Book Launch | Outros Celtas: Celtismo, Modernidade e Música em Portugal e Espanha

Book Launch | Outros Celtas: Celtismo, Modernidade e Música em Portugal e Espanha
The book launch will take place on February 7th 2023 at 18:00 in the National Library of Portugal, with a presentation by INET-md researcher Jorge Castro Ribeiro and a bagpipe performance by Paulo Marinho.

Edited by Emeritus Full Professor at INET-md | Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, INET-md Collaborator Researcher Susana Moreno-Fernandez and ISCTE Auxiliary Professor here, this book articulates the Celtic imaginary with music, identity and local development policies, Europeanization, transnational exchanges, and the reconfiguration, commodification and mediatization of local musics.
Bagpipes and bagpipe bands are a central place in the construction of regional identities and in the identification with the "Celtic". Festivals and other celebrations have contributed to this, and are analyzed here as configurators of a global celticscape, with new audiences and markets for musicians in this field of creative production.
The authors also look at current evocations of the past based on Celtic music and imagery: fictions, performances, rituals and educational initiatives.
For more information about the book, go to the publisher's page here. For the table of contents, click here.