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News | 2nd edition of the podcast Quis Saber Quem Sou, on radio Antena 1
Event | Screening of the documentary film "Festival da Canção – 60 anos" at NOVA FCSH
Book | Independence in 21st Century Popular Music: Cases from Beyond Anglo-America
News | INET-md thesis is a trailblazer in the use of non-binary language
GIEEMP Seminar | Symbolic Performance of the Portuguese Nation: Ada de Castro and the Fado Cult of Lisbon
Review | Drummophone: a fusion between sound art, installation, and the urban soundscape
Article | Harmonias de Resistência: A Escuta como Ecoativismo no Festival Lisboa Soa
News | INET-md researchers in international event on urban space and musical practices
Grupo de Música Antiga de Lisboa - Emissora Nacional (1965-1969)
Manuel Rodrigues Coelho: First complete recording of ‘Flores de musica pera o instrumento de tecla & harpa’ (1620)
8th Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
Defense of Doctoral Thesis | Maria Espírito Santo
GIEHCM Seminar | Pliegos de Villancicos Portugueses: Genesis and development of a transdisciplinary research project
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | Adrej Kocan
GIEEMP Seminar | “Partir a loiça”: jazz, gender and performance in a Conservatory
Prize | Edward Ayres Abreu awarded with Prémio Alumni NOVA FCSH 2024
Prize | Teresa Gentil awarded with Prémio Joaquim de Vasconcelos 2023
News | INET-md gets approval for six positions in FCT Tenure - 1st Edition
Article | “It Is as If Everything Takes Place in the No-man's-land of a Time Outside of Time”: Music in Three Short Films by João César Monteiro
Article | «Unidade, trabalho e vigilância»: O «homem novo» nos hinos revolucionários de Moçambique (1962-77)
New Year's Courses | History of Music and stylistic appreciation
News | INET-md researcher joins Radio Radar team
News | Andrew Snyder was keynote speaker in the conference "Bandas de Bronces y Movimientos Sociales"
Interview | An Interview with Jason Gardner and Giovanni Kezich about We the Spirits
Editorial | Journal of Festive Studies, 6
Call | 8th Lisbon Conference: Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
Article | Practice research in free improvisation: Investigating relationships between interaction and musical identity
GIEHCM Seminar | Music, ceremonial and politics in the Church of Loreto: The troubled relations between Lisbon and Rome in the Pombaline era
News | Inês Thomas Almeida included by the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality in the list of Women for Equality
International events | Journée d’étude "Espace urbain et pratiques musicales: Une scène politique sonore?"
News | INET-md researchers join the Editorial Team of Wind Music Research Quarterly
News | Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco honored at "Jornadas de Música Histórica: Notas no Tempo"
Conference Proceedings | “Bicha pre-tra-tra-tra-tra”: o enviadescimento artivista de Pabllo Vittar e Linn da Quebrada
Article | Surveillance, repression, and black themes in samba schools in Rio de Janeiro during the military dictatorship
Article | Free Improvisation as a Tool to Develop Interaction, Musical Identity and Musicianship among Jazz Students
Article | What's race got to do with it?: 'Racialized voice' and 'vocalized race' in Tina: The Tina Turner musical
GIEHCM Seminar | Presentation of COST Action Print Culture and Public Spheres in Central Europe 1500–1800 (PCPSce)
GIEEMP Seminar | Contributions to the Analysis and Development of Ecomusicological Activism in the Iberian Peninsula
GIAMES Seminar | Acoustic topographies: preservation as a creative act - Explorations of Argentina's acoustic and sound heritage through listening and technology
Book presentation | Una historia cultural del grito
Workshop | The vocal gesture: notes for an affective semantics of the scream
International Encounter | Conference Sound in Museums — opening edition
News | Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco was keynote speaker on Forum FLAD about the internationalization of the Universities
Prize | The book Music and the Making of Portugal and Spain wins the Ellen Koskoff awarded by the Society for Ethnomusicology
News | Inês Thomas Almeida elected as a board member and coordinator of the COST Action Science Communication on print culture in Europe
News | Inês Thomas Almeida joins INET-md/NOVA FCSH, under the Individual CEEC - 6th Edition
GIEHCM Seminar | Listening to the Empire: the sonification of otherness in the Portuguese African colonies, 1870-1910
GIEEMP Seminar | Sentinel Musicians of the Ethiopian American Diaspora
GIEEMP Seminar | The phonographic trade in São Paulo, Brazil, at the beginning of the 20th century
Article | Entre tradição e criação: dinâmicas das pequenas editoras de música popular de matriz rural em Portugal no século XXI
Article | ‘Lost & Found’ or ‘Requiem for the new Mozambican man’: Musicking transition from a socialist single-party to a capitalist multiparty system (1987–1994)
GIEHCM Seminar | Modern editions of Portuguese music from the 17th and 18th centuries: History, methodologies and problems
Events | INET-md presents thematic line "Studies on Women, Gender and Sexuality"
GIEEMP Seminar | Autonomy, negotiation and recreation: folk musicians and the case of their participation in “medieval fairs”
Chapter | Portuguese Patronage in Rome and the Economics of Magnificence: La Virtù negl’amori by Alessandro Scarlatti at the Teatro Capranica (1721)
Exhibition | What a Man is Capable of — José Mário Branco’s Collection
Conference Proceedings | É, nesta Lisboa, figura de proa da nossa canção: visões das Fado Bicha através das televisões
News | INET-md researchers in the creation of Sounds of a Revolution
Article | "Pathways for a Justice-Oriented Ethnomusicology"
CDs | Full recording of the collection "Flores de Musica", by Manuel Rodrigues Coelho (ca. 1555-1635)
Sumptuous Basses of the Patriarchal
News | Researchers of INET-md at the conference KISMIF'2024
Article | Musical activity, show business and post-colonial politics in socialist Maputo, or ‘the multiple sides of a full circle’ (1975–1994)
Article | "Ai Quanto do Teu Sal...": The Counter-Colonizing Tears of Fado Bicha and Portugal
RESONANCES – The resonances of intercultural exchanges between students on their music teaching practices and methods
News | Andrew Snyder is a candidate to the Executive Board of the Society for Ethnomusicology
Gathering | "How many are we": INET-md celebrates the Carnation Revolution
Homage Concert | Francisco d’Orey: A life dedicated to music
Presentation | Catálogo Descriptivo de Pliegos de Villancicos Portugueses
Open lecture | Ethics in Ethnomusicology: Continuing the Conversation
GIEHCM Seminar | Mapping emotions in eighteenth-century Italian opera
Prize | Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco awarded with Prémio Imaterial
News | À Redescoberta da Coleção PortugalSom: Olhares sobre o património discográfico da música portuguesa
Call for applicants | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024
International Conference | NoiseFloor
News | Professor Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco elected for the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Launch | Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa: Escritos em Liberdade
Concert-talk | From the Salon to the Society: "Modinhas Imperiais and Os doze exercícios brasileiros by Luciano Gallet"
GIEEMP Seminar | The Berlin and Vienna Phonogram Archives: Changing Approaches and Perspectives
Festival | Causa Efeito'24: New Jazz at NOVA
Book Launch | Música en las cortes ibéricas (1700-1834): ceremonial, artes del espectáculo y representación del poder
Defense of Doctoral Thesis | Fernando Miguel Jalôto
GIEHCM Seminar | Music and exile: the case of Fernando Lopes-Graça’s ballet La fièvre du temps (1938)
GIEEMP Seminar | Trends and Developments in Chinese Music After the Revolution, 1949-2000
International Conference | EUROVISIONS - 7th Edition
Call for papers | International Congress José Afonso
Call for Papers | TECNIACÚSTICA 2024: Musical Acoustics
Chapter | La musique, la santé et la société: contribution de l’ethnomusicologie
GIEEMP Seminar | Cesária Évora: Documentation of routes and discourses (CISE)
Concert-talk | From the Salon to the Society: "The music of the Incas and its reminiscences in South American folklore (Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia)"
Article | João de Deus’s musical perversions: a case study on the music and sexuality in two films by João César Monteiro
News | Colloquium on the song "Grândola, Vila Morena" in Paris
News | Quis saber quem sou
News | Documentary: Festival da Canção 60 Years (1964-2024)
GIEHCM Seminar | Fado in 19th century Brazil: A reassessment of a forgotten practice in light of new historical evidence
News | Herdeiros de Orfeu: Uma história da música antiga em Portugal
Article | Between War, Politics, and 'Something Nice Back Home': Uncovering the First Mozambican Experiences within the World Music Market (1987–1994)
GIEEMP Seminar | "We're not fans just to wave flags": the audience as gatekeeper of the RTP Song Festival
Book | A Construção Sonora de Moçambique (1974-1994)
Article | From “Sin Street” to “Education Street”: Music, Politics and Transgression in Maputo’s Red-Light District, Mozambique (c.1960–86)
Article | “Além do mar cruel...”: Canção do Mar e a neomercantilização do ethos da saudade portuguesa
Chapter | Embracing postcolonial diversity? Music selection and affective formation in TAP Air Portugal’s in-flight entertainment system
GIEHCM Seminar | From manuscript to recording: Research, performance and phonographic edition of Portuguese baroque repertory
Talk | Imaginaries of Lusophone global pop culture: transversal alliances, diasporic experiences and postcolonial heritage
Book | O Som como Meio de Comunicação nas Exposições em Museus
Article | Das recolhas ao álbum como “cartão de visita”: estratégias e reinvenções na pequena edição de música popular de matriz rural em Portugal no século XXI
GIEEMP Seminar | The music ecosystem versus the music doughnut: a comparison of two concepts for envisioning the future of music during the climate crisis
Note of grief | Ivan Moody (1964-2024)
GIEEMP Seminar | Creative Industries in the 21st century
Note of grief | Arnaldo Trindade (1934-2024)
Meeting | Precarious FCSH: Science on a deadline?
GIEEMP Seminar | The resonances of the Other: Social interactions during musical education in disadvantaged contexts from Latin America and Europe
Article | In the interstices of the subfield: self-edition and entrepreneurship among folk musicians in Portugal in the 21st century
Conference Proceedings | Second Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Sound, Movement, and the Sciences (SoMoS)
Launch | CD-Book "A História da Maria Frederica"
Call for papers | International Conference "Rome crossroad of Arts between the 17th and 20th centuries"
Article | Affective Aspirations of Activist Musical Diplomacy at the Bicentennial Celebration of Brazilian Independence in Lisbon
Book | Música en las cortes ibéricas (1700-1834): ceremonial, artes del espectáculo y representación del poder
Article | "... Posee todos los primores de la música, en cuanto ciencia, y en cuanto arte": As actividades musicais de D. Maria Bárbara de Bragança, infanta de Portugal e rainha de Espanha
Article | Las primeras grabaciones portuguesas para The Gramophone Company (1900-1908) y la formación de un mercado fonográfico en Portugal
Article | The Musical Expat: Privileged Migration and Baby Music Class in Lisbon
GIEHCM Seminar | The Boehm flute in Portugal and Brazil in the 19th century
Roundtable | Virtual presentation of the Encyclopaedia of Music in Portugal in the 20th Century
Prize | Marco Roque de Freitas and João Soeiro de Carvalho distinguished by NOVA within award of Pedagogical Innovation
ROSSIO Infrastructure | Ethnomusicology digital colections and exhibitions
GIEHCM Seminar | Musical practices in Lisbon in the 20th century: Itineraries, genres and spaces
GIEEMP Seminar | Africanness in Action: Essentialism and Musical Imaginations in Brazil
Article | The role of Valentim de Carvalho in the emergence of the ‘Portuguese rock boom’ of the early 1980s
Prize | Alejandro Reyes-Lucero wins Merit and Excellence Prize at NOVA FCSH
International Forum | Post-ip'23: 7th International Post-graduate Forum in Studies in Music and Dance
Article | Perspectives on Musical Care Throughout the Life Course: Introducing the Musical Care International Network
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | Ana Margarida Brito Cardoso
Filipa Lima
GIEHCM Seminar | Between the ancient and the modern: Theory and musical practice in the 17th and 18th centuries
International Congress | SIBE 2023 "A la escucha de nuestro presente: una cartografía de las culturas musicales en el siglo XXI"
Prize | Ana Raquel Moreira wins Young Talents Prize at the 77th Anniversary Gala of the Conservatory of Madeira
GIEEMP Seminar | Songbooks in Goa: Cultural representations from colonial to digital
Jobs | Project EXMUS: International procedure for the contracting of PhD researcher
Book Launch | Ar de Rock: O boom do rock em Portugal do início da década de 1980
Publications | Project YouSound: Reports on open acess
Publications | Project YouSound: Zines on open acess
GIEHCM Seminar | Arts of image, sound and movement: Dance in period films and music in the Portuguese and French "new cinemas"
Teresa Gentil
Beatriz Nunes
Ana Raquel Moreira
Marco Roque de Freitas publishes "Being a Musician in Socialist Mozambique: From Invisibility to Unfeasibility (1974-1994)"
"We must warn everyone": Music and Portuguese exile in France during the Estado Novo regime (1933-1974)
INET-md is leading Ethnomusicological Research into the Philharmonic Bands of Vimeiro
Course Unit | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe
GIEEMP Seminar | Expressive culture on the Portuguese-Spanish border: sociocultural transformation processes, musical agents, and practices of identity construction
Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco was elected as Honorary Member and Susana Sardo as Member of the Executive Board of ICTM
Book Launch | Music and the Making of Portugal and Spain
Call for Papers | Music Education among Refugee and Migrant Youths: Sharing, Belonging, Including
GIEHCM Seminar | CD Launch: "Concerti Grossi - António Pereira da Costa".
Internacional Seminar | Postcolonial Airliners as Cultural Mediators | Corporate Branding and Cultural Governance in Transnational Contexts
Conference | Protest Song Meeting - Protest Song in Ibero-America
Conference | Práticas artísticas e a inclusão de refugiados e migrantes na Europa
GIEHCM Seminar | The Musical Direction of the Royal Chamber of Fernando VII (1814-1833)
GIEHCM Seminar | Erik Satie and the "Six"
Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Martim Sousa Tavares - The challenges of programming a Music Festival
Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Ana Filipa Carvalho - Production and programming of Music Festivals and large-scale events
Exhibition | Seeing Sound, Drawing Migrations - An Exhibition of Ethnographic Drawings
Exhibition | “Ser Músico em Portugal (1750-1985)”
Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Luís Ferreira - Living the Village and creating a Music Festival with the community
GIEHCM Seminar | Safeguard, Organization and Dissemination of Musical Heritage
MIMC Seminar | Professor CHEN Jen-yen - The Sounds of Western Others and Their Chinese Listeners in the Guangdong Province Region
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 6th edition
Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Filipa Cardoso - Music Festivals, Tourism and Economy
6th Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
GIEHCM Seminar | Music Collectors: From the 18th Century Court to the Private Salons of the 20th century
Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Gonçalo Madaíl - The Eurovision Song Contest and the Song Festival. Concept, Production and Results
Marco Roque de Freitas has published the article "‘In heavy rotation’: uncovering the phonographic industry and the ‘NGOMA national label’ in socialist Mozambique (1978–1990)” in Ethnomusicology Forum.
Dulce Simões has published the article "Festivities and Sustainable Development in Baixo Alentejo (Portugal)” in Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability
Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Ricardo Bramão - The reality of Music Festivals in Portugal
Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Nuno Galopim - How to make the Media Coverage of a Music Festival
Cristina Fernandes started a position as Assistant Researcher at INET-md
Marco Freitas started a position as Junior Researcher at INET-md
Workshop | Lisbon's Fado
Book Launch | Outros Celtas: Celtismo, Modernidade e Música em Portugal e Espanha
Book Launch | Fin Qui Ho Parlato»: a condição profissional dos músicos na Lisboa oitocentista e outros ensaios
Award | "William A. Douglass Prize in Europeanist Anthropology" atribuído a Filippo Bonini Baraldi (2)
Colloquium | Ouvir de olhos abertos: Música e Política em Portugal no Século XX
Awards | Honorable Mention awarded to Filippo Bonini Baraldi
Research grants announcement | PhD and Initiation
Exhibition | Chinese Musical Instruments in Mafra
Exhibition | “Ser Músico em Portugal (1750-1985)”
Exposição | ORFEU [1956-2013]
Cycle of Discussions | Ser Músico em Portugal
Conference | Music as a profession: status, careers and organizations (18th-20th centuries)
Eurovisions Series | Back from Eurovision
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 5th edition
Article | Sounding the Nation, Sounding the Revolution: Music and Radio Broadcasting in Post-colonial Mozambique (1975-1986)
5th Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
Book | Práticas da Cultura na Raia do Baixo Alentejo. Utopias, criatividade e formas de resistência
O canto alentejano: formas de resistência e horizontes de expetativa
A Banda Filarmónica Barranquense: entre lugares, culturas e práticas culturais
Conferência | The Eight Sounds: Material, Colour, and Repertoire of the Chinese Instruments
YouSound – Music education as an inclusive tool for underage refugees in Europe
Job Opening | Senior Technician Recruitment Science Management NOVA FCSH
Seminário | Músicos Profissionais Na 1ª República: Dos Conservatório e Dos Teatros aos Clubes e Animatógrafos
Call for papers | 24th Meeting of the Study Group on Historical Sources
Research grants announcement | Laura Bassi Scholarship
International Summer School | Music, humanities, and science: instrument making (MuHAS)
Call for Papers | Music as a Profession: Status, Careers and Organizations (18th- 20th centuries)
Defense of the Doctoral Thesis | Hugo Castro
Call for Proposals | Independence and digital technologies: music making in the 21st century beyond Anglo-America
Job Opening for Senior Technician at INET-md
Call for Papers | 37th European Seminar in Ethnomusicology (ESEM)
Research grants announcement - PhD
ROSSIO Infrastructure: A Digital Humanities Platform to Explore the Portuguese Cultural Heritage
Performing a culture, staging the revolution: Choral singing and traditional music as nationbuilding tropes in post-colonial Mozambique
Research grants announcement - MA
New Year's Course | Music Culture
Seminar | From Colonial War to Independence: Being a Musician in the Portuguese State of India, Angola and Mozambique
Rádio Clube de Moçambique: História económica e cultural de uma empresa radiofónica num contexto colonial (1932-1974)
Conference | Rethinking the historical development of Haitian culture and religion from an Afro-Iberian perspective: The case of the Rara
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression freeing the self through EDM festivals
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression in dance
Encounter | 2nd National University and Culture Meeting
Symposium | Listening to the tourist city: Tourism, sound environments and urban transformation
Concert | Persian Music
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression through metal studies
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression in Ibero-American symbolic imagery
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression in gender and queer conditions
Seminar | Music and Body: tradition & transgression in postcolonial and local epistemology
Funaná, Raça e Masculinidade: uma Trajetória Colonial e Pós-colonial
Talk | The role of the press in the construction of the voice of Amália Rodrigues (1939-1945)
Release | Funaná, Raça e Masculinidade: uma Trajetória Colonial e Pós-colonial
Seminar | Introduction to Music and Body: tradition and transgression in subject centered studies
Call for Proposals | Festival Activism
Concert | 100 years of OS FIDALGOS DA CASA MOURISCA
Seminar | Music and Body: Tradition and Transgression
Symposium | On the Music of Carnival
Job | PhD Researcher
Award | Best paper
Release | A imprensa como fonte para a história da interpretação musical
Concert | Heroic songs and poetry of neo-realism
Concert | Something is about to happen
Follow up Sessions | #1
International Symposium | HELP-MD: The Healing and Emotional Power of Music and Dance
Colloquium | Independent Music Labels: Histories, Practices and Values
Book | Roma Music & Emotion
Seminar | Women and music: from precursors to professionals
International Symposium | ISMA'21: The media in the construction of the Portuguese Empire and Modern Nations
Transforming Ethnomusicology: Political, Social & Ecological Issues
Transforming Ethnomusicology: Methodologies, Institutional Structures, and Policies
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 4th edition
Seminar | Social status and professional paths in performing arts (18th-19th centuries): actors, dancers and musicians
Seminar | Models and training paths of professional musicians active in Lisbon between the second half of the 18th century and the beginning of the 20th century
Call for Papers | Symposium on the Music of Carnival
Seminar | The socio-professional condition of Portuguese musicians during the Estado Novo period
Roundtable | Recorded traditional music: talking to independent publishers
Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco is Professor Emeritus at NOVA FCSH
Professor Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco to give Last Lecture at the New University of Lisbon's Rectory
Andrew Snyder took office in INET-md / FCSH after being selected as Junior Researcher in the CEEC Individual 2nd edition
Didier Alix Sarrouy took office in INET-md / FCSH after being selected as Junior Researcher in the CEEC Individual 2nd edition
Call for Papers | Women and Music in Early Modern Age
A construção sonora de Moçambique (1974-1994)
Call for Papers | One-day symposium on music, dance, healing and emotion
Research Grant | Research Grant Announcement MA
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 3rd edition
Summer School | Memory, Music and Resistance
Summer School | 18th Century Lisbon Musical Itineraries
Call for Papers | Independent Music Labels: Histories, Practices and Values
Concert | Assim devera eu ser
Exhibition | Pharmácia Amália
Exhibition | Voices by Leonel Moura
Conference | Music and liberalism: a musical life in Lisbon between 1820 and 1853
Seminar | Music, healing and emotion among the Wana people: a brief introduction
Seminar | Archival principles applied to the collection and organization of documentary sources
Festivais, Imaginários e Identificações Transnacionais
Marrabenta: as dinâmicas históricas e socioculturais no contexto do seu surgimento
Processos de Construção Da Memória Nas Democracias Ibéricas. Os Casos Os Anos Do Século (1979) e Rocío (1980)
O Canto Que Virou Património
Launch | YouSound Zine
Book Launch | Atores da educação musical: etnografia nos programas socioculturais El Sistema, Neojiba e Orquestra Geração
Book Launch | Critical Brass - Street Carnival and Musical Activism in Olympic Rio de Janeiro
Conference | 46th ICTM World Conference
Distinction | Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco decorated by the Egyptian Minister of Culture
Colloquium | The Mardi Gras Indians of New Orleans: an Afro-Iberian tradition?
International Symposium | Musics in Africa: Listening to Mozambique
Group reading | 'Sonic Agency' by Brandon LaBelle
Colloquium | Caetano Veloso and the Asa da Palavra: censorship, exile and song
Roundtable | Pernambucan popular traditions as a form of resistance
Roundtable | Fight for the neighborhood, protect the community. Maracatu “Leão de Ouro” and Mouraria Peoples’s March in dialogue
Workshop | Loose Thud Maracatu "Leão de Ouro"
Colloquium | Listening to the Islamic Sublime between Morocco and France
Conference | José Afonso and his work: a relevant cultural interest
International Seminar | Music in the Iberian Courts (18th-19th centuries): Performance Arts and Representation of Power
International Seminar | Music in the Iberian Courts (18th-19th centuries): Performance Arts and Representation of Power
Workshop | Audio Storytelling Practices. Recording, Preserving and Composing Stories
Presentation and Concert | ERC PerformArt programme
Call for Papers | Culture and Sustainability Symposium
Symposium | Culture and Sustainability
Encontro da Canção de Protesto
Conference | Encontro da Canção de Protesto
Filipa Raquel Oliveira
Call for Papers - Baroque Festivals between the Sacred and the Profane: Europe and the Atlantic
Baroque Festivals between the sacred and the profane: Europe and the Atlantic
De não saber o que me espera: nos 90 anos de José Afonso
Seminário Interdisciplinar - Geografias do Som. Audição, Soundmaking, Ressonância
Music and Nationalism Today: Armenian Diaspora, ethnic conflict and nationalism
Collaboration agreement with Associação José Afonso
Music and Nationalism Today: Symbolic Contestation
Music and Nationalism Today: Norse mythology in popular music and culture
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 2nd edition
Music and Nationalism: popular culture and globalisation
Music and Nationalism: ethno-symbolism and heritage
Finissage - Exposição "Orgulho Bairrista"
22nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group Musical Instruments
O Ruído Urbano: Aspetos Legais e Princípios Conceptuais
Music and Nationalism:post-colonialism and emergent new states
Modernisation of Musical Traditions: Global Perspectives
Music and Nationalism: transition, historical remarks and popular culture
International Conference Rome and Lisbon in the 18th century: music, visual arts and cultural transfers
Ciclo de Conferências - Escutar Lisboa
Exposição "Orgulho bairrista"
Do Tejo ao Tibre: músicos e artistas portugueses em Roma no século XVIII
International Symposium | SOUNDS OF TOURISM
A Partilha Do Sensível Em Lugares Liminares: Visibilidades e Invisibilidades Da Memoria
Were palaeolithic cave paintings placed because of acoustic response?
Aspetos de construção dos instrumentos do quatuor
Sounds of Vacation: Political Economies of Caribbean Tourism
Aspetos matemáticos em Debussy, Bartók e Xenakis
Music & Art: Teaching Together
Domenico Scarlatti: Missed meetings of an illustrious contemporary of Nasoni
PROFMUS - To be a musician in Portugal: the social and professional condition of musicians in Lisbon (1750-1985)
Music research and new Technologies toward the restitution of the Timbila collection of the Natinal Museum of Ethnology
ORFEU (1956-1983): The Politics and aesthetics of popular music production and consumption in modern Portugal
HELP-MD The Healing and Emotional Power of Music and Dance
Sounding Lisbon as Tourist City: Sound, Tourism and the Sustainability of Urban Ambiances in the Post-industrial City
Seminário Internacional Música nas Cortes Ibéricas (séculos XVIII-XIX): mecenato, repertórios, performance
Post-Graduate Program in Acoustics and Sound Studies
A Música nas Capelas Reais europeias setecentistas: da corte para a cidade
Las canciones e himnos patrióticos en el mundo hispánico durante el siglo XIX. ¿Género revolucionario o gubernamental? Intercambio de textos entre los bandos en disputa
Narrative Videos by MA Students
Eurovisions on RTP
Jobs - Research Grants
Research Grants Announcement - BA
Research Grants Announcement - MA
Research Grant - Scientific Iniciation Grant
Filming the music: the collaboration between a filmmaker and an ethnomusicologist
Meyes - Music to our Eyes
Oficina Intensiva de Etnografia Audiovisual
Internacional Conference | EUROVISIONS – 1st edition | 2nd session
Music & Dance Education under the influences of cross-culture in Macau (2)
Antifascist legacies: musical memorializations of the WWII Resistenza in contemporary Italian popular music.
Film "Il Nemico: un breviario partigiano"
Seminar - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (5)
Seminar - O Som como meio e como forma de representação cultural: Reflexões a partir da Antropologia
Judith Ortega Rodríguez - Baile y música en la corte de Carlos III: el espectáculo hípico de “Las Parejas”
João Cristiano Rodrigues Cunha appointed National Coordinator (Portugal) of the EAS - European Association for Music in Schools
Colóquio Internacional de Estudos sobre Memórias, Sons e Textos: festas e representações, entre a subversão e a patrimonialização
Seminar - EAVOCZ: Escala de Apreciação da Voz Cantada
Gathering Cycle - Música Pimba com Rosinha
Documentary - Lopes Graça - 111.º aniversário - o compositor e o documentário
Falando sobre Musicoterapia
Falando sobre: o ensino de música popular
International Conference | EUROVISIONS - 1st Edition | 1st Session
Music and Nationalism
Workshop "Ethnographies of Musical Creativities"
Work Session "Collaborative Knowledge and Dynamic Representation Networks"
Raquel da Silva Aranha
Seminar - The Influence of Piano Technician on the Aesthetic of Piano Sounds Through Practical Application
Seminar - The Art of Memorizing Music
Seminar - The Mafra Carillons
Seminar - Problemas de ressonância: alguns resultados matemáticos com aplicações em acústica
Seminar - Designing the Sonic Environment of a Film
Seminar - A gravação e reprodução em disco de Goma-Laca
Seminar - Overview in Parametric Loudspeaker Array Technology and its Applications in Spacialisation in Electronic Music
Festival Dias de Música Electroacústica | The Soundscape We Live In
Redefining Community in Intercultural Context
Romi, Muzică şi Empatie
Fernando Lopes-Graça e Eugénio de Andrade - O diálogo entre a Música e a Poesia
Chinese Music as Cross-Culture: Call for Papers
Canções de Ida e Volta
Miguel Carvalho has been awarded the "Patent Innovation Award"
Study Days Maestro Manuel Ivo Cruz 2017
2nd Symposium | ICTM Study Group "Audiovisual Ethnomusicology"
Professor Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco distinguished with Gulbenkian Chair
Professor Rui Vieira Nery distinguished with the University of Coimbra Prize
Mapping out the Sounds of Urban Transformation
Luar da Meia-Noite do Grupo Coral "Os Arraianos de Ficalho"
Cantar no Alentejo. A terra, o passado e o presente
Raúl Zurita - Violeta Parra: Doblada de Amor
Martin Clayton - Does Musical Entertainment vary with Culture?
Filippo Bonini Baraldi - O "corpo fechado" : dança, emoção e espiritualidade no Maracatu de baque solto
Film "Strange Fish"
Judith Ortega Rodríguez - La música de Corte en España durante los reinados de Carlos III, Carlos IV y Fernando VII (1759 y 1833): instituciones, prácticas y repertorios
Aurélie Helmlinger - Cognitive Ethnomusicology of Trinidad and Tobago Steelbands: from the Study of Memory to the Musical Ergonomy
Barley Norton - Film Presentation: Hanoi Eclipse: The Music of Dai Lam Linh
Luís Costa Vázquez - O Coralismo Galego como Proxección das Estratexias Nacionalitarias do Galeguismo
2nd Lisbon Conference | Chinese Music and Musical Instruments
Giorgio Adamo - Some experiences of using video for documentation and analysis methodological and technical issues
Roundtable | Research on Chinese Music
International Congress - A Imprensa como Fonte para a História da Interpretação Musical
Fronteiras e Topografias do Poder
Seminar - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (3)
Seminário - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (4)
Seminário - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (6)
Seminário - Cultura, Ciência e Política em Portugal no séc. XX (7)
Doctoral Degree in Music Sciences - Bart Vanspauwen
Livia Jímenez Sedano - Reflexões sobre baile, cultura e emoção a partir dos desencontros na pista de kizomba
Study Day - Memória, Património e Devir: entre Futuros Passados e Tempos Inéditos
Study Sessions and Colloquia - Music and Emotions
Singing the Past - Music and the Politics of Memory
Popular Culture, Race and Colonial Ideology: the Reception and the Practice of Jazz in Portugal during Estado Novo dictatorship
Film Series - Music as Power
Ciclo de Cinema - Music as Power 2017
Novas grandezas que já pareciam impossíveis à imaginação”: a música e as artes visuais na Patriarcal de Lisboa (1716-1834)
Call for Articles for the Portuguese Journal of Musicology
Call for Papers - International Congress "La prensa como fuente para la historia de la interpretación musical"
Jaime Reis. European Tour
Da Real Barraca ao Paço da Ajuda: a música em torno da Família Real
Memórias da Guerra de Espanha na Fronteira do Baixo Alentejo
Vincent Debut wins the Collaborative Research Prize Santander Totta / Universidade Nova de Lisboa
INET-md's Reseachers won the FCSH/NOVA - Santander Totta
INET-md's Reseachers won the FCSH/NOVA - Santander Totta
Annamaria Bonsante - The Sound of Cloisters in the Mediterranean: Women and Devotion in Modern Southern Europe
Pedro Rebelo - Participatory Sonic Arts
Pedro Rebelo - Composing [In] Context
New Database: PortMuse
Release of the New Series of the Portuguese Journal of Musicology
Filippo Bonini Beraldi won the FCT Researcher 2014
INET-md obtained the rating of Excellent on the FCT Evaluation
Job Opening for Assistant Professor in Music Sciences at FCSH
Job Opening for Assistant Professor in Ethnomusicology at FCSH
Research Grants Announcement - BPD and BGCT
Call for Articles to the Portuguese Journal of Musicology
Grants announcement - PhD Program "Music as Culture and Cognition"
Research grants announcement - Research grant as part of the Project PEst-OE/EAT/UI0472/2014
Research Grants Results - Project "Celtism and its impact on music in Galicia and northern Portugal"
Research Grants Announcement - “Celtism and its impact on music in Galicia and northern Portugal”
Research Grants Announcement - Research grant for the project “Jazz em Portugal: Os legados de Luís Villas-Boas e do Hot Clube de Portugal”
Research Grants Results - Two research grants for the project “Celtism and its impact on music in Galicia and northern Portugal”
Research Grants Announcement - Grant competition for project “Celtism and its impact on music in Galicia and northern Portugal”
Research Grants Announcement - Four research grants at INET-MD
Call for Articles - Portuguese Journal of Musicology
Call for Papers - Journées d’Analyse Musicale de la Sfam
Sheet Music - Musical Theatre Repertoire
The Musical Acoustics at the service of Musicology
Antropological Perspectives on Musical Emotion
The (sub)field of popular music production in Portugal: agents, values and ideologies
AL - Audio Laboratory (NOVA | FCSH)
Dulce Simões wins the Research Prize of the City of Almada 2015
INET-md receives the Santander Prize for the Internationalization of the Scientific Production of FCSH 2011
Post-Graduate Program in Acoustics and Sound Studies (FCSH-NOVA)
O Som e o Ecrã: Cinema, Televisão e Indústrias da Música em Portugal no Século XX
Music, Radio and Diaspora: the construction of the identity (ies) of the Portuguese community in the Ille de France region
Film Series - 25 de Abril e depois
Observatório da Canção de Protesto (OCP): INET-md / IHC partnership with the Municipality of Grândola publicly released on September 19th
Salwa Castelo-Branco wins Glarean Award
Frederick Moehn awarded Jaap Kunst Prize
Frederick Moehn awarded Klaus P. Wachsmann Prize
Símbolos de Bronze: representação e tecnologia nos Carrilhões de Mafra
Dancing Ethnicities in a transnational world
The expressive culture in the Portuguese-Spanish border: historical continuity and socio-cultural transformation processes, agents and repertoires in the construction of identities
Opera and Cinema: The Politics of and Encounter
Jornadas Música e Estado I - Música, cultura de corte e poder político em Portugal na época moderna
Cape Verde Music, Nation and World Music: post-colonial poetic and aesthetics
Soirées at Nova - David Murray & José Dias Quarteto | Mo Francesco Quintetto
The Royal and Patriarchal Chapel of Lisbon (1716-1834): international comparisons in the field of court ceremonial and musical practices
Mapping out the Sounds of Urban Transformation: The Renewal of Mouraria’s Quarter
Roundtable: Problems of Representation of Music
Ethnomusicology: Learning, Music and Diversity - Programa Ciência (Investigador FCT)
Performance Practices and citizenship in Primary Education
Alcina Cortez
Bart Vanspauwen
Carla Minelli
Carlos Cavallini
Cristina Fernandes
Diana Vinagre
Dulce Simões
Francesco Valente
Iñigo Sánchez
Isabel Campêlo
João Silva
João Ricardo Pinto
Jorge Freitas Branco
José Dias
Katherine Brucher
Livia Jiménez Sedano
Marco Roque de Freitas
Maria de São José Côrte-Real
Maria João Albuquerque
Miguel Almeida
Pedro Nunes
Pedro Moreira
Ricardo Pinheiro
Ricardo Andrade
Rui Cabral Lopes
Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco
Samuel Araújo
Sofia Vieira Lopes
Susana Belchior
Victor Stoichiță
Filippo Bonini Baraldi
Vincent Debut
Gonçalo Antunes de Oliveira
João Soeiro de Carvalho
Manuel Deniz Silva
Pedro Félix
Rui Vieira Nery
Kimberly DaCosta-Holton
Susana Moreno Fernández
Teresa Cascudo
Vanda de Sá
Pilar Diez del Corral
André Granjo
Andrea Musio
António Tilly
Isaac Raimundo
Jaime Reis
Hugo Castro
Maria Helena Milheiro
Leonor Azedo
Miguel Carvalho
Pedro Boléo Duarte Rodrigues
Pedro Mendes
Tiago Hora
Pedro Roxo
José Cordeniz
Giordano Calvi
Gianira Ferrara
Sofia Lourenço
Pedro Castro
José Leão Neves
Enio Souza
Ana Alarcón Jiménez
Mariana Portas de Freitas
Manuel Morais
Celina da Piedade
Pedro Rebelo
Michael Dias
Maria Espírito Santo
Inês Thomas Almeida
Adriano Oliveira Aguiar
Ana Margarida Cardoso
Avelino Rodrigues Correia
Carla Montez Fernandes
Guillermo Blanes
Helena Vasques de Carvalho
Jaildo da Costa
José Raimundo
José Francisco Pinho
Judith Ortega Rodríguez
Maria Teresa Lacerda
Marílio Cremildo Wane
Tiago Gonzaga Videira
Alix Didier Sarrouy
Carolina Sá
Tiago Fonseca
Tiago Pereira Simões
Edgard Morel Felipe-Alves
Ana Machado
Ricardo Almeida
Caio Mourão
Alexandre Bento
Andrew Snyder
José Miguel Nicolau Pinto
Andrej Kocan
Frederico Bezerra
Alejandro Reyes-Lucero
António Baptista
Regina Eufémia Rocha
Alexandra Urbano
Beatriz Machado
Inês Galvão
César Nogueira
Mauricio Freire Garcia
Rita Santos
Leon Bucaretchi
Célia Sousa Tavares
Gonçalo Prazeres
Nathália Andrião Trotta
Agnès Pellerin
Maria Peres
Filipe Morais
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