• Dança 3
Marco Roque de Freitasa researcher affiliated with INET-md, has published the book A Construção Sonora de Moçambique 1974-1994, which is available for the first time in Portugal.
The first edition of this book was published in Maputo, Mozambique, in December 2020 due to the author's ethical commitment to the protagonists featured in it. The present edition has been revised and improved, incorporating corrections and clarifications from public presentations at various scientific events and recently published peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. Multiple subjects are explored, such as musical categorization, phonographic and radio production systems, predominant musical repertoires and groups, the social status of musicians, the role of women artists in Mozambican society, the contingencies arising from musical production in a wartime context, Mozambique's first experiences within the World Music market, as well as the relationship between different sonorous representations and political-social contexts. 
The new book is available for purchase on the publisher's webpage, here.
​© Teatro Praga / Sistema Solar (chancela ed._________ ).

Colection edited by André e. Teodósio and José Maria Vieira Mendes

Graphic Desing: Horácio Frutuoso
Image editing: Maria Teresa Lacerda
Revision: Helena Roldão

This publication was financed by República Portuguesa – Cultura | DGARTES Direção-Geral das Artes. This Research funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), within a Doctoral Scholarship with reference SFRH/BD/101225/2014, and as part of the project PTDC/CPC-MMU/6626/2014: «Timbila, Makwayela and Marrabenta: A Century of Musical Representation of Mozambique», coordinated by Full Professor in Ethnomusicology João Soeiro de Carvalho (NOVA FCSH). This research is also part of the project «Battle of Frequencies: Musical Experience and Radio Propaganda in Times of War in Mozambique (1964-1974)» (2022.03938.CEECIND).