Call for applicants | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024
The Institute for Ethnomusicology - Centre of Studies in Music and Dance (INET-md) welcomes prospective candidates for Postdoctoral Fellowships within Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions 2024, acting as host institution for applications to be submitted by researchers interested in the areas of:
Its six Research Groups:
- Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies;
- Historical and Cultural Studies in Music;
- Dance Studies;
- Creation, Performance and Artistic Research;
- Education, Music, and Theatre in the Community;
- Music Acoustics and Sound Studies.
Its four Thematic Lines, recently created to articulate synergies in strategic areas:
- Heritage(s), Archives and Museums;
- Studies on Women, Gender and Sexuality;
- Power, Politics and Activism;
- Digital and Technological Performativities.
Brief Description of INET-md
INET-md is a transdisciplinary research center dedicated to the study of music and dance. It aims to consolidate the work being developed in the past three decades by investing in emerging lines of inquiry to address new transdisciplinary research challenges, which, in addition to the academic community, involve national and international institutions and communities, artists and policymakers.
In the following years, ongoing research themes will be further pursued, namely those related to historical studies of music and dance practices and heritage, the study of music and dance as embodied social practices, decolonial perspectives on worldwide cultural flows in the fields of music and dance, experimental approaches in artistic research and sound studies, and the study of formal and non-formal teaching/learning practices and theories.
While nurturing its past successful engagement with these topics, INET-md is strongly committed in the introduction of new research perspectives and topics, which will rely on its unique constitution, integrating a wide range of artistic fields as well as theoretical and practice-based approaches.
How to submit your expression of interest
First, we kindly advise you to look for a potential supervisor for your application and contact her or him beforehand, to check for availability to work together. You may find a list of our researchers' profiles here.
When contacting a potential supervisor, please share a brief presentation of your previous experience and research interests, while advancing the themes of your proposal for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024, having in mind its deadline on September 11, 2024.
Secondly, and according to the supervisor in sight, you shall choose the branch of INET-md where you may develop your research.
INET-md is composed by four branches, each hosted by a different institution of higher education, with its own facilities and managing services: at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NOVA FCSH), at the Department of Communication and Art - Universidade de Aveiro (DeCA-UA), at the Faculty of Human Kinetics - Universidade de Lisboa (FMH-UL) and at the School of Education - Instituto Politécnico do Porto (ESE-IPP).
Accordingly, each branch operates with a specific calendar to provide support for incoming candidates.
Therefore, if you wish to apply with INET-md:
At DeCA-UA, you may submit later on to helena.marinho[at], inetmd.aveiro[at], research[at] (see image below).
For further information on hosting conditions, please contact:
- Department of Communication and Art - Universidade de Aveiro - Helena Marinho (helena.marinho[at]
- Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Manuel Deniz Silva (manueldenizsilva[at]
- Faculty of Human Kinetics - Universidade de Lisboa - Sérgio Miguel Sá (sergiosa[at]
- School of Education - Instituto Politécnico do Porto - Jorge Alexandre Costa (jacosta[at]
For further details on the funding program and eligibility criteria, please check the webpage of Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions.