Giordano Calvi

- PhD Candidate
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas | Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Av. de Berna, n.º 26 C
1069-061 Lisboa
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Born in 1979 in Bergamo, Italy, Giordano Calvi took a Master degree in Musicology at the Dipartimento di Musicologia e Beni Culturali di Cremona, Università degli Studi di Pavia with a thesis about connections between music, politics and the invention of identity in Lega Nord party, an Italian extreme right party. His fields of interest are also performance studies, gender studies, invention of tradition and revelries between villages through traditional rituals. With Maurizio Corda filmed 25 short anthropological documentaries concerning life, traditions and identities in Santa Brigida and Cusio, two mountain villages in North Italy. Now he began the PhD at the Departamento de Ciências Musicais da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa with a in development project about the Black Metal in Portugal. He also plays trumpet with “Volks Populi”, a klezmer band who performed in Italy and abroad during the last years. He conducted for the last four year a wind band in Cremona. Furthermore, he taught theory of music and music training in several wind bands and worked as operator of musical theatre workshops in the Teatro alla Scala Academy in Milan.Doctoral ProjectTitleExtreme Screamings: Music and Emotions in Lisbon Black MetalAdvisorFellow ReferencePD/BD/128486/2017
AbstractThe black metal is a musical category that emerged from heavy metal during 1980. It spread almost all around the world, becoming a global phenomenon, although it is limited to an underground music production. The Norwegian black metal could be considered as a base reference in the development of this musical style. The musical characteristics defined by the performers include: the blast beat – an extreme velocity; the mid-tempo – alternating of slow and martial tempos; the screaming – a vocal technique to scream that leads the voice to its expressive extremities; a set of very heavy electrified sounds as a result of violent instrumental techniques playing guitars, drums and electric bass. The lyrics speak above all about misanthropy, Satanism, death, sadness, melancholy and suicide. This study deals with the production of expressivity and, consequentially, with the extreme emotions in black metal music, considering the discourse of the various informants: musicians, musical producers, sound engineers, vocal coaches, editors, fandom and journalists. Especially, the study focuses on the extreme use of the voice, as a significant charging device aesthetic and emotional. As a part of a complex set of sonorities that defines and marks the black metal from other extreme metal music styles, the voice emerges as a distinctive detail in this musical category. The look on the Lisbon musical scene has its explanation by the fact that some of the oldest Portuguese black metal bands are from Lisbon. Fieldwork and a direct and active experience learning the vocal technique will be the leading factors in this specific case study, in order to interpret the relationship between music and emotions inside the Lisbon black metal sceneResearch Group: Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies