INET-md 30/05/2023 Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Martim Sousa Tavares - The challenges of programming a Music Festival
INET-md 02/06/2023 Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Ana Filipa Carvalho - Production and programming of Music Festivals and large-scale events
INET-md 26/05/2023 Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Luís Ferreira - Living the Village and creating a Music Festival with the community
INET-md 09/05/2023 Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 6th edition
INET-md 19/05/2023 Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Filipa Cardoso - Music Festivals, Tourism and Economy
INET-md 14/04/2023 Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Gonçalo Madaíl - The Eurovision Song Contest and the Song Festival. Concept, Production and Results
INET-md 21/04/2023 Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Nuno Galopim - How to make the Media Coverage of a Music Festival
INET-md 28/04/2023 Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Ricardo Bramão - The reality of Music Festivals in Portugal
INET-md 12/05/2022 Eurovisions Series | Back from Eurovision
INET-md 10/05/2022 Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 5th edition
INET-md 29/05/2021 Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 4th edition
INET-md 26/05/2020 Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 3rd edition
INET-md 14/05/2019 Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 2nd edition
INET-md 09/05/2018 Eurovisions on RTP
INET-md 07/05/2018 Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 1st edition | 2nd session
INET-md 17/02/2018 International Conference | EUROVISIONS - 1st Edition | 1st Session