• Dança 3
The Labeamus - Music Teaching and Learning Laboratory of the Universidade de Aveiro, affiliated with INET-md, in partnership with the Culture and Educational Processes research line of the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Goiás, is promoting the event "Falando Sobre: Diago e Corpomusicalidades" on April 23rd. The event will take place online from 6h00pm to 7h30pm in a roundtable format and will feature reports on educational-musical practices focusing on protagonism and artistic co-authorship with communities. The theme of Dialogy and Corpomusicalities encompasses dialogical interactions between body and music, grounded in the horizontality of learning relationships and in the transborder understanding of shared knowledge that transforms into unique artistic creations. Registration is free but mandatory and should be completed through the following form.
The round table will be attended by Márcio Penna Côrte Real (Federal University of Goiás, Graduate Program in Education), Helena Caspurro (INET-md/University of Aveiro) and moderated by Késia Mendes Barbosa Oliveira (Federal University of Goiás and Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goiás and University of Aveiro).
Márcio Penna highlights his research into the cultural practices of Afro-descendants in Brazil, especially Capoeira rodas, where music plays a crucial role in educational development. He emphasizes how music can be both an instrument of education and an object of prestige and dispute between the social agents involved in Capoeira. It aims to encourage educators, especially those linked to music, to reflect on the presence of music and its educational processes in contexts marked by power relations, such as the cultural field of Capoeira.
Helena Caspurro shares her experience with the project "If you want to know what Paluí is... put your finger here! A journey through the sound stories that the Portuguese language tells". This project, inspired by the musical work of a singer-songwriter, involved around 600 preschool and elementary school children and teachers, to promote the development of the Portuguese language and creative expression through music. The project also encouraged the use of innovative educational strategies and expanded the children's expressive horizons in the visual and plastic arts, with the participation of design students from the Universidade de Aveiro.
Learn more about the speakers
Márcio Penna Côrte Real | He has a degree in Art Education with a major in Music (1999) a Master's degree in Education from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2001); and a PhD in Education from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2006). He is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás, working on an undergraduate degree in Pedagogy in the area of Art and Education - Music; and on a Postgraduate Degree in Education, as a permanent professor, in the line of Culture and Educational Processes. He is a collaborating professor in the Postgraduate Program in Cultural Performances at this university. He teaches and researches the relationships between culture, art, and education; the educational processes that develop in the universe of art and cultural practices; the cultural practices of black people, such as Capoeira, and their relationship with racism and educational processes, as well as other social groups; and theoretical approaches such as dialogical-problematizing education; sociology of culture; educational action research; and social thought and the interpretation of Brazil.
Helena Caspurro | Assistant Professor at the Universidade de Aveiro, researcher at INET-Md, and collaborator at CESEM at the FCSH of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Pianist and singer in the jazz and fusion genres, she has released four original CDs, Mulher Avestruz (2003), Colapsopira (2009), Paluí (2013), and Massaiá, a double album. She is involved in subjects such as improvisation, musical understanding, and creativity, and has been involved in the direction of the Didactics of Music curricular units in the master's degree in Music Teaching, the creation and artistic direction of musical and scenic concerts (Casa da Música, Porto), as well as in the development of artistic research in an educational and social context, including creative and transdisciplinary works germinated in music and implemented in Portugal. With a degree in piano, she has a degree in philosophy, a master's degree in musical sciences, and a doctorate in music education.
Késia Mendes Barbosa OliveiraShe has a degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Goiás (1998), a Master's degree in Education from the Federal University of Goiás (2006), a PhD in Education from the same university and is currently doing a Doctoral Internship in Music at the Department of Communication and Art at the University of Aveiro.  She is a teacher of basic, technical, and technological education at the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Goiás, working with pedagogical subjects in teacher training for the Dance Degree and Bilingual Pedagogy Degree - Libras/Portuguese at the Aparecida de Goiânia campus. She teaches and researches in the field of Education with an emphasis on teaching practice, cultural practice, art, childhood, aesthetic experience, and human formation.