• Guitarra
22.11.2023 | 2:30 pm | Aveiro |  Central and Rectorate building of University of Aveiro |  Academic Acts Room
On November 22nd, 2023, at 2:30pm, Ana Margarida Brito Cardoso's defense of the doctoral thesis in Program in Music will be held in the Academic Acts Room, Central Building and Rectory of the University of Aveiro, with the theme "Regulation of musical status and work during the Estado Novo: The case of the national wind quintet".





Regulação do estatuto e do trabalho musical durante o Estado Novo: O caso do quinteto nacional de sopro

The present thesis, within the domain of Ethnomusicology, aims to contribute to the understanding of the regulation of musical activity during the Estado Novo. Taking as a starting point the itineraries of five musicians belonging to the Quinteto Nacional de Sopro, instigates the discussion about the construction of a social and professional status, through which the corporativist regime categorized and controlled the musical activity. These itineraries reflect how these musicians responded to the limits imposed by categorizations, developing a broad and multifaceted activity in the context of philharmonic and military bands, orchestras, chamber groups, but also the National Conservatoire, among other institutions.