Talk-ip | Socio-educational and emotional implications in components of Children Choirs and Music Bands: A Case Study
The origin of this investigation connects as a response to this other investigation presented in the following article:
Filella Guiu, G, Gustems-Carnicer, J, Morente-Ros, A and Requena-Oriola, S (2019) Beyond music: Emotional skills and its development in young adults in choirs and bands, International Society Music Education, Article Information, Volume : 37 issue: 4, page(s): 536-546, Article first published online: June 24, 2019; Issue published: November 1, 2019.
This study part of the need to reflect on what the tools will be, how today’s society will contribute to creating the individual of the future. It is a priority to establish the keys to social progress in the development of social and emotional skills as fundamental tools that can give us the keys to full development of skills and also establish the pillars on which the most significant skills for social progress are based. This is where we find a truly priority link through cooperative learning in non-formal educational contexts such as participation in Music Bands or Choirs.