• Dança 4

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)





October 2018 to 2021



Junta de Freguesia de Santa Maria Maior




Iñigo Sánchez  | Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco | Livia Jimenez Sedano | Daniel Malet Calvo | Gonçalo Antunes de Oliveira | Jorge Sequera Fernández | Pedro Rebelo | Daniel Paiva | Matilde Meireles | Rui  Cidra | Jordi Nofre



This project takes the current touristification of historic Lisbon neighborhoods both as a research object and as an analytical lens for investigating the role of sound in the cultural and sensory restructuring of touristified urban spaces in the post-industrial city. The recent promotion of Lisbon as a major tourist destination and the impact of tourism in the social fabric of its historic neighborhoods turn the Portuguese capital city into an interesting case study for this project. The innovative approach to the subject rests on an interdisciplinary interpretive framework built around the notions of sound environment, urban ambiance and sustainability. The core of this research consists on a sensory ethnography of the hostorical Lisbon neighborhoods, including field research, the recording of soundscapes and interviewing local residents, visitors, policy makers and other stakeholders involved in the development of Lisbon as a tourist city. To understand the relationship between tourism and the urban acoustic space the project considers two levels of analysis: (1) Urban policy and city planning, and (2) the everyday urban experience of city dwellers and visitors. It is precisely in the interplay between the urban space as it is conceived by city planners and urban designers and the sensory engagement of city dwellers with the built environment that urban ambiances emerge.


(1) Scientific publications: Each member of the research team will contribute with at least one article published in an international peer-reviewed journal, with the exception of the BI, who will publish 1 article in a national peer-reviewed journal and the IC who will publish two articles in international peer-reviewed journals. These articles will be made available as open-access paying the corresponding fees where necessary. All team members will contribute to the edited book of the project with one chapter. The book will be published in English (with a version in Portuguese, if possible).

(2) Presentation of papers in national and international conferences: The PI will encourage team members to disseminate the progress of their research in national and international conferences, including those organized by the research team. At least each member of the research team will participate in these events. The presentation of co- authored papers will be also encouraged.

(3) Reports: The PI and Co-PI will be responsible to compile the information among team members and to prepare the progress reports to be submitted every year to the funding agency. The research project will also produce one internal report resulting from the data analysis meeting.

(4) Advanced training: We expect the completion of a PhD dissertation and a master dissertation over the course of the project. The project will hire a BI for two years to unsertake field research in order to complete a master dissertation by the end of 2020. One of the team members is currently completing his PhD on a topic directly related to that of the project and his dissertation will be an output of the project too.

(5) Conference organization: We will organize four Project seminars (one in the first year, two in the second year and one in the third year) and a closing international colloquium. We will also host a workshop involving research team members, sound artists, arquitects, urban planners and other stakeholders to think about the future of sustainable sound environments in touristified cities.

(6) Products: A website, a collaborative online soundmap and a series of sound postcards are three of the products with an added-value that result from this project.

(7) Artistic creations: As a result of the community project "Sons do meu bairro", the project will produce a site-specific sound art installation and a series of soundwalks throught the Santa Maria Maior parish open to the general public.


