Seminar | Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe | Martim Sousa Tavares - The challenges of programming a Music Festival

On the 30th of May, at 10pm, in room B308 (FCSH | Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Torre B, Av. de Berna), the sixth open class of the Seminar Music Festivals in Portugal and Europe will take place, taught by the researcher from INET-md Sofia Vieira Lopes.
This class will have as guest Martim Sousa Tavares, Conductor and Artistic Director of the Sintra Festival, will be dedicated to the theme: "The challenges of programming a Music Festival".
In this session, the speaker will discuss the challenges inherent to the programming of a Festival dedicated to classical music, sharing strategies and making the counterpoint with other projects that he has developed over the past years.
This is the sixth of several sessions open to the community. The next activities will take place on the following dates:
- 02 June: Ana Filipa Carvalho – Director of Teatro Tivoli BBVA – “Production and programming of Music Festivals and large-scale events”