• Caretos
Inês Thomas Almeida was elected in Brussels as a board member and coordinator of the COST Action Science Communication on print culture in Europe.
On 7 October in Brussels, the INET-md researcher was unanimously elected Coordinator of the Science Communication for the COST Action 23137 PCPSCE: Print Culture and Public Spheres in Central Europe (1500-1800), approved for funding by the COST Association - European Cooperation in Science and Technology. The researcher, who was already a secondary proposer, member of the Management Committee and Representative in Portugal of this COST Action, will now be part of the board of directors, filling one of the Leadership positions in the so-called Core Group. 
Until October 2028, this COST Action will establish research networks to investigate how the printing and circulation of books has shaped public spheres in Europe: how books, both as carriers of content and as objects themselves, have shaped legal aspects, ideas, materiality and discourses in what we call Europe. 
The project already has 85 researchers from 23 countries.
More information available at: https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA23137/