Seminar | Women and music: from precursors to professionals

28.04.2021 | 16:00 | online
With the exception of some monographs (Luísa Todi, Guilhermina Suggia, Constança Capdeville) and other specific cases, studies on the activity of women in music started quite late in Portugal, in comparison with other countries. However, the activity of women in music has developed in our country in areas as diverse as patronage, interpretation, composition, music publishing, teaching, conducting choirs and orchestras, among others. Although research in this field is still at an embryonic stage, especially with regard to periods prior to the 20th century. We intend, in this session, to present some of the knowledge that has been produced, which results from works and projects carried out until now, in a chronological scope that goes from the Old Regime until the eighties of the twentieth century.
Session coordinated by Maria José Artiaga, with the participation of Helena Marinho, Manuela de Oliveira and Joaquim Carmelo Rosa, within the scope of the monthly seminars of the project PROFMUS - To be a musician in Portugal: the social and professional condition of musicians in Lisbon (1750-1985), financed by the FCT (PTDC/ART-PER/32624/2017).
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