• Dança 1
This essay starts from the analysis of the song Povo Pequenino, by Fado Bicha (FB), which competed in the Festival da Canção 2022 in Portugal, with the following objectives: 1 - Convey an idea of Portuguese “folklore” and “nation”; 2 - Report the dramas of subgroups traditionally discriminated against by the white Eurocentric pattern (poor, black and/or LGBTQIA+ people). I used the concept of “counter-colonization” as a methodological tool for analysis, deconstruction, reconstruction and creation of knowledge, based on the “escrevivências” of the characters and the duo FB, told by the songs O namorico do André , Lila Fadista and Banzo + Mulher do fim do mundo.
I concluded that the group acted in a counter-colonizing way in all of songs, because, in addition to subverting the colonizer/colonized relationship, placing itself, through its suffering, as belonging to “one” same people and “one” same nation of the characters narrated. FB also adopted innovative strategies to produce knowledge, such as empathy, sharing of feelings, confrontation with “peers” and silence. In addition, the entire creative process of the group was carried out collectively, from the musical composition, through the construction of the arrangements, the recordings, editions and sound artwork; to the creation of costumes, makeup and music videos. This ethnomusicological essay falls within the field of LGBTQIA+, feminist, decolonial, countercolonial, gender and sexuality studies.
Keywords: LGBTQIA+ Studies; Counter-colonization; Suffering; People; Nation.