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Integrated | PhD Student
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas | Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Av. de Berna, n.º 26 C
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Beatriz Nunes (1988) lives in Lisbon and studied classical singing at the Escola de Música do Conservatório Nacional. She continued her higher studies in jazz at the Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa. In the same institution, she finished her Master's Degree in Music Teaching with the dissertation “The impact of gender on jazz improvisation learning: a study on confidence and anxiety in three schools”. In 2021, she started her PhD in Musical Sciences at FCSH-UNL with the research project “Doing gender Portuguese jazz education" financed by a FCT PhD Research Scholarship. Beatriz Nunes published the article “The impact of gender on jazz improvisation learning: a study on confidence and anxiety in three schools” in EJazzITE of CESEM-IPL. In November of 2021 the article developed in co-authorship with José Dias (Coventry University) “Festa do Jazz: a case study on gender (im)balance in Portuguese jazz” will be released by Jazz Research Journal, ed. Sarah Raine. There is also a forthcoming chapter in March 2022 Routledge Companion of Jazz and Gender, eds. James Reddan and Monika Herzig, titled “Victims no more: how women and non-binary musicians are collaborating for gender justice in jazz.. She has also contributed with one chapter to the book Women and Jazz, eds. José Dias and Christa Bruckner-Haring, “Female role models in jazz education: a case study in Lisbon's jazz program” to be published by Oxford University Press in 2022. Beatriz Nunes has experience as a jazz teacher at the Hot Clube de Portugal, Barreiro Jazz School, ETIC, Orquestra Geração and Universidade de Évora. Beatriz Nunes is a singer and songwriter, having been vocalist of Madredeus' group since 2011, with whom she recorded “Essência” (2012) and “Capricho Sentimental” (2015). She also published in her own name the albums “Canto Primeiro” (Uguru, 2018) with her jazz quartet and “À Espera do Futuro” (Nischo, 2021) with the trio with Paula Sousa and André Rosinha. She has collaborated with several Portuguese jazz musicians such as Afonso Pais, The Rite of Trio, Pedro Melo Alves. Beatriz Nunes has also participated in classical music projects such as Ensemble MPMP, Sintra Estúdio de Ópera or Coro Gulbenkian.
Doctoral Project
Doing gender in Portuguese jazz education
This study aims to analyze gender performances in jazz students and their relationship with musical performance. An ethnographic methodology will be carried out with students of a class of the professional jazz instrumentalist program in a professional music school. This research intends to observe the music school as a place where gender is symbolically negotiated and performed through discourses and behaviors, being influenced and influencing jazz musical practices. This project follows previous investigation “The impact of gender on learning jazz improvisation” achieved in the Masters in Music Education degree. Several studies focus jazz as a dominant male and heteronormative context replicated by its practices, historical references and narratives (Tucker, 2002, 2005; L. Wehr, 2016; Dunkel, 2014, McKeage, 2004; Annfelt, 2003). Female jazz students' representation continue to be significantly reduced and limited to vocal practice (L. Wehr, 2015, McKeage, 2004). Given the importance of social relationships jazz and improvised music performance (Pinheiro, 2012; Berliner, 1994), it is urgent to understand how gender stereotypes and narratives of femininity and masculinity regulate students' relationships, practices, participation and opportunities to development jazz performance. The fieldwork carried out will contemplate a participant observation of academic contexts and informal interactions between students. Further, it will be analyzed how gender expectations and stereotypes arise in the discursive and performative events and its impact on students' musical practices. An observation grid will be developed to identify discourses and actions of students' gender performances (Pereira, 2012), both in the context of musical performance, as well as in other academic and non-teaching activities. Interviews with students will also be conducted about their perception about learning jazz, through the following parameters: perceptions of gender and jazz musical performance; perceptions about gender and peer interaction; experiences and perceptions of gender violence in the academic context; role models in jazz; motivations for learning jazz; habits of musical practice and listening; academic and professional expectations.
Keywords: Jazz, Gender, Education, Ethnography
Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (2021.05786.BD)